Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Sam and Oya: forbidden fruit -ship-

Sam believed Oya was a gremlin, or maybe a faery. Faeries were known for their pettiness and cruelty. They were violent little creatures and Oya surely knew how to be violent AND petty. Sam never met someone like her, invested in everything she did, invested in keeping him alive when they were working a case together, invested in them so much so that when someone else tried to orbit around him, she was quick to snap. He saw her jealousy and almost felt her blood boil through her veins whenever a pretty sweetheart flirted with him. She was possessive and it made him feel awkward and weird but in a good way because she noticed /him/. In the sea of every hunter he knew she could have been interested in, she chose him. Moose, the great goose, the tall Winchester brother, the least sought after by trucks of Dean's groupies. He didn't mind being the center of attention, not at all. He actually enjoyed not being noticed. He enjoyed his freedom, being able to work a case without having a widow drop her panties to screw him.
That didn't prevent Sam from having affairs of his own, rarer than Dean's but more meaningful than his. Ruby, Jessica, and the others. Even that one he phoned in when he tried to ignore Dean and rejected the hunter's life (well, he didn't per say, ignored him, he decided that his death WAS and should have been the end of the business. but that's digressing). Sam always fell and fell hard when he chose to become intimate with someone. He chose Oya, much to his surprise and to hers but after suffering so much, losing his soul, being possessed by crazy angels and all the maelström that his life became when Dean showed back up from Hell, Sam wasn't sure he had what it took to make Oya happy. They both knew they were broken, she told him so and in doing so voiced his own concern. She wasn't sure she could bring him all he needed in this life but she did, more than she could ever think she did. She brought him stability, a sense of normalcy, a sense of belonging. It was complicated to explain or even conceptualize but she made him feel alive again, human again, normal. From her affectionate little kisses on his cheeks and neck to her piggybacking him every chance she got, to her crying in his arms after a rather huge day and allowing him to comfort her.. all of that made Sam feel anchored to this reality and gave him Something more to fight for.
When she kissed him that night, after they argued over her benching him (to this day he doesn't know why she did it and didn't buy her shady explanation), it became clear to both that they were feeling the same way and yet, both weren't feeling at ease when they looked at their relationship just yet. they worked well together, they were strongly attached to one another, he would kill to save her life and so would she. He relished her kisses and signs of affection. he sought after them like she did. He felt at peace when she was sleeping next to him and she was having fewer nightmares by his sides. So, what prevented them from calling it what it was? Fear. fear of losing it if they dared name it always happened. because he plainly lived relationships in the past who ended up in tragédies, Sam was convinced he shouldn't be that open. he shouldn't say the words, shouldn't openly label it and if he didn't, then she would be safe. strangely enough, she felt the same way and they came up with original ways to claim their feelings for each other. "I'm with you." was the code for "I love you." and all seemed well in the world.
So that explained why he was smiling the way he did in this picture he only agreed to take because she attacked him with kisses, her mischievous smile, and those damn adorable hazel eyes. Sam was a softie at his very core and she knew damn well how to play him like a fiddle. Or did she?

Sam Winchester x Oya: he loves her.

