Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Doya : Her birthday -planning with the brother-

A/N: This is another random solo that is about Oya's birthday, Of course, she pretends she doesn't want it to be celebrated but the brothers actually are planning something, They are talking about her while on a mission but it is mostly a Sam oriented piece. I very much liked the « family » one.

Sam and Dean stopped by a dinner, so they could replenish their empty stomachs and discuss their current case. Many young girls have disappeared some turned out dead from what seemingly was a hex but others turned out dead from what seemed to be a werewolf. Witches and Werewolves didn't work together so it was more of a mystery than the brothers actually liked, Sam tried to research the tiny bits of clues left here and there on the crime scenes but he wasn't able to find anything remotely interesting, However in three days it would be Oya's birthday and Sam wanted to discuss this with Dean while they were eating. It wasn't every day that they were able to plan something so positive in their lives, Dean and Sam didn't exactly celebrate their birthdays. Actually, they would rather avoid the day altogether but Oya came in and she insisted on offering them presents, celebrating their birthday with them with just a muffin and a candle. It was odd but it already felt different, better, soothing, Of course, they both wanted to give it back to her but had not explicitly talked about it.

« I think we should talk about the elephant in the room don't you think? » -Sam started while he took a bite at his steak. Dean's phone was ringing from all the texts Oya was sending him. At this time of the day, Sam knew better than to ask what Dean and Oya said to each other. It was pretty obvious that they were sexting, or at least Oya was and that Dean had to keep a straight face to prevent Sam from guessing that was happening. But Sam was observant so it was a lost cause. Dean lifted his face when he heard Sam talk. His jade eyes stared into his brother's with mischief.-

« Oya's birthday is in three days. I know. »

« What do you think we should do? I don't know what she would want, we never really talk about what she wants. » 

« She likes ugly aprons and sweaters, maybe we could find her something corny? I know she loves weapons too so we could get her a blade? »

« We could yeah... » He trailed off. « Look, I would try to see if I can find a nice blade for her. You, you look at those damn ugly things. »

« It's not enough that she offers them to me despite knowing I would say no over and over again and now I have to look up for these atrocities? Sammy ! »


What ? » Sam chuckled, he actually enjoyed the idea of having Dean search for ugly aprons or sweaters. Dean groaned, annoyed at the idea of actually searching for those items. He wanted to give Sam that duty and focus on searching a great blade for his girlfriend but Sam didn't let him.

« Sammy! Come on ! Go look for ugly sweaters and give me the weapon search instead. »

« You know her tastes better than I do. So no. You are on sweater duty. » He then chuckled and tapped his fingers on the table. « Aside from the presents, what can we do for her? Did she tell you anything about her dream day? »

« Not really. She gave me the whole 'I only need to be with you all to be happy' speech but I know she wants something else. I was thinking, maybe I could take her to a fun fair? Last time she had me play some paintball, drive vintage cars and then a fancy restaurant. »

« She did that? »

Dean grinned widely, he remembered that particular day, Oya took him on a date and made him feel special. She was able to give him a moment of peace in all of this chaos and Dean didn't quite know how to give it back to her. Sure, she liked a few things but he never asked and he felt trapped, fun fair seemed to be a nice activity, both would be able to test their skills and have fun like kids. He could win her a plushie. He would be able to give her cotton candy to eat and they would take pictures at the picture booth. Something nice, something simple. Something she never did, He knew she would keep some of the pictures they would take on that day and he intended to keep one of these as well. Tucked in his wallet so he would always look at them both when she would be out hunting Chuck knew what.

« She did. It was a great day, Sam. Playing paintball like a boss. Drove beautiful cars » He then glanced past the window « No offense Baby, but they were great. Not as great as you though. »

« Are you.... talking to the car? » Sam teased him and shook his head. Dean cleared his throat and shrugged.

« So what? She's my baby and she needs to know I am not going to replace her, ever. » He then took another big bite of his food. Sam sipped on his beer.

« She does love her speeches doesn't she ? » -Dean nodded-

« She really does. You should have seen it when she told me she was in love with me. I felt like I was Dr. Love. »

It made Sam smirk a little bit as he was thinking about the big speech she gave him when she handed his birthday present to him.She called him a little brother, told him she loved him very much.. all of what Sam wasn't very used to. He wanted to give back to Oya but big speeches weren't his thing, nor were they Dean's. Oya had shifted things around since she arrived and it was clearly hard to get used to, but Sam actually liked that she was so outspoken and decided to shake their lives a little bit. She was demanding, commanding even, she loved to take charge and would very often make Dean cook for her (them if Sam was around) or have Sam read a book she recommended. She would take so much space in their minds that they would think about her in situations they knew Oya would hate -for example if a cute waitress was trying to get into Dean's pants.-

It would make them chuckle because they knew Oya would be jealous and would take it both on the waitress and later on Dean until he reassured her that he had no eyes for the lady. Oya was short tempered but sweet and genuine and generous. She also was very loyal. He could see it on a daily basis and Sam knew that his old brother would as well. Her loyalty went to the Team Free Will. Oya was fragile too, Sam knew. She did hide her failures and fears but eventually, they always came out because she was a terrible liar. Memories of the moment she told Sam she loved him like a brother came back to Sam's mind and he remembered how nervous she was when she exposed herself. ThAfricanan hunter was shivering from head to toe, her teeth were smacking against one another and she finally told him how she felt. He would never forget the relief in her face as he listened to her and told her that he thought of her as a sister too, A year and a few months went by and he realized that he didn't want Oya to go, even less than when she used to run away from the bunker. He didn't want anything bad to happen to her, let alone her death. He wanted her near, he wanted her in his life and he could only imagine Dean wanting the same.

Dean had not changed per say, but he definitely was a lot more relaxed than before. He seemed to take it one day at a time but Sam knew that his brother was in fact, in love with Oya and clearly wouldn't handle losing her, He wouldn't be able to cope with her death or if she was injured to the point she wouldn't be able to hunt anymore, like Bobby when he was crippled. Yet, it wasn't the type of wound he was most afraid Oya got. He was afraid that Dean managed to sabotage his relationship with her. He was afraid that Dean moving away from her and trying to escape a happy life with her would destroy her or make her go or both. So his eyes set upon Dean green orbs and he cleared his throat.

« I don't want to lose her Dean. »

« I know. » -Dean cleared his throat and scratched the back of his head.

«  Don't fuck this up. She is deeply attached to you. » Sam said, his brows furrowed at the thought of losing Oya.

«Dude!! Don't speak as if I wasn't thinking about it day and night. You think I want to hurt her? You think I want to lose her? »

« I didn't say that. »

« Yeah? So don't even insinuate I would screw this up. I never thought I would ever... I never thought okay? And here it is. I have to deal with it and make sure she's happy. » He paused. « Did she tell you something?» He furrowed his brows, nervous and worried that Oya wasn't exactly happy with him.

