Saturday, May 18, 2024

TB: the most handsome // I thought I could live without Sara

 "I love to see John become more confident as we go out. With his hair dyed in black and a light stubble on his chin nobody can figure out he is Homelander.  I love to see him feel relaxed, do away with the  stress of  performing in front of an audience. I love to see him be his own person and be himself with me.  

He is the most handsome man I have ever seen but you know what I love the most about him? His wits. I love when we talk and the way he stares at me. I love it when he makes me feel like the best person he's ever met. But, more than anything, it is a priviledge to watch him get comfortable in his own skin, as himself, as John. I love him."


"There is Sara and there is Unnamed Girl.  I thought I could live without Sara because Unnamed Girl was the one who got most of the love.  I wanted to drown the true version of myself since she was hated by those close to me. It could have worked, it would have worked if I had not met The Homelander. He saw through me. He saw the real me. He loves me for me and no one can ever take it away from me."

Klasma I understand you more than you know.

 When you're cursed for as long as I have been cursed, you realize that you're ready to do anything for an instant relief. 

You're ready to get on your knees and beg for a quick death for it seems a better option than staying alive. 

My curse isn't just immortality. I literally have the essence of 30 witches and my supreme tormenting me when it's very quiet.  I am vulnerable to vervain, to silver, to anything that could be deadly for another but a witch.  my nerves are on fire when I am angry, when, I am feeling pain, when I am upset... And the only way I could find some relief is when I either hurt someone, when I express my feelings or when I help others. 

So you see, I understand you way more than you give me credit for. 

Doya: Oya's greatest fear

One of Oya's greatest fears was to become so comfortable in her situation that she would stop being careful. She would gain too much confidence in their ability to survive the odds. She would become more reckless and with a blink of an eye, she would lose everything. In their line of work, they couldn't be careless. They had to be ready for the other shoe to drop. Joshua was too comfortable and he ended up crippled so severely that he couldn't go on the field anymore. Sarah was trying her best to keep her eyes peeled to protect her family but she was the one who warned Oya about being too comfortable. 

Yes, her kids and husband could notice supernatural creatures. Yes, they could defend themselves now after an intense training. Yes she felt relieved in knowing they wouldn't be helpless against  the monsters they might encounter but still... still.. She found herself feeling too comfortable at times and that was where they were the most vulnerable. Oya was no exception to the rule. She had to be careful at all times if she didn't want to lose her family. 

The honeymoon -not the official name of Dean and Oya's little getaway trip- was making her feel comfortable. For a hot minute, she forgot that they weren't 100% safe from an attack. She forgot that they would have to wake up and work every single day of their lives until their demise. Yet, it felt good to be able to wake up and go on about their business as if there was no danger lurking in the darkness. It felt good to have simple desires, to wake up and enjoy the day as if they weren't one bloodbath away. She enjoyed to be pain-free for a couple days, a luxury for hunters. A luxury for her. A comfortable life where the only worry she had was to cuddle her husband. Still... Deep down, she couldn't fully relax. She couldn't truly ignore the truth of the world and the supernatural surrounding them. But what if she did?

Got (regular): He was her golden Lion

 He was the Golden Lion, the golden son of House Lannister, the favourite child of Tywin Lannister. Perhaps his survival was pure luck, perhaps it was meant to be... Bäahal didn't care. He was alive and he was back in her life. Now betrothed, in a decision made out of love for her by the queen, Bäahal was only looking forward to living with him. She would experience what it was to be a wife, and gods willing, a mother. She would give him support, she would give him love, she would make sure that he lives the life he should have. A life where he was Jaime. A life where he was a husband and a father. A life where he wasn't alone. She would make sure to help his sister, her sister-in-law and best friend, Kyra Lannister. SHe would keep on working tirelessly to protect them the best she could. She would... love them. Yes. Love them the best way she could.

GOT: (modern): I wish

I am thinking about my mother...About how I wish she was still alive so she could see me today. Her daughter held onto her education and principles. I didn't let anger taint my heart. I didn't grow bitter. I am just me...

I wish she could see that I made a friend. That I found love. That I am doing alright. I wish... I wish...oh.. mom! How I miss you.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Lux Adora: An old face

// Just wanted to try my hand at my little Lux. 