[Sam Winchester xOya -their friendship-

Take anything and you can turn it into a habit whether you like it or not. Take anyone and you could somehow accommodate their presence in your life, whether you like them or not. Sam disliked Crowley to say the very least of it but he managed to accept the weird relationship he had with the King-not king-king again of Hell. Maybe he got used to him like someone gets used to a tumor or maybe he had seen worse than what Crowley could do to him to actually start and care about him. Either way, it brought his thoughts back to Oya. Oya was...She was quite Something. He still remembered when they met her for the first time. She was hunting vampires and got herself into a very powerful nest that nearly killed her. Fortunately for the hunter, the Winchesters had been working the case and found the nest right in time to save her from a certain death. The fact she stubbornly refused to let them clean the place on their own and stubbornly fought by their side was both mesmerizing and unnerving so of course, they argued once the vampires all died. He liked her spunk, the no-bullshit personality, and the bossy attitude. Strong enough to make them comply without too much resistance -unless the topic was serious or personal- but tolerable for both of them.
It happened without him really coming to a realization that she was in his life. At times Sam even rejected the idea that someone new, someone who could die like so many of them did before, was living with them. It felt like "Charlie" all over again with Oya. Of course, they were very different. Charlie was bright and positive, and a real piece of Sunshine. She was that annoying little sister he didn't think he wanted to have. She loved hunting and took it as an adventure or a quest since she was a big geek. And she died a hero, protecting the book of the damned from those Dangerous nazis the best she could. Of all the deaths Sam witnessed, he didn't take Charlie's very well. If anything, he shut himself down completely, refusing to add another victim to the list of those he already lost. Her death was unfair, losing her was unfair and much like Bobby's death, Charlie's hurt deeply the younger Winchester.Oya.. she didn't give them much choice. She was already there. She has damaged already, clearly so. He could tell she held grudges Against Angels and that she was traumatized by a past she barely shared with them and yet was fascinating in the way she experienced being a hunter. She came from a different country in another continent where hunters weren't forced to the crappy life Sam and his brother had to endure. She also, despite the oddities of her behavior (he noticed how she acted when she was having a Panic Attack and when she was really pissed off. he noticed the violence that sometimes burst out of her like she was possessed by a demon but she never hurt an innocent, except maybe with her words.)
She was a piece of work, just like they both were.But one who was maybe less emotionally constipated than he was. She had a terrible poker face, couldn't lie to any of the brothers even when she tried to. There was this quality about her, the raw honesty that Drew Sam towards her. He trusted Oya because even when she screwed up, she owned it. maybe too much. She pretended she was tough and badass and couldn't feel anything or didn't care but she cared, maybe too much, maybe not enough.. maybe in between and unlike any of the brothers, she said it. She was intense, she was true, she had her heart up to her sleeve and went out of her ways to protect the siblings. "keeping them together because they had each other" as she'd say. He would always correct her and let her know that she had her place in this big family of theirs. (big if you count how big an angel could be.) and that they didn't need another guardian angel to keep Sam and Dean together. He wanted Oya to feel at home when he was there, to feel cared for.. to feel like she mattered. Because you see, she did. Sam realized that morning, that after more than a year spent by her sides, he genuinely loved Oya and let her in like he did with Charlie. He let her in enough to argue with her about trivial things such as her thinking they all had hardships with spitting the Truth but she at least tried to be honest with how she felt and didn't understand why they would reject her openness. He liked her enough to let her text him every day to check on him and make sure he was okay. He liked her enough to let her buy him books about spells or the music of Vince Vincente and make a big deal out of it, even if it wasn't the way he preferred things to be. He liked her enough to fill in the role of his older brother and bring her comfort and peace at night with cuddles when Dean wasn't home.
He loved Oya. like a sister. But Sam refused to acknowledge that because he didn't want to be hurt again. He could very much lose this reckless stubborn strong head given how much she loved taking risks and often came back injured and without notice. She felt compelled to sacrifice herself to save his or Dean's life because she valued them more than hers and therefore could hurt herself much more easily. He had to protect her too and hope she was alright when they weren't together. Sam loved her and he would hurt the first person who would try and hurt Oya, or put her life in danger. So with her laid on his lap as she fell asleep in front of the tv, he ran his hand through her hair, massaging her scalp for a while as he drank a glass of scotch and he ended up sighing. Here he was again, ready to get heartbroken again.
But he loved her.
Like the sister, he had lost once.
Like Charlie, but in his very own way.

TWD: Amelia x Asma

[Amelia belongs to my friend Lou and Asma belongs to me.


