Monday, October 10, 2011

The Only survey about Me (the girl behind)

(there are info I don’t communicate here :o I’m sorry. If I forgot someone, tell me please :o))

Name: let’s say Asma Jensen?

Nickname(s): Black Thunder, Jelly,  Melanie Brown, Commander, Her Majesty (really.. but it’s to piss me off), ….

Age: 23

Birthday: August, 31

Birthplace: //

Current Location: Paris, France

Eye Color: Hazel but it gets darker.

Hair Color:  black

Height:  5”57 ish? (a bit less)

Weight: Are you kidding me?

Lefty or Righty: righty

Zodiac Sign: virgo.

What Do You Drive: nothing, but I know how to drive a car :) hehe

Screenname: Here? Asma Jensen


Color: Black and Red

Number: 8

Band: There are too many and various artists, Black Eyed Peas, coldplay, Linkin Park, Fall out Boy,  Panic at the disco, Apocalyptica, etc……(all around the world please

Music: everything except: ZOUK LOVE and ELECTRO (when it’s only music.. I can’t stand it :x)

TV Show: my tv is broken xD but I very often watched, CSI (the 3 series), fringe,  Criminal minds, law and order….

Movie:  I’m going to die! I can’t choose! I have lots :x Inception? Avatar? Transformers 3, Harry Potter 7? (4?)….

Actor: pffiou!! Chris Pine, Will Smith, Robert de Niro Ralph fiennes,,…eeeer?....I can’t CHOOSE!!!!

Actress:  Salma Hayek,  Sanaa Lathan, Aissa Maiga, Emilie Laurent, (some French actresses too)……etc……

Kind of Movie: Action , fantastic, sf.. well inception had it all.. I need drama, love, /action/, something very clever! I love when I have to think when I watch a movie !!! to catch a concept, when it’s too easy to understand it’s bothering me, except when the action is worthy!!!!!!!

Cartoon: My first love was x-men!!! But pffiou, when I was young I watched everything, sailor moon, dbz, silverhawks…

Sport: I love swimming!

Fast Food Restaurant: Mc DO!!!

Food: Chicken

Ice Cream: double vanilla with pecan nuts and chocolate sauce –and whipped cream- and a little biscuit above it all!

Cereal: ANY...

Candy: tagada strawberries!

Drink: Diet Coke

Alcoholic Beverage: red martini


 “if you can’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything!” –the old guy in sucker punch-

“Life is a bitch, so FUCK IT” (I don’t know who said that!)

“Women are beautiful, no matter their high, their weight.. a curvy body, thick body is as appealing as a skinny one –natural skinny-  a woman I can fall in love with, is a woman who assumes her body and is happy with what God gave her. They are much prettier when they don’t have all those self-issues the current western society wants to give them” (an artist about his work on thick women)

“SAVE THE BOOTY!!!” (another artist!)

“What I like about my girlfriend?  It’s not what people will think. It’s not because I’m Asian and she’s a black woman that I love her! Her (I forgot her name) skin is sexy to me, appealing but it’s not what makes me love her. She is a strong  beautiful woman, very generous and kind. I want to be the best for her and she wants to be the best for me. It’s a mutual feeling. My parents don’t like her only because of her skin colour and the shock of culture. But I don’t mind, all I want to say is that, we’re not a shock of cultures, we’re making ours with what we have, what we are and it works for me. That’s all that matters” –I can’t forget THAT!! It was a hawt  American (but with Korean  origin) boy (and I mean it, he was HOT- who said that, A friend of mine who works in an association which promotes tolerance showed it to me. =)

{---Do You---}

Have any siblings: yes!

Have any pets: Used to, they’re all dead.. now I can’t stand any pet :/

Have a job: Unfortunately, yes. (but it’s temporary)

Have a cellphone: yup

Have any special talents or skills: pffffff I can’t tell :o I can’t judge my own things, but I do more than writing and drawing. I also sing ^^

Have any fears: Failure. And die alone….

Have a bedtime: when I work: 2 am, when I don’t?.. errr?

Sing in the shower: Yep.

Want to go to college: Already did.