Lux crossed her legs and pushed her sunglasses up the bridge of her nose. She played with her ring, a blessed artifact that allowed her to day walk. She dressed casually, which was odd for a creature that loved fancy clothes. Instead of luscious and frilly dresses, she opted for black pants with a white vest and a silky white blouse. Her red hair was tied in a high ponytail and her feet were adorned by a pair of black stilettos.  Her head was heavy with worries. Her Fath---Sire had become more and more unhinged. He tried to lock her in their current home, He was constantly restless and with a very volatile temper. It became challenging to talk to. How could she convince him to let her explore the world and resume her life instead of hiding from an unknown threat? Why didn't he want to talk to her? Who would possibly want to attempt on their lives if not vampire hunters? Weren't her Sire powerful enough to get rid of them? Wasn't she powerful enough to handle them herself?  

" You don't have to hide Alceste. I know you're here." -She whispered, slowly rubbing her finger around the rim of her glass-

"I wonder what betrayed me this time." -He chuckled and pulled a chair towards him so he could sit on it.-

Alceste was a handsome young man, forever stuck in his 20's he had luscious brown hair that teased his shoulders and beautiful blue eyes. He always dressed his best and followed the latest fashion trends, hence why he picked a well-cut black suit that fitted him to perfection. He looked at Lux and lifted a brow, noticing she wasn't dressed in her usual fancy attire. If he didn't know better, he would have thought that she couldn't find anything that suited her but that wasn't the case. She deliberately decided to dress like this. 

"Your footsteps. They are very distinct, I could recognize you anywhere." -She mentioned, tilting her head towards him so he could see her flash a grin.- "Why are you here? Is Father sending you?"

"You know damn well that if he did, I would have been far more violent with you."

"Aaawww, Alceste, how cute of you." -She lifted a brow- "I would give you points for trying though." -She kept running her finger over the rim of the glass.-

Alceste furrowed his brows, annoyed at her subtle jab at him and his powers. Yes, Lux was far more powerful than she let on, but he wasn't weak either. They fought a couple times in the past, starting from the day they met for the first time.  She cultivated her power and grew even more powerful as time went by. Alceste knew better than to tackle her without any preparation. She knew his frustration about their power gap and was amused by it. On another day, she would have teased him about it, but she was far too preoccupied to indulge in her favorite pastime.

"Lux. I am not looking for a fight.  Father has been asking about you for weeks, so I decided to search for you."


"And... I wanted to ask you why you left us." -She furrowed her brows and put both arms on the table.- "That is how Father feels about your absence. He worries that something might happen to you."

"If it does I can handle it.  Father is always speaking as if I was made of glass. I am not going to break, Alceste. /I/ am going to break anyone who comes my way." -She wrinkled her nose and flashed her fangs in a smirk-

"I know you're powerful, you don't need to convince me, Lux. You vanished without leaving a message. You last tried to contact us a few weeks ago. I don't know if you're upset with me, or with Father.. and if so, why would you be? He is looking out for us."

"He is suffocating us! He's never warned us about vampire hunters like this before. He's never considered humans to be a threat. All of a sudden we have to hide and cower in the dark? Either he knows something we don't, or he's losing his mind. Which is which?"

"He has not lost his mind, sister. I think he might be hiding something from us. You assume that the enemy is human... But what if it was supernatural? What if we had to face werewolves, witches... and I don't know what else?" -He curbed a brow and grabbed her glass of wine to take a sip from it-

"Nonsense! there is a truce between our species. To say otherwise would mean that we're on the brink of a war. Do you realize what that means?" Her red eyes flashed a bright light and she tapped her fingers against the table-

A war? A war in the supernatural world? It couldn't be. If there was a war, then they shouldn't be hiding but rather participate in the war, gather with their kin, and organize their defense. She would have felt it while walking the Earth. She would have noticed it. Lux prided herself in being clever and observant. A piece of the puzzle was missing and she had no idea of what it could be. A war would be a catastrophe for every supernatural creature and she couldn't see what would be the benefit of having one, especially with the threat of hunters.  Lux was cocky but she wasn't stupid, humans had the means to defeat her, with one clever plan and a flawless execution she could be dead and if they could come up with a plan to defeat her, they would come up with a plan to destroy the rest of the supernatural world. Why would they risk it?  She pinched her lips together and crossed her legs. Alceste noticed she was even more nervous given the way she was tapping her nails against the table. 

"I understand what it means. I do not think that the supernatural world is going to war. However, Father is terrified. Something is coming for us and he wants to make sure that you're safe."