She makes me feel free. We've been living in a shitshow ever since the Z's breakout and I was one of the first people who would not have survived if she hadn't found me first. I told Rick that Asma was special to me. She was brave. She wasn't the strongest when we met and she definitely isn't three years later but I still can remember how clumsy she was with the baseball bat she had. She twirled it in front of her, unsure of how to Knock down the Z's as she called them but she did nonetheless. It gave me an opening so I could escape from the few who were circling me and just like that, she saved my life. I owe her my life. We all did. She was my first post-apocalypse friend. I had friends before, but they either died or abandoned me to save their skins. I don't blame them for that. Asma found me, she went the extra mile to save me, a complete stranger, and didn't ask for anything in return. That's stuff made of legends you know? The kind of stuff that forms an everlasting friendship? Many times she asked our group of survivors if we wanted to stay in the places we found or leave her behind but we never did. She found all of us and I'm pretty sure that if I was able to save Ahmed if we got together and talked about having a family of our own... yeah if I had that hope, it was because she gave it to me. We could have a life after the Z's breakout. We could have a life.
And she's gone now. She gave her life to save mine and I can only sit my skinny ass down and wait for that incompetent Rick to stop being Negan's bitch and rescue her. She gave her life to save mine, accepted to become one of Negan's Wives.. and God knows what else she agreed to. He wouldn't hit her, she wouldn't dare disobey to ensure my survival but I know he would break her. He would find her weakness. Violence wasn't her weakness for she's lived it all of her life. Before the Z's she was quite a victim of terrible circumstances. from her mother to her lovers, violence was part of her life and she let that happen because she didn't know better... up until the night of the breakout where she worked up some courage and retaliated. My Asma was born on that night when she rescued me. She was born through blood, fire, and he could be violent with her, it would only fuel her strength. Negan is clever, very clever. He would know that it was kindness her true weakness and he would use it against her and I would lose her.

I can't lose her! I'm coming for her!

It's okay

I thought I would have forgotten about you by now. It would have been so much easier for me to just ignore everything that happened between the two of us. Unfortunately, this isn't how life works. I tried to forget you, I really did try hard but I could never pull that off. I don't know, it probably had something to do with you always being in my mind? Whenever I tried to move on, I found myself attracted all over again to you, to your words, to your voice, to your presence. I still remembered how it felt when you were next to me, the electricity in the air, the smiles we exchanged, the warmth of your words, the warmth of our laughter, I was in a dream. 

I was in a dream where you would be there next to me. You would talk to me, cradle me, comfort me and protect me. I was in a dream where you would have been there for me. I know I'm asking a lot, I'm probably asking way too much from you. After all, how can you comfort me, tell me that everything would be alright when you yourself are a mess? It can't be, it can't happen this way. I have to be the person who would pick myself back up and I have to be my own savior. I can't wait for someone to magically fall into my lap and take me away from my misery. With that said, I still think of you.

You're not a savior, not at all. You could have been a companion if you were honest about how you felt and who you really are. I don't want artifices, I don't want pretense, I just want the truth. I want your truth. I see you for who you really are but I am not sure you really want to see yourself in the same light. It's not difficult to understand, but it surely is difficult to live through. I get it. I'm not mad at you for not being ready to see yourself as you truly are. I do have to acknowledge that you never tried to lie about your circumstances. You've always been very clear about what you wanted, what you were going through, and what you didn't want. You have always been very clear about what you were looking for, in me, in us...But you thought you were sly and that we were looking for the same thing but we weren't. I wanted something serious. I wanted something real. I wanted something that mattered. I didn't want to be a sexcapade. I didn't want to be one number on your cell phone. I didn't want to be that sweet and naive conquest you had when you came to my town. I wanted to mean something else, something more. 

But all of this looks so... trivial now. I do dream about you, sometimes. I do read your words again, sometimes. I do feel your presence and your breath and your smiles... sometimes. I surprise myself thinking of the next time we would meet and how I would behave but this time is different. I am not looking forward to being with you anymore. this... I have understood it could never happen. We are not meant to be and it's okay as well. I miss your touch, but it's okay too. I miss your voice and your humming and good mood and your passion.. but it's okay too. I'm honestly trying to find my way through this, move on from where we were. move on from my dire need to be with you. I am fully aware that I deserve better, that if it didn't work out when we met, then it just wouldn't;  We both know it's true. We both know we can't plan on the comet and wish it'll come true and solve our issues. it's not how the world works and it's okay too.