« Nope. Just that she loves you more than words can ever describe or something along those lines when she gave me my birthday present. If she feels she somehow broke something or caused you pain, she'd run away. » Sam shrugged and ran his hand through his luscious hair.

« I know she would. She did that when I was hexed by the witch didn't she? » Dean was well aware of her attempts at running away and of the combined efforts of Castiel and Sam to keep her home. Even the Angel realized that she was actually doing more good than bad and refused to have her leave. Now that their relationship was mended and she considered him to be her family, he would NOT let her leave the bunker and run away from the Winchesters and himself. He would be upset at Dean if it happened and Dean didn't want to piss everybody off, including himself or put Oya in danger.

« Yeah. Both hands wouldn't be enough to tell how many times she tried to run away from us. Don't scare her to the point she does that again. She has a tendency to run towards danger and be reckless, don't let that happen. »

« I won't. » He groaned, « Can we now go back to think about a birthday present for her? »

And they discussed the perfect date they wanted her to have. The fun fair seemed to win the popular vote but Dean wanted to make a homemade dinner for everyone at the bunker, only with stuff she liked and offer her gifts at home before they went tot he fun fair or after. The only thing he wouldn't bake would be the birthday cake. Sam suggested he would pick one for her and look out for a weapon he knew she would like. The rest of the night went well, with both brothers knowing what they wanted to do and ready to get those presents while they would be hunting. Before the night fell completely, they received a text from the injured Oya who sent to both of them.

# I love you, babes, come back in one piece. O. #

They would. They promised anyway.


I don't know

Are we to aimlessly roam the Earth with broken hearts?
Unable to see far more than the tip of our noses or the depth of our despair?
Are we to forever walk among men, feeling less than alive?
Or maybe are we to find redemption and earn our happy ending?
Oh, I don't know. I don't know!

Are we to endlessly wake up in the middle of the night?
From a nightmare that feels way too real, from a pain that is so excruciating?
Are we to hide our tears from our loved ones in an attempt to protect them from us?
Or maybe can we expose our most vulnerable self to them, in order to commune even further?
Oh, I don't know. I don't know!

What is this feeling overwhelming me all of a sudden?
Why does it feel so warm and so perfect? Is it going to last forever?
Or maybe it's going to disappear as soon as I would relish in it?
O amazing feeling, tell me what you are, don't let me in the dark. Can anyone know what it is?

Oh, I know. I know! I know! 

Monday, August 28, 2017

Fantasies en Français : Le bon père

Le bon père

A/N : Un de mes rares poèmes en français. Ce sont des mots jetés sur le papier sans réelle construction, juste une idée et un sentiment qui se retranscrivent de cette façon. C'est toujours ainsi que j'écris d'ailleurs, y compris des chapitres de romans. Il semble ne pas y avoir de structure mais magiquement, cela tiens la route ahah.. bref. Vous l'aurez deviné, ils s'inscrivent dans le genre qui hante mes écrits. Peut etre à l'occasion nous j'expliquerai le processus. Ils ne seront pas inclus dans « the misadventures of Eros and Thanatos vol 2 » car en Français donc je me permets de les poster ici.


Thanatos était un bon père en ce qu'il veillait toujours sur sa progéniture.
Depuis qu'il avait posé les yeux sur la jeune humaine, il s'était investi d'une mission,
Ce n'était point difficile, il suffisait de l'attirer à lui.
Il suffisait de créer le manque pour qu'elle vienne alors qu'à cela ne tienne ! Il s'y attela sans tarder.

Thanatos était un bon père en ce qu'il veillait toujours sur sa protégée.
Le problème était qu'elle résistait à ses appels de sirènes et ce n'était pas faute d'avoir essayé.
Il avait commencé doucement, lui implantant l'idée dans la tête qu'elle devait le rejoindfre.
Et c'était tentant ! Oh ce qu'elle avait été tentée maintes fois de laisser tomber La Vie pour lui!

Mais il en voulait plus !

Elle se devait de venir à lui, de traverser le voile entre les vivants et les morts,
La Vie était tenace cependant, elle ne lâchait pas prise et son étreinte se resserrait sur la jeune âme.
Thanatos en était frustré, pourquoi l'empêchait t-elle donc de voir sa fille aimée ?
Pourquoi donc devait t-elle endurer tant de peine sans espoir aucun de libération?

Il l'a vu grandir sous un œil attendri, il l'a vu souffrir sous un œil horrifié.
Il a entendu son désir d'y mettre fin et avait décidé de l'exaucer, peu importe si elle changeait d'avis.
Il allait lui apporter le sommeil éternel, la paix illimitée. Il allait lui offrir la vie dont elle avait rêvé.
Le dieu de la mort s'affairait du haut de son thrône, en appelait aux faucheurs pour qu'ils la prennent

Mais c'était sans succès, La Vie gagnait toujours

Bien entendu, il pouvait être patient, la mort finissait toujours par gagner.
Mais il était impatient à l'idée de l'avoir elle à ses côtés, il ne tenait plus vraiment en place.
Alors il ne cessa pas de la tenter, de lui parler à travers les rêves du bien fondé de son envie de partir
Il essaya tant bien que mal de la convraincre qu'elle devait lâcher prise.

Après tout qu'avait fait La Vie pour lui faciliter les choses ? Que lui avait t elle apporté?
Malheurs, souffrance, peine et rejet voilà quel était son lot quotidien, alors pourquoi persister?
Il avait des arguments très persuasifs. Elle y prêtait oreille pour ainsi dire.
Mais voilà, elle ne voulait pas mourir, du moins, elle savait que son moment n'était pas venu encore

Il savait qu'il devait être patient, mais comment pouvait t il supporter une minute de plus?

Comment supporter de voir son calvaire se dérouler sous ses yeux sans jamais intervenir?
Comment supporter de la voir trimer et continuellement se battre contre les autres dieux ?
Comment ?

Thanatos était un bon père en ce qu'il veillait sur sa jeune protégée
Cependant La Vie était trop forte pour lui et  retenait la jeune âme prisonnière.
Cela lui crevait le cœur de voir la petite supplier d'être enlevée à cette torture quotidienne,
Mais il se devait d'être patient, viendra bien le moment où elle sera enfin sienne.

Et lorsqu'enfin la Mort pourra étreindre la jeune femme
Elle s'assurera de la guider vers un meilleur endroit où elle sera heureuse pour l'éternité

Pour l'éternité

She was not ready

She was not ready to hear the words he said to her
she was not ready to feel his passion, to feel his desire
It all seemed so far away and yet so close, she couldn't say
It was scary and he knew that if he wasn't careful, she would have walked away

She was not ready!