"I would not come back until I know for sure what he is hiding from us. Keep your eyes peeled, Alceste, because if even Father doesn't want to tell us what he's afraid of, then the threat is bigger than we can imagine. Nothing human... Maybe not supernatural... Perhaps he's worried about his own Sire."

"An even older vampire? Does it exist? I thought they had all been killed."

"Perhaps... Perhaps not. We weren't there so what exactly do we know about who's dead and who's alive? Rumors have it that the prime vampire is still alive but still sleeping and would only awake when we would need him. Rumors have it... that older vampires were not all killed, so who knows? Watch after Father, brother. I would find out what is going on and when I have, I would find you again."

He put his hand over hers, his blue orbs stared at her face and he gently stroked the back of her hand. She averted her eyes from their hands to his face, meeting his worried gaze. Where was the annoying brother who couldn't wait for her to leave their home? Where was the stubborn vampire who thought he was better than her and wanted to prove himself to their Sire? Instead, Alceste was a worried creature, with a strain on his face she had not noticed before. He usually had a smirk on his face and an air of superiority that rarely vanished, so to see him feel this upset, and twisted her intestines. She smiled at him and removed her hand to pay and stand up. 

"Lux..." -She glanced at him.- "Father misses you. He laments your absence every single day so perhaps, before you go, you could say something for him?"

"Always so sentimental.." She shook her head and gave him a soft smile. "Tell Father that when I see a sparrow, it reminds me of him."

And before he could say anything about it, Lux had walked away from the table. Despite her behavior, she was actually happy to see her sibling. They argued a lot but they cared for one another. She was pleased to see him but it only increased her worries. Something was brewing in the air.  Something sinister.

Monday, May 13, 2024

COPG: Life and Death of Gaea: Mother's Day

"She wasn't a mother. No matter what her title said, the All-Mother was everything BUT a mother to her children. She loved her brother-husband Khaos more than any of their offspring. She loved herself even more than Khaos yet the goddess always cultivated the image of an all-loving Mother to all living creatures. 

She was vain. She was a backstabbing bitch. She was determined to survive even if that meant betraying her daughter to achieve it. From the moment Khaos and her conceived Elpis, the "truth" was that she was their lovechild, a truly desired child born out of true love. Yet, the reality of the situation was different. She was something they feared, something they tried to control. She was a creature far more powerful than they could ever be so they tried to beat her mind into submission. They tried to lock her in a golden cage. And they failed! 

Elpis didn't like those mortals' celebrations, why would she celebrate a goddess who wasn't a mother to her?  No. She didn't need Gaea! She was her own mother!"

Colby: Mother's Day

Helen Bridges wasn't a mother. She never wanted to be one, so much so that when she ended up pregnant with Mary, she cried her soul out and cursed that demon inside her. It was a fling, a curiosity she had for men with darker skin. It wasn't meant to be serious but rather teach her how to become a proper lover. She chose to leave Jamaica once the bad news fell upon her. She chose to deliver that "thing" in the secrecy of a coven so she could abandon "the thing" to the nuns. She never looked back and hoped for that creature to die in its infancy. 

She lived her best life as a single bachelorette. A beautiful and rich blonde woman who was clever enough to navigate the cruel world of the 1920s British empire.  All would have been well if the spies she sent after Mary's traces had not found the woman. Mary... that child was still alive and became a young woman. A black woman whose features betrayed the debauchery her mother partook in. It was decided that Mary had to be dealt with.

Mary? Oh, she had been a mother. It only lasted 30 minutes before her son Paul, died in her arms but she became a mother, too young to understand what was going on. Too miserable to handle the loss of her son. So Mother's Day was also her day. She was a mother, of one child who was no more and the child she embraced as her own. Charlie, Tom's child was now her own son.  She was a mother, so on this day, she intended to celebrate it as such. Charlie brought him a bouquet and wrote a poem he read to her. How could she not be happy? How could she not be? Happy Mother's Day to her.

TB: Mother's Day

Mother's Day has always been something difficult for me to celebrate. I had egg and sperm donors but never had parents. I had a woman who tried to mold me into her perfect little money-making doll so I could sustain her gambling addiction. I had to be the prettiest little girl, the hard-working little girl, the future member of the "Seven", the one who would make them rich and famous. The joke's on you mama...Your greed got you killed by Vaught and set me free from both Dad and you.  Your death set me free from a family of vultures and manipulative assholes. Your death brought me the only woman I respect: Dotty. 