With that said...I am thinking of you. Of your touch, of the kisses we would never share, of the hugs we wouldn't share either -not as much as we could that's for sure-. I think of your laughter and of how much we've been talking over the phone and we won't be doing it anytime soon. It's okay, I have other people to talk to. I don't depend on your calls and I've learned better not to count on you. You weren't there when it was important. people saw, people read. people know. you weren't there and I can't pretend you were. I was deeply hurt and upset that you didn't show up and didn't act half the decent man you were supposed to be. I hold it against you. You being a coward when it actually mattered that you weren't one.  It's who you are, it's okay. I understand. I don't want that in my life, not in a partner, but I understand.

Ultimately, I guess what I was trying to say is that I miss you. I really do. I miss everything that was "us" that happened last year. I miss everything that could have been "us" but would never be. I miss you and I think of you sometimes. I think of your kisses and your hugs and everything glowy and beautiful and bubbly about us but then I remember how dark things could get between the two of us and I remember how complicated our situation is and I remember how you behaved and what I need right now and later on in my life and then it becomes crystal clear that we're not good to each other and we're not meant to be more than friends.....And it's okay.

It's okay.

It really is.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Chronicles of Lux and Tenebrae: The mother

A/N: Last of the last. Last main character to be presented before I kickstart the story.


Life was the most powerful being in that universe, alongside Death. They both were two sides of the same coin. She created and he destroyed and the two were supposed to keep some balance in this world. There was a golden rule that prevented Life and Death from fraternizing, despite both of them developing growing feelings for one another, it was decided best for them to focus on other people and their own realms. For Death, it became a necessity when he wanted to have an heir. He chose one of the most beautiful -living- woman to carry his child. She later died during labour and joined Elysion for the great service she gave Death but he never felt anything for her. How could he? when all he had in mind was Life? She herself, chose a mortal man, called Prince Happy, who gave her several children over the years their relationship lasted. Her last born, Lux was the only daughter she had. Her precious little girl who brought Life so much joy and pride. How could she not? 

Life was the most powerful being in the universe, alongside Death. She was known for her timeless beauty. Her dark skin complexion and long black hair that was only highlighted by the white eyes of hers. Life was the warmest creature to ever exist, kind and gentle and celebrated by every living creature. She was feared, treasured, cherished for how fleeting she was and how fragile mankind was. She reigned with an iron fist on her realm, ensuring the survival of all living creatures and the respect of Time and Fate. Over the years she gave more work to her children, making them find anomalies on both Earth and in the Realm of all beginnings to ensure that no abominations could exist and disrupt the natural course of the CYCLE. Life started it all, Death ended it all and spirits joined the End realm for their final rest. It was supposed to happen that way. Of course, you'd think that Life would have avoided Death at any cost. Their old flame should have died when Time told them they couldn't be together if they wanted to avoid a major catastrophe. It didn't happen this way. Life was in love with Death and so was he but they decided to bury their feelings for the well-being of the whole universe. That was until their children met and fell in love with one another. Tenebrae was young, brash, reckless in his feelings and so was Lux. Both were aware of the golden rule and yet it didn't stop them from falling in love with one another. It was crystal clear for the two younglings that they were meant to be and the fatal attraction caused the parents to be scared of the potential repercussions of their love coming to fruition. 

Locking Lux away wasn't the smartest move her mother did, but it was the result of a deeply rooted fear inside of the deity, one that refused to leave her guts and kept her awake at night. Her child couldn't fall in love with Death's child and repeat the same mistake their parents made. Fraternizing was forbidden and she knew it only was a matter of time before the children were punished for their foolish action. She expected Time to confront her but instead of him, fear, death and rotten flesh invaded the Omega realm. It never happened before but Tenebrae's birth and the romance that was born from his relationship with Lux attracted Life's enemies even faster. She should have seen it coming but it was too late. Powerless, she watched Conquest kill her daughter in front of her, and was severely injured by War. She couldn't hear them well but realized that they had been fomenting a plan to overthrow both Death and Life. They were successfully driven out by Life's last effort but it had her fall into a coma shortly after she brought her daughter back to life, with amnesia and sent her to Earth. Aware of her surroundings but unable to communicate, she couldn't tell Death that their children were in danger or give him the identity of her assailants but she knew he would investigate and would protect their heirs. He had to.