No matter how he said it to her, she didn't believe his words
How could you be attracted to me when you don't even know me?
It is not your head speaking, it is not your heart speaking it is your penis
You are driven by your desire and forget how to think and put things into perspective

I am not ready!

I cannot just go ahead and ignore everything that is me, that make me
I cannot just go ahead and burn bridges and move too fast only to regret it
I cannot just give myself to you no matter how much I really want to because I have integrity
Please wait, wait some more if you are really honest about what you feel and how you feel it
wait for us, wait for me and let us move along at our own pace and take the time to take it in

I am not ready and neither are you


He was a volcano ready to erupt
He was holding back, had been holding back for so long that he didn't know how to deal with it
Frustration was the worst and he had lost all hopes until he met her!
She was something different, she was beautiful, she was a promise
and all he could do was look at her and marvel at her beauty
All he could do was look at her and wish he was near her so that he could touch her
All he could do was look at her and wish she was near so she could complete him
but he was going ahead of the time, driven by his passion and confused with his feelings
she seemed perfect but maybe she wasn't, she seemed to give into him but maybe she wouldn't
He didn't know

He was a volcano

she felt like Lava dropped onto her skin, a desire like she had not known before knocked her out
it was so tempting to give into him and let passion drive her just like he did, but she knew better
She knew better than to be blind to how things work and how they could hurt her, she knew better than to rush into something and regret it later
she knew better than to let herself suffocate by feelings she didn't welcome, or comprehend just yet
she knew better than that so she chose not to act on these and let time fly by< he had to be patient, he had to understand, he had to know her
She felt like Lava ran through her veins, burning her to the core and turning her head white with want and desire
she felt like a volcano ready to erupt, just like him but she did not want to give into this need, not now

She was like a Volcano

They were like a volcano

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

SoA: Jessica and Asma

She was an iron fist in a velvet glove. The glue that tied the Knights and the Sons together.

She was a hurricane that wrecked your life and changed it forever. I couldn't escape her. I couldn't escape the wreckage she left behind her. She changed my life upside down, that was for sure.

But to be honest, sometimes it didn't matter all she did or could do to you. It didn't matter all she was and represented. All that matter was the heartbeat you skipped when you looked at her.

All that matter was the haunting ever lasting impression she had on you. You couldn't look away, especially when she stared into your soul with her gorgeous blue eyes

You couldn't look away when she moved or when she sat there busy with her thoughts. You couldn't look away when she heavily breathed while a storm formed in her mind. You couldn't look away when she was nearby.


Saturday, August 19, 2017

Dean and Oya : Improvisation

A/N: What can I say? I first wanted to write a funny moment with her losing her shit over some girl trying to get into Dean's pants but it just didn't want to come ahahah instead some short insightful moment between these two came to me. The funny moment would have to wait a little bit, Eheheh!  Still taking place in the same time period as their last werewolf rescue mission, so she's injured still and is very limited.


Two weeks happened since Oya had been shot and forced to stay home to recover from her injury. She felt trapped at home, especially since she couldn't do much at home. The first week, Dean stayed with her, watched her and help Oya gained some strength back so she could be autonomous. Once Sam returned from his latest case he investigated with Castiel, Dean left with him a few days later on another case, effectively leaving Oya on her own. Castiel had angels matter to take care of which left the young woman frustrated and on her own. She used the extra free time on her hands to write a few letters like she used to. Those letters were not to be sent but rather her way to talk to her deceased parents without having to summon spirits to do so. In a sense, that was cathartic, but not enough. She told her parents about the changes in her life. Dean was a man she was in love with and she had the chance to be with. Her life had not changed that much in terms of activities. She still hunted monsters, still saved lives and protected innocents. However, she wasn't wandering around anymore. She found her anchor in the hearts of the Winchester brothers and even love. As much terrifying as that was, she was happy. He made her happy and for the first time since she started to date Dean, Oya realized that she was indeed, HAPPY!

Writing those words down made her smile and she thought to herself that she would wait until the moment was special to let him know once again, that she was happy by his sides. She had already said so, on several occasions and didn't want to cheapen her words by saying it too much. It could wait, it could patiently wait until the moment was perfect for her to utter the words « you make me happy Dean Winchester. » so, writing that down helped her feel better. Could she pretend she had it all? Somehow she could, she had a job she loved, a boyfriend she loved and a family in Castiel and Sam. She who had lost everything now had everything and the thought was enough to send her on cloud 9... up until she realized that she could lose everything once again and just as easily. Her gunshot wound reminded her that she could have died that night f it wasn't for Dean's quick thinking and impulses. There on the bed of his (their) bedroom, she looked at the ceiling and sighed deeply. So what? She could have died. He could have died! Everybody in this field of work could die in a matter of second. Should this prevent her from loving him because of the odds? Fuck no!

She heard the noises from the heavy front door and heard the familiar footsteps of the Winchesters who came home from their last hunt. She would have stood up but she decided against leaving his room. Instead, she let the brothers part ways and heard Dean walk straight back o the room Oya and he shared. He found her sitting on the bed, her notebook on her lap before she put it on the night desk on her left. A smile crept on her lips as she was very happy to see him and she patted the bed next to her.

« What took you so long? » She teased him with.

« It's good to see you too. » He teased her back and removed his jacket he put away. Dean then removed his shoes and jumped on the bed to lay by her sides.

« It's good to see you too » She repeated in a mocking tone before he laid next to her. Oya then turned a little bit to look at his beautiful face. She bent forward to give a light peck on his lips and added « I have missed you. »

« I know. You kept sending me texts while I was away. You always send me a crap ton of texts Oya. » Dean answered after he kissed her back.

« You should be used to it by now. I can't change it.... maybe temper it a little bit. » She grinned and laid on her back as well. Her head rested on his large shirt-clad chest and he wrapped his arm around her shoulders to keep her close to his frame.

« How is your injury doing? » He asked in a concerned tone.

« It's healing... » She answered, while her hands rested on her bandaged belly. « Are you injured? » 

« No. I'm fine. It was a pretty easy case we got with Sam. I like easy, it's a nice change of pace after all those crazy cases we had. » Dean's thumb was stroking the soft skin of her arm but Oya sighed and looked at the ceiling ;

« It's good then. » She gently patted the hand he put on her shoulder and pushed herself up so she could be at his face level. He grinned at the hunter and nuzzled her face. « Eheh... I am so sick of being home. I want to go back to hunting with you. » She complained and pecked his lips but he slid his hand through her black locks and held a fistful of them.

« I know.. »

« I also want to fuck you right now but I'm still in pain so I can't. » She pouted more and it made him chuckle.