She took me in when she didn't have to. She saw the potential I had and listened to my dreams. She made them come true! I owe her the career I have today because she pulled the right strings, she knew the right people who were able to give me a chance. She took care of me, Mama. She took care of my bruised ego, and my broken self-worth, and nursed me back to health. She watched after me and allowed me to make mistakes without humiliating me for them. She allowed me to exist and helped put me back into one piece after each heartbreak. She was the mother you could never be. She deserves her flowers and my love, my eternal gratitude for loving me in her own way. So, happy Mother's Day, Dot! 

Happy Mother's Day to all the good mothers out there, for all the fathers pulling double duty, for all the family members taking on the role as well, for the guardians, and for all of those who are present in the lives of children.

TB: Vanity

How to put it kindly?... 

I'm dog-walking you when it comes to charts and fame. 

I'm dog-walking you when it comes to beauty and hotness! 

I know imitation is a sense of flattery, but truth be told, I just think it's a lame attempt at doing something right in your life. So don't imitate, do yourself!

TB: Ride or Die

You always manage to make me forget what I wanted to say. Somehow you manage to silence my demons. Somehow you manage to make me feel safe. 

I have never been loved the way you love me. I have never been seen the way you see me. I can't find the right words to express my gratitude but I am determined to love you harder than ever, more than you've ever been loved. I'm your ride-or-die, baby. This is how it is, then, now and forever!

Doya: Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day. It's such a bittersweet day for me, come to think of it.  I miss my mom. I miss her tremendously.  She would have loved Dean and the family I made with him and Team Free Will. She would have told him to care for me. She would have insisted on feeding him when he would visit her. She would have loved him. She would have loved this life for me. 

I miss my mom. I miss going to her for advice. I miss talking to her for hours about the cases I worked on and for her to tell me "My daughter is so strong! My daughter is so clever! I'm so proud of you, Oya." I never told Dean that I had forgotten the sound of her voice, I have nothing left except pictures and not being able to remember breaks my heart. I miss my mom... But I am so happy she was my mother. I am so humbled by the life we shared together. 

So, Mom, I don't know if you can hear me, but if you are: Happy Mother's Day. I hope you and the family are enjoying yourselves in Heaven. I hope you are proud of me, root for me, and look after me from above. 

Happy Mother's Day. To you and all the moms!

GoT: Mother's Day

My mother was a resilient woman who knew how to turn tragedy into strength. She could have fed me to the wolves given the circumstances of my birth. She could have killed me with her own bare hands as well. Yet, instead of the heinous crime at the origin of my existence, my mother loved me with all she had. She wanted to give me a good life. Until the end, she sacrificed herself so I could live. She lost her life in her attempt to smuggle me out of Mereen, out of slavery and while she failed to do so and paid the highest price, I always respected my mother. I always loved her. I am still mourning for her. 

There were days when I wished she was alive so I could show her that she didn't sacrifice her life for nothing. I want to show her that I made our dream come true and hurt the people who hurt us. I want to show that I am healing and that I am enjoying my newfound freedom. I want to show her that her little girl became a fierce warrior and that no one would hurt me ever again. I want... I wish... I wish I could show her the life I have made today, with a sister who is now sitting on the iron throne, with a betrothed who is caring for me and would give his life in a heartbeat, and with a best friend who I love tenderly and who cares for me as well. 

So, mother, I hope you're watching from above. I hope you see all the things I've done since you left me. The years of pain, solitude, and exploitation came to an end. Finally, we can rejoice in happiness. finally! 

Happy Mother's Day, from your forever child. 

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers around the world.

Klasma: Mother's Day

Mother's Day... 

I don't remember my mother anymore. I don't remember the sound of her voice, the color of her eyes, how her lips turned into a smile... I don't even remember her scent. Perhaps if I took a potion or cast a spell on me I could remember it all, but it seems like opening an old wound. She died more than 800 years ago, I can't possibly remember her. 

I was indifferent to the holiday, well, not exactly. It is like a crashing wave, grief that is. Sometimes I hurt and it makes the curse even more painful. Sometimes I don't feel a thing. Sometimes I am filled with regrets and anger... Sometimes I just like to see mothers being celebrated. My supreme was some sort of mother figure to me, but she betrayed me when she cursed me. All for what? For helping the Mikaelsons? For putting her teachings into practice and not harboring hatred in my heart?  How ironic is it that her life force is now entwined with mine and the 30 other witches she killed to perform her spell? How ironic is it that in a way, she's now part of me and I hear her whispers at night or when I am frightened? 