Life was the most powerful being in the universe, alongside Death and yet she got herself surprised by an attack of the three remaining apocalypse riders.She had lost two of her sons who joined Death's End realm, but three were still alive and rebuilt the Realm of all Beginnings while their mother was recovering from her assault. Lux was very capable and they knew that even without her full memories, she still was able to handle herself well. Life found solace in thinking she would make it and that Tenebrae would find her and would protect her. Until her awakening, there was way too much uncertainty for Life's liking. Nobody knew what would happen next and that was the scariest part, nobody knew. 


Max and Phoenix: Stitches

Max and Phoenix: stitches


A/N: Ah.. these two. Finally talking about the elephant in the room without actually naming it :p All the usual disclaimers! Max belongs to my friend M. and Phoenix belongs to me.

xxx xxx

Max, once they arrived at his apartment, helped an injured Phoenix walk into it and sit on the couch. She leaned her head against the headrest of the couch and looked up at the ceiling. She wanted to know if Kara made it but knew that she should not go the hospital and take the risk of being busted by police or even walk into a trap. Whatever happened from now would, either way, be a victory against Cesare? Kara would have died if she didn't intervene and if she hadn't then her death would have fueled Phoenix need for revenge. Saving her thwarted Cesare's plan to come legit or at least try and win the hearts of his target audience. Saving kara was saving a little bit of her own soul. Even if Kara died now, Cesare would have lost an asset. 

Nevertheless, she realized that Max sacrificed a perfect opportunity to get Cesare. He came to her and rescued her from a certain death. It became crystal clear as soon as she entered his car and she couldn't shake her guilt off of her mind. Cesare was Max's end goal. He wanted to find him and make him pay for what happened to his family, so she realized how big of a sacrifice he actually made to save her life. Her eyes grew wide and she looked at her hands and injured knee. Max walked around, she didn't pay attention to him and instead moved her leg away to take a better look at her injury. After a while, Max finally puts a stool in front of Phoenix and sat on it. He grabbed her leg and poured some alcohol on a large cotton disk. She looked at him, chewing on her bottom lip as she anticipated the pain He started to clean the wound, making her hiss at the sensation of the stinging alcohol on her torn flesh.

« Max.. max... » She began with before Phoenix rolled her eyes and bit her bottom lip.

« You're used to worse. C'mon, don't be a baby. » He said with a chuckle before he stroked her smooth leg. « Considering what you went up against, it's great you didn't get more injured. »

« The toughest job I've ever had to do...keeping someone alive,... » She sighed and leaned into the couch. « I'm a killer... that's what I do. Saving Kara....if I have saved her... »

« You did your best. You saved her back there, from the OD, from her bodyguards. Don't be so hard on yourself. » He said as he'd cleaned up the whole leg area from her blood. He pushed himself a little further so she could rest her whole leg on his and he used a wet towel to clean her leg from all the blood that rolled down her soft skin.

« If you say so... »

She said, crossing her arms over her chest. She wasn't convinced that she did enough to protect Kara but he was right about something, she at least... tried. She hissed again and watched as he grabbed some needle and some surgical thread to start stitching her up. She glanced at his hands, working fast and steady on her leg and stitching her up quite fast. Max was right, she had been hurt in way worse ways before and endured extreme pain, this was almost like a peck on the lips and she didn't feel much. As he worked on her leg, the brunet looked up at her face, seeing guilt she didn't want to express just yet.

« Maybe we can talk about the elephant in the room? » He said, putting the final touch on his stitches.

« Which elephant? » She asked as she rolled her head to the left. « Oh... you mean that one. » She said, looking back at Max.

« Yeah. I mean that one. I know you've been trying to say something since you got into my car, so say it. » Phoenix pursed her lips into a pout and watched as he put her leg back on the floor now that he was done stitching her up.

« You didn't have to come back to me. » Phoenix finally said, her voice barely hiding her guilt as she spoke.

« Of course I had to. » He countered and sat on the couch next to her.