« I know that. »

He did. Oya kept sending him teasers almost every day. He enjoyed receiving her texts because It was a proof she was alive and he could tell her state of mind. For a week she was tired and spent most of her time sleeping, walking around to keep herself in shape and eating. She joked about being crippled but didn't talk about sex, not even mention it which informed Dean that she wasn't quite there in her mind yet. So last week, when he did receive the texts she sent him with sexy pictures of her assets or vocal messages detailing all she wanted to do to him once he would be home, Dean knew that his Oya was back in business and felt much better. Of course, he wasn't made of steel and when she sent these teasing pictures and videos, he did think about her and felt the urge to be with her. She was injured however and no matter how much Dean wanted Oya, he would wait until she felt better and had fully recovered to try anything. They would need to sit this one out much to Oya's frustration.

« Yeah, you do? » He nodded and planted a kiss on her forehead. « Yeah....it sucks. » She added as she leaned her head on top of his chest.

« What do you suggest we do instead? Talking is always a nice option. »

« Maybe...Or we could make out? » Both knew she was insisting only because her hormones were working her up and her arousal was tenacious and wouldn't quit tormenting her until she willed herself out of it. Which she hadn't done just yet.

« Oya! You know we can't. »

« Why not? » She hit his chest gently and leaned her chin on top of it. « Oh... yeah you're right. If we start now we would end up being even more frustrated. Okay! Noted ! No make-out session...guess we'll talk then. »She growled out of frustration and looked back at the ceiling. « You start. »

« I noticed you had your notebooks with you. Was it good? »

He knew she was used to writing letters she never sent to her deceased family as a way to cope. She told him someday that she was doing so in order to channel her emotions. Of course, they promised to be honest to one another and she intended to keep her promise. Eventually, he always knew what she wrote to herself on these notebooks and wouldn't mind if she chose not to tell him if that didn't interfere with their relationship. After all, everyone had to have a secret garden they could retreat to and nurture. Of course, the secret had to be non-threatening to their relationship, which was why Dean hiding he had twins was not a good idea because it was heavy shit that could have meant the end of their relationship and therefore she had to know beforehand. Before it became too serious. Before they hurt each other furthermore.

« Yeah, it was. I was actually talking about how my life changed the moment I met you and Sam. You guys have changed my life for the better. You looked after me, especially when I wasn't doing it. You cared for me, you care for each other and for the people we're supposed to protect. I just told my mom I was happy because... because of you. You make me happy Dean, so frigging happy and I missed you so much. I missed your warmth, your arms around me, our bets, you making fun of me, you.. cooking for me. I have missed the smile you always put on my face every single day I get to wake up to you. I'm happy and it's overwhelming because I've never felt this way before. It's brand new and I don't know how to handle it. » She said cupping his cheek with her hand. Dean grabbed her wrist and gently stroked it with his thumb. His other hand gently cupped her chin and lifted her face up so he could look at her.

« You're not going to cry now, are you? » He said, a large grin creeping on his face. She shook her head. « Good! I hate it when you cry. » He said stroking her cheek. He took a deep breath and helped her up so her face would be at the same level as his. « You make me happy too you know? Being able to come back to you, or go on hunts with you is something I am looking forward every day. You make me happy. I love you. » He said, cupping both cheeks before he planted a kiss on her lips. « I'm glad your parents are aware I'm doing a good job. »

« They do, I have a feeling they approve of us. I love you too. » She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back, lazily so she could appreciate his taste. « Are you around tomorrow?  Or do you go back to hunting with Sam? »

« I'll be there for a couple of days, just so I can check on you and stuff. If you feel good enough you might even come with us and be support? »

« Support? »

« Yeah, our guy in the chair. » It was an alternative to her staying home on her own. She knew that and he knew that. Oya bit at her bottom lip and then nodded. Whatever, she wouldn't spend any more days on her own at the bunker.

« Okay! I'll be your guy in the chair then. » She said biting her bottom lip before she pressed her lips against his. « But if I am you better spoil me rotten then! You'd buy me a weapon? »

«Sure! Gun, blade, Just name it and I'll get it for you. You look exhausted, however, so maybe you should try and sleep some okay? » She nodded and closed her eyes.

« Okay! I'll sleep. » She groaned but not even three minutes later, there she was sleeping soundly in his arms. He kept her close to his frame and smiled to himself. It wasn't that bad, he had it too good but he could live with that right now. After all, why wouldn't he allow himself just one day without thinking that the worse could happen to her?


TVD : Upside down

A/N: All usual disclaimers (Willa belongs to my friend, C. who is  Willa's master puppet)  I had this idea that had been around for quite some time but always failed to find something to write about Witch! Asma. Up until this week end:D it just poured in, so here you are.


« Leave your shop and explore life. You have been hiding for centuries and have been missing out life. I believe there is more to survival than hiding behind your counter and interacting as little as possible with humans... I know I haven't been the good friend I should have and I promised you I would make up to you but until the next time we see each other again, I suggest you to go out and live a little. » Elijah told her these words about a year ago. Her memory replaced a few words and romanticized the moment but it essentially was his advice. She had to stop being a recluse and some 800 years later, the witch decided that yes, indeed, she could try and step out of her shop.

Damon watched as the witch was quietly preparing a potion she intended to give to her friend Willa. The poor woman had been suffering from violent black outs and migraine for quite some time and the pink haired witch promised to help her find a solution. Those potions were temporary, it only removed the pain for a day or two but couldn't prevent Willa's black outs and God knew what happened during those events. Asma could feel the supernatural element in her friend but couldn't quite find what it was. She eliminated the possibility it had something to do with spirits, possessions, and witchcraft. She also eliminated the possibility she was a vampire since she walked just fine during broad daylight without any jewel or charm like the rings the Salvatore brothers wore all the time. Her bets were that Willa might have been a werewolf. She had no clue a for if she was fully transformed or if she had consumed human flesh yet. Of course, she could still be something else like Elena who was a doppelgänger after all.

It didn't matter as of now. Asma was brewing her mixture and kept glancing at the brunet who was drinking from a bottle of whiskey he brought with him. Her golden orbs stared at him before averting to focus on her cauldron. Damon unsettled her that peculiar night and she couldn't say why. They had met about 8 months ago, one night she visited her friend Willa who was a barmaid at Mystic Grill. Damon was drinking himself to death and if he hadn't been a supernatural creature, she knew he would have been dead by now. She had heard about him a few years earlier from that night, from the conversations she heard when Bonnie -another Witch- and Elena -her best friend- came to her shop one time to help Bonnie find the right herbs for a spell. Asma's quietness made it easier for her to listen to conversations and identify Damon quite easily.  She felt his hunger that night and knew he would have tried to feed. He looked unhinged, distraught and broken and it attracted her to him.  It wasn't so much because Damon was handsome but mostly because he was in pain and she was a healer. She heard his soul wail and cry and wanted to comfort it, so she came to him. They bantered and drank and eventually he took her back home and passed out on her couch.