Hecate is my mother. She is the patron saint of the Witches, after all, the mother of all the Dark arts.  Hecate is the goddess I worship alongside Gaea who lends me her strength when I have to cast a spell. Hecate, at least, would not betray me and would not be forgotten. Hecate, at least, is the Mother of them all and through her, I hope, I can reach out to my own mother so she could see me in the After, behind the veil. 


I hope so.

Klasma: Beware the witch

"Magic is not for the faint of hearts. When you practice it at the level I do, you become one with it both in body and in mind. 

I always say that I am a healer, and this is true. 

However, you wouldn't want to meet me when I am angry.  You wouldn't want to face me when I target you because I promise you that when I am done with you, your soul will be begging for complete annihilation."

Monday, May 6, 2024

COPG: "Elpis the New All-mother"


As pretty and as deadly as one goddess can be. 

the goddess of Light and Hope who learned to tap into chaos. 

Daughter of Gaea and Khaos. Daughter of Life and Chaos.

As pretty and as deadly as True Balance can be. 

She was nothing of the dainty little goddess they thought she was.

On the contrary, She was as merciful as she was depraved.

As pretty and as deadly as the future New-All Mother can be.

Ruler of Earth, Queen of the Underworld, Pride's Light (or wife)

She had many titles, and soon maybe Empress of the Universe.

Pretty and deadly. 

Patient but sometimes short-tempered.

Merciful but not weak.

Kind yet sometimes cruel. 

Elpis was larger than life.

Elpis  "was" Life. 

Doya: enjoying our honeymoon

Still enjoying our honeymoon. 

I....never thought there'd be a honeymoon for me. Come to think of it, how could I be in the world we live in and the job we do? yet here we are. 

We promised each other that it would be a pain-free trip. We promised that we would make the best out of those holidays. So we're doing it. 

I can't believe it...

GoT: "a desire to become a mother."


The princess once thought about becoming a mother. It was a long time ago when freedom was nothing but a concept. It seemed to be such an impossible dream for her that it only lasted a short while. Her former Master made sure she never got pregnant from his clients. He couldn't possibly accept "tarnish" her beauty and make her less valuable, so he made sure to give her mysterious potions and she never conceived. 

Today things were different and her thoughts came back in full force. She had dreams about it again and she imagined her round belly, her heavier figure, and her bountiful silver locks. She imagined Jaime's soft arms wrapping around her frame, his soft beard rubbing against the soft chubby skin of her cheek.  Would she be a good mother? Bäahal hoped so.  She wished to be.

TB: "trust"

What does it feel like to be lonely at the top? 

Safe would be the first word to come to mind. 

Desperate would be the second one. 

I stripped all of my layers for you, trusting you will care for the real me.

I lowered all of my defenses for you, trusting that you will care for me.

It's because I wanted you, baby. I wanted all of you. 

It's because I trusted you, baby. you'll never hurt me.

I know, I know that I have been had in the past. Put my trust in the wrong people. Gave my love to the wrong people.

But I know that I'm in the right with you.

I know that I'm the right one for you. 

I know that you love me.

You love me.

Don't you baby?

Klasma: witches are led astray

Witches these days are led astray. Some worship false gods in hopes of becoming more powerful. Some try to replace our Gods and even worse, Mother Nature herself. 

After 800 years of walking on Earth, I can feel it, the change in the air, and the forces we tap in. My goddess, our patron saint Hecate is losing power so I will take it upon myself to help her the best way I can. Should she answer my prayers? Should she want my help? 

Witches these days are led astray...and they're misguided if they think they can take me by themselves. I'm not just powerful darlings, I know how to fight. Even better, I know how to play with your lives. So please, try me.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Colby: She had the loveliest smile

She had the loveliest smile of Birmingham, but she only saved it for very few people to see.  Tommy would always suggest an idea, something to entertain the child when in reality, he wanted to see her smile. When Mary smiled, her whole face lit up and she was relaxed. There was no frown left on her forehead, no worries in her mind. Her cheeks would turn red and she would rub the tip of her nose and scrunch it up a little bit. 

When she smiled, Tommy forgot about his own issues. For a brief moment, there was only Mary and him. There was only the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen, smiling because of him, smiling because she was happy to see him. She didn't smile that much, to be honest, Mary was quite difficult to read. Her face was cold, like a beautiful Greek sculpture. Her face was beautiful but inaccessible to the ones who didn't truly know her. but for him? For him, she smiled. For him, she opened up. For him, she had the loveliest smile of Birmingham. 