Get along with your parents: we are like cats ;3 one second we are loving each other and the second after it’s WWIII

Have any piercings: My ears

Have any tattoos: no and won’t, I have a phobia of needles


Smoke: No do you want to kill me? I have Asthma.

Drink: only when I feel it’s the moment - meaning during a super dinner in a classy place or during a real good party.. but I don’t need to drink to feel the vibes on the dancefloor

Do Drugs: pfffff no

{---Love & All That Crap---}

Ever been in love - Yes

Ever cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend – nope never

Are you single -  yep

Are you in a relationship – erm.. and above then?

Do you have a crush on someone –  actually? No

Ever been dumped - Yes.

Ever dumped someone - Yep.

{---This or That---}

Fruit or Vegetable – fruits!

Black or White - Black

Lights On or Lights Off - Off

TV or Movie – Movie but I’m a tv addict

Car or Truck - Car

Cash or Cheque - Cash.

Rock or Rap - Rock. (because the real good rap is dead.. when they had something else to talk about than cars/sluts)

Chocolate or Vanilla –Chocolate AND vanilla!

French Toast or French Fries ....French toast

Strawberries or Blueberries - Strawberries.

Cookies or Muffins – cookies, I love when it melts on the tongue!

Winter Break or Spring Break –winter for the presents!

Hugs or Kisses - Depends who.

{---Have You Ever---}

Danced in a public place - Yes...

Smiled for no reason - Yep.

Laughed so hard you cried - many times

Talked to someone you don't know - yep

Drank alcohol - Yes.

Done drugs - no

Partied 'til the sun came up – yup, usually each time I party it’s until the sun comes up

Gotten a ticket - Yes

Been arrested - nah

Been convicted of a crime - No

Been in a wreck – hu?

Been out of the country – Yep, yep , yep

{---Random & Silly Junk---}

Are you a virgin - ///////// it’s none of your business

Ever TP'd someone's house - nah

Ever egged someone's house – nah

How many languages do you speak – 4 (Spanish, English, French and Japanese with a bit of my mother’s dialect

Who do you compare yourself to – my twin (we don’t look  the same) always but not with jealousy anymore :o

Ever regret anything - Lots of things.

Do you like being tickled – YES I’m so ticklish it’s a shame!

What are your goals -  I want to be satisfied of my life the day I die.

Are your fingers tired – nope!

Are you tired of this survey – hum maybe?

Are you happy – right now? NO!!! I don’t wanna die, but I kinda wanna to…. I hate my boss!! And my co-workers..bunch of sluts who think that because they’re lighter and thinner than me, they can insult me.. bunch of cows.. they really think the bosses respect them? He keeps insulting them..maybe it’s my epic win, because I know..and they don’t! and a lot of other issues ^^”

A french poem to introduce to the Belle

Ô belle inconnue, Jeune femme perdue

Sais tu seulement ce que tu sacrifie à ce bel éphèbe ?

Peut être est ce parce que tu penses avoir une âme faible

Mais le cœur a ses raisons que la raison n’a pas.

Pauvre enfant malheureuse !

Ô belle étrangère, jolie bergère

Qui garde les moutons de mon cœur, je t’observe

Et la seule pensée qui me traverse c’est celle me disant à quel point

La Tragédie est un genre qui te sied bien.

Pourqoi tant de peine ?

Pourquoi ne souris tu pas, ma douce amie ?

Pourquoi es tu donc si triste ?

Serait ce l’amour qui t’a blessé, le vilain ?

Ou alors l’amitié qui t’a éprouvé, comme un vile faquin.

T’es tu fait avoir ?

Ô Naive naïade, innocente brebis

J’écoute tes complaintes silencieuses car seul ton cœur crie

J’entends ces mots que tu ne saurais dire

Et les porte en mon sein pour soulager ta peine.

J’aimerai tant t’aider.

Pourquoi ne souris tu pas, ma douce amie ?

La vie est trop courte pour la gâcher ainsi

A chaque moment de peine, penses donc à moi

A ces moments s’ajouteront ceux de joie !

Je m’y attèle donc !

Penses, penses donc ma douce enfant,

Car au final, peut être que tes tourments

Connaitront une fin, et te laisseront vivre

Car au final ma mie, il serait temps de le faire…

Laisse toi donc faire