Since then they frequently met each other for lunch, for dinner or accidentally at the bar when it wasn't because he needed her help with her white magic. Eventually, they became friends. It was a little too early to use that word, but they got along pretty well. Eventually, she came to know Bonnie and Elena on a more personal level without them realizing her secret just yet. Her hair colour wasn't an issue, thanks to young people dying theirs all the time but it was her eyes that was an inconvenience. Asma had to hide the fact she had been a cursed witch and carefully kept her secrets to herself, especially the one regarding her age or the reasons that had her be cursed in the first place. So she pretended to have an eye problem so she wouldn't have to remove her sunglasses but it only was a matter of time before everyone guessed the truth. Bonnie was the one ahead of the rest of the group. She was this close to discovering Asma was a witch but so far, only Damon knew and Asma wanted to keep it that way for now.

Things became a little more dangerous when Klaus came to town for a brief moment. Of course, it made the Salvatore brothers wonder what he was doing there and why he seemed to know Asma. She met Stefan the first night Klaus addressed her. He put himself between the witch and the original and succeeded in making him go away and spent the night trying to bond with the witch. It barely worked, she kept her secret to herself up until Damon learned about it and ran to her shop to confront Asma with the information. His insistence and her resistance had them bicker and fight for a good chunk of the night, with him threatening her with his fangs out and her using her magic to push him away. He kept asking over and over again, forcing the witch to crack and tell him everything. Yes ! She knew Klaus and yes he came to her because he needed her skills to save Elijah from a terrible spell cast upon him. They have been knowing each other for quite some time. Indeed, 800 years ago, Elijah Mikhaelson and his siblings raided her masters' plantation and killed everyone else save for the slaves and her. She told Damon that Elijah saved her from her masters who had planned to spend the night torturing her because she had the nerves to talk back and reject them publicly. Of course, she had no clues that Elijah would cross path with her in the future.

A couple of years later he found her again. The Mikaelsons were in the same town as hers and Elijah noticed her. He followed Asma and learned that she was a witch which came in handy when Klaus found himself in a predicament. He came to her, asked for help and she felt that she owed him so of course, she saved Klaus. Helping the vampires was the reason of her curse, a curse of immortality with the marks of her shame on her face. Every witch, at least the members of covens, knew about the cursed witch and avoided her like a plague so she hid. She ran away and survived for centuries with Elijah always knowing where she was and protecting her from afar and them only meeting when he needed her help with a spell.  She told Damon about falling in love with her only friend, craving for his flesh, needing his presence only to be unable to say anything.. at least, up until he last showed up.

Damon listened to her story without interrupting that night. He understood how she felt, how alone she felt and how important Elijah was to her.He was her only friend in the world and the only one who truly knew her. Of course, he also rejected her love and she was heartbroken. That was the reason why she was drinking at night with Damon at the bar, to bury her feelings and trying to move on from her heartbreak. Since Asma broke into tears in his arms, Damon wasn't the same with her. She had noticed the intense stares he gave her, especially when he thought she wasn't looking at him. She had noticed him trying to have her get along with his brother and the rest of the gang. She had seen him show concern when she didn't ask any and it made her feel uneased and weird. It was something she wasn't used to and couldn't decode. It distracted her and confused her. Right now, as she brewed her potion and felt Damon's eyes on her, she felt her heart race against her ribcage.

« What are you looking at, Damon? »

« You. » He said, still sitting in the chair next to her counter. She gave him a sheepish smile and then looked away from him. « What? »

« Well... You never really did that before. » She said as she leaned into the counter and looked at him with a soft smile on her lips.  « What's new? »

« Nothing. » He lifted a brow and took another sip from his bottle of whiskey. He then put it on the counter and smirked at her. His blue eyes were intensely staring at her, sending shivers down her spine. She bit her bottom lip and tucked some hair behind her ear. « What? » He chuckled at her because she still had this insisting gaze on her face. Her eyes were so lively at this instant that if he didn't know better, Damon would have lost his balance.

« I don't know. You tell me. » She chuckled and dropped her head and entwined her fingers. « I'm kidding! I'm kidding. I just... You never looked at me this way before. » She gave him a sheepish smile and moistened her plump lips.

« Okay... I'll tell you what.» He paused for a minute. « You've been out of your shop for 8 months now. »

« Go on? » She asked, curious about what he wanted to say. He felt her heart beat faster and goose bumps cover her skin. She was nervous, he could tell.

« Do you regret it? »

« It was a risk to take. » She replied her eyes were still shifting from left to right and then she bit her bottom lip. « I don't think I regret it. »

« And why is that? »

He asked as he leaned into the counter, his face suddenly being closer to hers. There were moments when Damon was dangerously close to her frame, making her feel uncomfortable and aroused at the same time. Wait for what ? She had felt desire before for Elijah. She had felt her body shiver, her folds becoming wet and warmer by his mere presence. She felt her knees becoming weak when the Original whispered in her ear so Asma knew what desire was. She experienced it enough to recognize it when it happened in front of her and Damon made her feel this way. However, it didn't matter because she wasn't ready to acknowledge any of it.

« You're sitting right in front of me. » -It was true, he was her friend and so was Willa-

« I'm bad luck and you know it.  Nothing to be excited about. » He said furrowing his brows.

« Damon... »  she bit her bottom lip and outstretched her hand so she could cup his cheek. « You are an idiot. » She said with a soft grin.

« You're hurting my feelings here Asma. » He teased her with, chuckling to himself as he grabbed her wrist and stroked the back of it.

« Well, you deserved it. You're not bad luck. You make mistakes. »

« Too many bloody mistakes Asma! » He said as he stroked the back of her hand once again and pressed a light kiss on her inner wrist.  He never actually noticed how peculiar her scent was. How intoxicating. She smelled like fresh grass and wet ground, a lot like nature at dawn.  He felt her blush and picked how confused she was to be this close to him. « Relax. I am not going to bite you. »

« I never was scared of that. Of you biting me... » She said, biting her bottom lip.

« Oh yeah? » She nodded and then jumped on the counter so she could sit on it. « You're not afraid of me? » Asma shook her head and removed her hand from his cheek to put them on the counter. « That's new. »

« I could say the same about you. » She said glancing at her cauldron. He chuckled at her, prompting her to furrow her brows. « What's funny? »

« That I could be afraid of you. »

« I am a witch Damon. I am a powerful witch and while I use my powers to heal and protect, I could very much hurt if I decided to. » She closed her eyes and then stood back up to watch after her brew and stir some of it.

