Monday, April 28, 2014

You put up a good fight

"You put up a good fight."

Congratulations, you can stop struggling.
Take a break, breathe...enjoy the moment and the silence.
The voices in your head will stop talking, leaving you to your rest.
Your bloody hands are sore, your heart is beating peacefully
Are you satisfied? Are you proud?
You should be, you survived this round, you'll survive the other one.
Actually... you'll survive all the others.
Because this strength is already there, inside of you.
It's waiting for the right moment to shine, to prove you wrong.
Forget all the wrongs, the self-blaming, the self-beating.
Embrace the warrior you became.. the warrior you always were.
It'll make your days better, the fights easier.
Embrace, embrace.. rejoice.. become.

"I know I did, you haven't seen the best of me just yet."