Got 'modern": I love you

We met by chance and at the most unlikely place at that! I remember how scared I was that this would just be a fleeting dream and soon enough, you would grow bored of me. I was afraid that you would leave because I wouldn't be enough...How silly of me. How silly of me...You love me and you always made sure I knew you did. You love me...and you never let go of my hand. So I'll make sure to keep our fingers entwined. 

GOT: the love of her life

He was the Golden Lion, the favorite son of Ser Tywinn. He was the Oathbreaker, the Kingslayer, the incestuous fucker. He was the Golden child, the best of them all but at the same time, he was also seen as a monster. He was the one who pushed a child to his death out of love and loyalty toward his sister. He was a lot of things, wasn't he? 

To Bäahal, Jaime was a man of honor, a man who would do anything to protect those he loved, a man who sacrificed his life to save humanity during the Long Night. He was a man who loved, a man who was willing to lose the chance to be with her for her own sake. He was a good man. To Bäahal, Jaime was a man with honest eyes, someone she could trust without thinking twice about it. She knew he sinned in the past and she didn't absolve him of his crimes. She simply saw the man he still was. He was the love of her life after all.

Doya: it's you and me

It's you and me for all eternity. 

it's you and them a happy family. 

It's you and me, for all eternity. 

And I do feel blessed to wake up to you. 

I do feel blessed to hold onto you at night.

I do feel good to have someone to care for.

it's you and me for all eternity.

I found a reason to live in you, a home, my home... my safest place Dean! All in you! 

I found a reason to trust again, to love again, a reason for me to keep fighting, in you! 

It's you and me, for all eternity.

Doya headcanon: Selfies

Oya loves sending Dean selfies. While she loves to wear comfortable outfits, she does love a little bit of sexy lingerie and beautiful fabrics and designs. Oya's love for selfies isn't new, everyone knows she needs to take a lot of pictures of herself when she visits new places, when she wears lovely/ sexy outfits.. or when she sees beautiful custom weapons. She always makes time to take a selfie for Dean, especially when they aren't going to see each other for a while. 

Klasma: headcanons: Klaus' hybrid face.

Klaus' hybrid face: 

The witch isn't scared of Klaus' true face. She even encourages him to turn into a hybrid and makes a point of showing him how appreciative of his true nature she is. It is a face she became possessive of (because, well, you know she is in love with him). It is a face that is a part of him -and not something he has to be ashamed of-.  It took a while for Klaus to fully grow comfortable with the idea that there was someone who genuinely loved his face.

Klasma: True about her feelings

She couldn't hide her emotions. It wasn't truly a matter of "not being able to" hide them.  Au contraire! She could but her curse made it more painful for her to keep those emotions in check. Not expressing those feelings felt like being stabbed. Her nerves were on fire, her veins protruded, and her heart started to beat faster and harder. She was in pain and the more she resisted, the more painful her body felt. 

So instead of hiding her feelings, she wore them on her sleeves. She expressed them regardless of how violent they were or how vulnerable she felt. because of that curse, Nëela decided to speak about her feelings. She decided to speak and lash out and cry if that was needed. She decided to be honest with herself and with the people she interacted with. Hence why Klaus knew she was sincere when she said she wanted to live with him. Hence why Klaus knew she longed to be freed from her bond to Elijah. Hence why Elijah realized that he fumbled this relationship with her... He hurt her and she would make him pay for it. 

TB: "Smoke and mirrors"

Smokes and mirrors... 

The whole show business is all about wearing a mask. 

You have to pretend that you're above the pain they want to inflict on you. You have to pretend you don't feel bad when they betray you. 

So you sing about how you eat your enemies for breakfast. You sing about being better than the rest of them. you sing about being so damn good that there is no competition but deep down you know you're just full of shit. 

You think "Maybe if I fake it, It'll become true",  and you will do your best to make it happen... But you know deep down that it's a pack of lies you must carry to cope with the hard truth. 

Be fake, keep smiling, and maybe people will end up loving you. 

Be fake, keep smiling, perhaps you'll start to believe the shit you keep singing about. 

Smoke and mirrors. 

The show business could swallow you whole. 

It would chew on you and would spit you out.

It's not for the faint of hearts. 

It's not for the faint of hearts.

Lucky for me, I am not weak.