« Someday you'd tell me. We'd trade stories while drinking! »

She knew he meant his words, he was curious about her claims but believed her words. So far he'd seen her handle herself pretty well. He gulped down his whiskey and leaned his chin on his crossed arms. Truth be told, Damon realized she was still troubled by their previous proximity. He could hear her heart beating harder than usual, he could hear her muffled sighs and grunts of frustration and more importantly, he could smell arousal from her. She might have been a witch, she still was human and he quickly picked up on her feelings. Part of him was flattered and wanted to act on it. It wouldn't be the first time his charms worked on someone. She was beautiful, guarded and for all he knew, inexperienced but eager.

He saw the way she prepared her potions or unguents. He surprised himself imagining her handling a different kind of thing and it brought a smirk to his face. Yet, another part of him didn't want to act on her attraction towards him. It wasn't because she was « his friend » and he wanted to preserve their friendship or some bullshit like that. He wanted her to come out of her shell, acknowledge her attraction and make a move on him. It would benefit both of them. Her, because she would come out of her shell and assume more and more her emotions. It would benefit him because, for the first time since Elena, he would take his time. He wouldn't rush into anything, his mind wasn't even set on « moving on » right now. He was still upset and heartbroken that Elena decided to be with his brother once again but he had it coming. His destructive behaviour was to blame first and foremost. He sabotaged himself like usual so there should be no surprise as to why Elena decided to give up on him.

« That would be a good idea. I'd buy the first drinks if you're nice to me. » Asma joked.

« As if you would. » He teased her and watched as she stirred the brewage again and turned off the fire with a simple gesture of the hand – a silent spell -. He then watched her pour her brewage into a large glass container.

Asma stayed by his sides despite knowing the truth about him. He hadn't said much but what she knew of him was enough to make anyone leave.  Damon wasn't blind, he knew that she had this immense urge to help others and fix them. He had taken his time observing her and being a good judge of character, realized that the witch was actually attracted to him for his misery first. It wasn't negative as in she didn't ask for anything from him, but this kind of behaviour let him know that she actually wouldn't care about herself. Damon was known as somehow be a little selfish. He would have taken the opportunity of having someone sacrificing so much for his sake without caring about their safety or mental health.

He could have used Asma but he didn't want to. Not her. Maybe it was her kindness and warmth that got to his lonely heart or maybe it was the selfish reason of wanting to keep her friends and not ruining everything like he always did. The vampire was on the fence about what truly motivated him but it didn't matter because ultimately, all that did matter was that she was safe, even from him and especially from her tendencies to ignore her own needs. Look at that, Damon was playing the savior. How weird life could be at times. She made him feel good that was sure. She was a breath of fresh air and he welcomed her presence there.

« Oh, I would alright! I would not get drunk though, we should make it a date. We first drink and then you take me to a restaurant and we would end the night with a nice walk? » She wasn't focused when she asked him this, her attention was on filling the glass container but he could catch the excitement she had about going on a date with him. It was nothing extraordinary nor their first « date ». It was just two friends spending time together. « And eventually I could try to spend more time with your friends too. Bonnie and Elena very often come to my shop. I know your brother and I know you. I was thinking... maybe someday when you think it's the right time you could introduce me to your friends? »

« Well, first of all, yes definitely. It's a date! Then...About my friends, I guess we could make it happen when you feel comfortable enough with the idea of meeting new people. Elena is very warm and accepting. Bonnie is my best friend...you'd get along well I think. She's very friendly with people. Stefan is.... You've met already so it could be easier than I think it'll be. »

« I know the Salvatore Brothers are kinda special. I have noticed how Stefan was. »

« Special? Should I feel insulted or not? » He asked, standing up and helping her close the container.

« Don't be an idiot! It wasn't an insult. Jeez, Damon, I swear to the goddess... » She said, using her hands to cover his. « You don't need to bother yourself with this. » She looked up to his face and smiled.  His blue eyes stared into her perfect white smile and he returned a smirk of his to her.

« I was teasing you. I know you didn't insult me. I just love messing with you. »

« I've noticed! » She said hitting his shoulder with her hand before she removed her apron and put it on the counter. « The potion is ready, I suggest you go back home. It's late. »

« I'm toasted! » He fake-complained and pouted. Asma swallowed a lump and rubbed her arms, unease at the idea that he actually wanted to sleep at her place.  « Let me sleep on the couch tonight. I don't feel like going home. »

« Did you have an argument with your brother? » She asked, her hand gently brushing over his toned arm.

« You can say that. We don't see eye to eye about something... »

« Klaus? » Damon shook his head. « Elena? » He nodded.

« I can't see his face right now so I'd rather just sleep at your place unless you don't want me around. » She looked up to his face and gently squeezed his arm.

« Of course you can stay. I'm sorry things aren't going well with your brother but my home is yours for the night. I just need to fix dinner and I'll show you around okay? Come on. »

She said grabbing his arm and taking him upstairs where was her apartment. Elijah advised the witch to go out and see the World. She knew that Damon Salvatore was "troubles" and being further involved with him and his friends would mean being more exposed to cruelty and danger than she wanted to. For about 400 years, she had to run for her life in a country that wasn't accepting of the colour of her skin. For 400  more years, she had to accommodate herself to a more dangerous life due to a certain level of proximity and access to information that didn't exist in the past. She had to deal with people still being less accepting of her due to her hair colour, her skin colour and her reclusive tendencies. She had to deal with people who were hunting modern witches and the werewolves and the vampires who were anything BUT good news to the witch. And for 800 years she did survive. Spending time with Willa, Damon and the likes put her life in jeopardy but Elijah told her that she needed to experience life. What was the point of her being immortal if she spent eternity on her own in her ivory tower ? Asma had to break the cycle and take more risks and bonding with Damon was almost a guarantee that her life was about to be turned upside down. It was just a matter of time.


Friday, August 18, 2017

SoA : Jess and Asma The picture

A/N: All the usual disclaimers


« Take a picture of me when I'm still hot. » Jessica said, her hand running through her chocolate locks.

« Are you fucking serious? » She said, furrowing her brows at the sentence she'd just heard. « You think you won't be hot once your baby bump grows larger or something? »

« It's a fact! Jax would stop wanting me. I'd have bigger tits and a fatter ass and I'll have larger thighs and... »

« And what? And what Jess ?? You think Jax wouldn't want that pussy DURING your pregnancy or even after? You know people still have sex when the woman is pregnant right? Even when she's heavily pregnant right? Fucking hormones would have you horny like you'll never be and you are telling me that Jackson fucking Teller wouldn't want to dip the dick inside of you? »

« Asma !! I thought you were a good girl! You're talking like a sailor! » She teased her friend. Of course, Asma was being vulgar. She usually was whenever she was shocked by anything that happened to her or she heard. How could she not when she heard Jessica say something that made her eye roll.

« I am a good girl but you're saying some pretty big bullshit! » She said snapping a picture of her friend. « How the fuck do you want Jax not to want to fuck you? Have you SEEN yourself lately or what?? Have you seen that perky plump ass of yours? Those smooth silky legs of yours and that face of yours ?? Damn girl! Why are you trying to fool yourself like that? Jax would eat that pussy, eat that booty, fuck you until he can't even walk! He would even shove another baby in you if you let him because you're addictive like that. » She said winking as she took another picture of her friend laughing at her words.

« Ahahah are you sure he would? »

« I could bet my own life that he would do that. He loves you, Jess. I mean, it's the real deal you're having there. He loves you and if he fucks you it is because you're both sexy as fuck but your soul and his are meant to be. I mean... he would fall in love with you every day if he could and he would make love to you or fuck you hard until you pass out if he could too, to prove that to you. » Asma smiled to herself and then sat by the stairs, next to Jessica. « Jax isn't going to leave you because you're having a baby. He's not going to leave you because if he did, then he should have left the last one.. she died, that sucks, but he didn't want to leave her despite her pregnancy and he didn't fuck around either. He wouldn't do that to you as well. Cause his heart chose yours, despite the danger of being in love again.... despite his loss. He chose you, love. You chose him too and you created something great together. You're beautiful...Have I been a man or into you and have you been single, I'd fuck the shit out of you as we speak and then I'd serenade you around a nice fine dinner because you would make me want to do both. » She grinned and gently put her iPhone between Jessica's hands. « He'll return...he'll always come back to you. »

« Thank you... You always know what to say. » She said looking at the picture and smiling at her sister. Asma grinned and looked up to the sky.

« I know. You're welcome. Now the most important question, what do you want to eat ? »

SoA : The box

A/N: It's time to say goodbye to a very difficult part of her past. Of course, you can't really just forget everything with a snap of a finger, but eventually getting rid of the belongings to someone you used to know and who had such a negative impact in your life is the beginning Asma needed.


A box. Was that what you were reduced to when you die? Reduced to a box filled with memorabilia that meant something only when you were alive? Asma didn't know what to do with the box Jessica gave her two days after Oscar died. It was filled with his belongings Jess guys found at the motel room he was renting. Inside there was nothing of great value, mostly junk she didn't want to deal with. Clothes, guns and knives, drugs and several notebooks. At first, Asma didn't want to touch these because she didn't want memories to overwhelm her. Indeed, Oscar used to write his secrets on a book, events he said he had to remember or clues of a potential conspiracy against him. He documented everything and she knew by the sheer number of notebooks that her name would have been mentioned in every single one of them. Was that worth the hassle? Was that worth the pain? For days, Asma slept next to the box, unable to decide what to do next with it, unable to gather the strength to get rid of it. Oscar's life might have been taken in that kitchen, but the negative impact he had on Asma was still there. It didn't go away with his death, it didn't go away.

What was she thinking? That with him gone all of her issues were gone too? He wasn't a boogeyman, he was an abusive asshole who made her life a frigging living hell. He was a man who destroyed her and had her look past her shoulder for the last couple of years. He was the one who helped Elias happen in her life and exacerbated the need for self-destruction and unhappy relationships. He was a plague, his actions were and now that he was gone, Asma realized that there was no getting back a life without him. She couldn't pretend Oscar never happened, he shaped her to be the woman she was today and whether she liked it or not, she couldn't just get rid of him. But what about that box then?

Of course, Asma wanted to get rid of it. Burying it was her first choice but it would be akin to bury her emotions and pretend it never happened. She needed to be liberated from Oscar's ghost, something strong enough to make her feel as if she'd moved forward. There was a deadline as well. Jessica told Asma that her guys left her a week to decide what to do with the box before they came and burn it to ashes. There could never be any evidence that Oscar was in Charming so if someone was looking into it, they wouldn't find anything. He had to be completely erased from the books. After scratching her head for a good three days, Asma decided that she would burn the box. She wouldn't even read the poisonous notebooks out of « nostalgia » because she knew what would be written there. He probably had insulted her with every name in the book and probably threw in some racial slurs she didn't want to read. She wouldn't get anything good from reading it so she rejected that idea altogether.

Burning then! It would be through the fire that the tattoo artist would be reborn. It was decided! That very night after being agitated and unable to sleep, Asma went to her backyard. She put the box on the ground, threw some gasoline on it and took the box of matches in her hand. Asma was shaking, coming to the realization that it was her moment of truth. The moment she would finally get rid of Oscar in this plane of existence. He was dead now. He would never come to hurt her anymore. She crouched in front of the box and sighed heavily at the box. Her fingers were having troubles listing the flames and she knew why. For so long she had been scared and worried about having Oscar find her in Charming. If he had found her, he would have taken her back into a life of abuse. Her bones remembered the punches and kicks he gave her. Her body remembered the times he forced himself on her. Her mind remembered the terror she felt whenever she heard his voice and how he made her recoil at the corner of the room with the mere mention of his name.

« Here you are, Oscar.... Reduced to a fucking box. You're less threatening like that now, aren't you? » She wrapped her arms around her legs and leaned her face against her knees. « I wish I could talk to you before you died. I wish I was the one who killed you. It would be fair after all you've put me through, wouldn't it? » She bit her bottom lip and closed her eyes. « I hate you. I hate you so much and I hate even more that I cannot forget you. All you've done.. all you've said. It's forever imprinted inside of me and I wish I could forget but I couldn't. I would never.. » She groaned and hid her face between her legs. A sob escaped from her lips as she held onto her knees with her nails. « I hope you will rot in hell like the scum you are. I hope you will be tormented even worse than you tormented me. I hope you will... » She then unwrapped her arms around her legs and knelt on the floor before she sat on her heels. « You know what? I already know what would happen to you but that's beside the point here. It's not about you! It's about me! » She nervously chuckled and shook her head. « It's about me! It's about me! This time it's all about ME! » She then burned a match and threw it in the box, setting it on fire.

Asma watched as the flame danced and smirked to herself with trembling lips. She was right, it was about her. It was about her being able to survive despite the torments and brutality against her. It was about her working hard to earn her happiness and her being able to be better than he thought she could ever be. She broke free all by herself, then Cody helped as well as many other people who were in her life today. She broke free! She saved herself from a certain death by the hands of that man and it was a feat she should be proud of.

Her joy overwhelmed the young woman who chuckled and smiled at the sight of evil being burned down but quickly enough, she felt overwhelmed with sadness. It wasn't because Oscar was dead or that the threat he represented was gone. It was the fact she realized what she went through was not normal. It wasn't normal.

But she survived.


Thursday, August 17, 2017

DOYA : Her birthday -preparation-

A/N: All the usual disclaimers! I just had so much fun thinking about Oya's birthday and how Dean is planning the day like a boss. It's self-indulgent because I wanted something lighthearted for these two.


Oya told Dean one day that she didn't mind "not" celebrating her birthday as long as she was with him. He took mental note of that statement, thinking that she secretly wanted to celebrate the day actually. It wasn't too hard to guess given the gleam in her eyes when she mentioned her birthday coming soon. Oya had been in the Winchesters life for about a year. A full year where her birthday happened but she didn't celebrate it. He noticed how uneased she was when the day came closer and how many efforts she made to make it seem like it was another day in the grinder. Sam and Dean themselves didn't celebrate their birthdays but were both surprised by Oya with either a text and a phone call or -since she spent more time with Dean- a cupcake and a candle on it. It was a small gesture that left an ever lasting impression on both brothers so of course, they had planned to return the favor.

Oya was recovering from her injuries she received on her last case with Dean. Her friend Leda might have died, they were able to save her daughter, the 6 years old werewolf cub. She knew what the consequences would be and gave her life to ensure her daughter's survival. It was something both hunters could relate to since Dean sacrificed his life for Sam's and vice verça and Oya had done the same for both brothers countless of times -forcing them to come back and get her after her Bravado-. She also remembered the panic in Dean's eyes when she was shot in her belly. He panicked more than he ever did on that night because for a brief moment, due to her rapid blood loss, he thought he might be losing her. For a brief moment, she thought she would die as well but Chuck was on their sides because the bullet didn't touch any vital organs and exited her body without imploding. The bandages that covered her wound were a reminder of that terrible night which added itself to the long list of recurring themes in Oya's nightmares.

So Dean decided to change his girlfriend's mind. She wouldn't sit around and mop while she recovered enough to hit the road again. He would make sure that she would celebrate her birthday. A year ago, he discovered her birth date when investigating her and took a mental note so he could make a little something for her, but she dodged like an eel and Dean never got the opportunity to do something for her. A year later, he was dating Oya and he knew a little more about her than before. She stopped celebrating her birthdays because she was alone on said day. Memories of her loved ones and the loss she endured always resurfaced and tormented her so she decided that the best way would be to forget about everything altogether and never celebrate that goddamn day. Yet, she dreamed of homemade cakes and a date at an amusement park like normal people did to entertain themselves. She wanted to take pictures at the photo booth with her boyfriend of the moment -luckily enough Dean was this for here. She wanted to try all the dangerous rides of the park, eat all the pop corn and cotton candy and walk hand in hand with Dean. He knew because she told him some day.

Was she romantic? You bet she was! Dean realized Oya had a softer side she barely mentioned in public but he could see over her phone all the cute pictures of kittens and the cute memes and the cute romantic songs in her playlist. He could tell by the way she reacted to telenovelas and how invested she was in any tv show she was watching. He could tell when she called him her batman or her moon and stars and she snuggled into him at night and whispered her « thank you, my dream catcher » before she fell asleep. Of course, she had a violent side. It would not be her if she didn't like to punch people, push away anyone who would try to get into Dean's pants because she was territorial. He loved it as well, that she valued him as much as she did but he didn't want Oya to experience that kind of stress on her birthday. No. He wanted something simple both would enjoy. Last time for their anniversary -He didn't even know they had any!- She took him on a spectacular date-day! Driving vintage cars, paintball, and fancy dinner? All of that to thank him for being in her life? He had to top it off with something exciting for both of them.

Dean could count on his fingers the number of moments he spent without hunting and being genuinely happy. He shared moments with Lisa, where he didn't have to hunt and lived a mundane life. He shared moments with Cassie, long before he decided to reveal the truth about his life but all of these pale in comparison to those he felt with Oya. The African hunter stayed by his sides. She stayed despite knowing some very harsh truth about the man she fell in love with. She knew about some of his fucks-up (as a hunter, like killing Death for example or releasing the Darkness) and some of his less proud moments (like hiding from her the existence of his kids AND leaving Kira and Connor behind) and she stayed nonetheless. She witnessed him take blows, cuts, bullets, and punches and nearly die. They argued and nearly tore each other apart when she simply didn't act jealous and territorial but Dean fucking loved her. He genuinely did. She genuinely made him happy and he told her so. The cat was out of the bag so what was he afraid of? Aside from losing her? Nothing, except maybe not being able to make her birthday a special day.

He found her in the dining room of the bunker, early this morning with a bathrobe on and nothing underneath. Dean could see the curves of her breasts barely concealed by the fabric and grinned at the sight of her tearing down fresh bagels left on the table by a Sam who went to work with Castiel on a case. She ran her hand through her black locks and sighed in happiness as her tummy was filled with delicious food. Dean chuckled at her and gently kissed the top of her head before he sat in the chair right next to hers. Oya hazel eyes glanced at him before she leaned into her chair. Her birthday was only two weeks away and she wasn't comfortable with celebrating it. Yet, this year things were different, she had killed the Asanbosam, she had avenged her family so she should move on. She had moved on. She found solace in knowing her family was finally at peace but was terrified at the idea of celebrating her birthday. She didn't deserve to be celebrated. It was pointless to her. Truth be told, however, was that she didn't know what to do on such occasion. Dean let his hand rub over hers and he finally spoke in his gruff sleepy voice.

« This year we celebrate your birthday. »

« Say what? » She asked, eyes wide open as she stiffened on her seat.

« You heard me well Oya. Last year we didn't do anything while you celebrated our birthdays. It's not fair. We're going to make you something. »

« You don't have to. » She said, blushing hard as her brown orbs stared into his green ones.

« I want to, nuance. » He smirked at her, making her shiver and chew at her bottom lip.

« I don't even know what I want for such a day. I never... I never celebrated since.... »

« It's okay Oya. It's okay. » He said entwining his fingers with hers and pushing her hand towards his lips to kiss the back of it. « I got you. /We/ got you. »

« Do you have an idea of what we'll do already? » She asked blushing harder while her other hand grabbed his cheek and she stroked it with her thumb. He nodded. « I hate suspense! » She stated, impatient and jumping a little on her seat.

« You're gonna have to be with me. My lips are sealed. » He gave her a suave grin and then pressed his lips against hers in a passionate but slow kiss. She relaxed against him, allowing his lips to press into hers and her nose while his finger would run through her black locks. « I just want that day to be your day okay? » He grinned in between their kiss.

« My special day? I'm feeling spoiled. »She then leaned her forehead against his. « I hope I would have recovered until then. It hurts like a bitch still. »

« I think you will. Now, what about fresh pancakes? You've been eating this bagel away but you need some sugar and bacon with it. » He said as he planted one last kiss on her lips before Dean stood back up and went to the kitchen.

« Dean ?! » She said before he exited the dining room. He stopped and turned his head to glance at her, grinning at him back. « I love you Dickhead. »

« I love you too Bitch. » He smiled and went to the kitchen.

Dean had a plan about Oya's birthday and he would make sure that his precious angry killing machine had the best day of her life. Well, one of the best days of her life.