« You didn't have to. I had it under control. You.. you helped me and Cesare escaped you. It was a-- »

« I chose to come back. »

« It was a one time opportunity! You could have killed this son of a bitch instead of coming to my »

« I /chose/ to come back. » He repeated but she grew more agitated and sat straight on the couch.
« I don't care! You let him run away and what for? »

« I did it for /you /! I chose to come back for you! It was a suicide mission and you know it more than I do. I couldn't let you die.»

« What the fuck? »

She was dumbfounded by his words and looked at him with eyes wide open. Max scratched the back of his head and growled, unease at his own words. He admitted that he decided to go back and find her rather than let Phoenix handle the rescue mission on her own. Of course, he knew she was a very capable assassin, he heard about her reputation, he saw her in action. He just couldn't live with himself if she simply died while trying to do the right thing. Her hazel eyes stared at him, almost getting wet from unshed tears as she didn't understand what his words implied, or maybe she did but refused to acknowledge it. He cupped her left cheek to make her stop moving and stroked the soft skin with his thumb. Phoenix was shaking, internally screaming at what she'd just heard. He gave up his one shot at revenge to save her life? He did it for her? Because he wanted her alive? Why did he want her alive? She looked confused, scared even but his hand on her cheek was soothing so Phoenix held his hand there, leaning into his touch while she kept giving him questioning looks.

« I did it for you. » He repeated again, cupping her other cheek. « Because I couldn't live with myself if you had died back there. I couldn't. I refused. Do you understand? » She nodded softly and then shook her head.

« I do. I think I do.. I'm not sure I fully understand why you did this Max. I'm an assassin...I have so much red on my ledger... I deserve to die. » She looked down and shut her eyes tight. « Are you saying you care about me? That you couldn't let me die because you care about me? » -He lifted her face so she would look at him and nodded-

Max wasn't ready to say too much, these kinds of things took time and he wasn't even sure of how he truly felt for her. All he knew was that holding her face, being in front of her, being sure she was living and breathing was enough to put his mind at ease. He knew she would have done the same, how many times did she come back to save his ass when they were working together? How many time did she put herself in danger just to ensure his safety? She would have come back to him just like he did and he would be in her shoes wondering why she did that when she didn't have to. His heart was beating faster in his ribcage and he wrapped his hand around the back of her neck. Her lips were still trembling but she nodded as he answered her truthfully. He cared for her and because he did, Max came back and saved her from a certain death. She rubbed his hands and gently pressed her lips against his inner wrist.

« You would have done the same. » He finally said, searching for confirmation from her. Phoenix nodded quietly and looked back to his face.

« I would have. I would have done the same thing... I would have come back for you too. I wouldn't be able to live knowing I let you die and I could have prevented it from happening. »

She finally said, collecting her thoughts and saying what she was the most comfortable saying. He grabbed the back of her neck and gently pushed her face closer to his, so his lips could crash on hers for a kiss he had been wanting to give her since she left him. She closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him towards her as she laid on the couch. It was the first time she didn't stiffen against him, the first time she kissed him in such a soft fashion. Max made sure he didn't press his whole mass against hers and kept giving her small pecks, all the while stroking her cheeks. She sighed in the kiss and closed her eyes again as he rested his head against her chest and wrapped his arms around her waist.

« I will get Cesare. Missing this opportunity won't make it any less easy for him. I'll have another. »

« I'll help you. My journey with Kara is... » She picked up the radio that was playing in the background, talking about the events of the evening and how many people really got injured. Curiously, the only injuries that occurred were the ones that involved people being stomped on by running victims. Nobody died but there were many injured. Kara was said to have OD'd but thanks to a good Samaritan, she survived that night. They also reported the heavy presence of police to ensure the reporter's protection since it was common knowledge that the mob had kidnapped her, which made Phoenix sigh in relief and run her fingers through Max's hair. « Yeah.. just like I said, my work here is done. She's safe now... Cesare and the drug traffic need to be stopped...for good. »

« You need to rest up. You've done enough gymnastics tonight. » He said, planting a kiss on her chest and then her neck. He smiled at her and gently pulled away from her. « Are you hungry? » She nodded and rubbed her belly. « Gotcha. I'm gonna getcha burgers so you can have your fix. » He said, standing back up. « Phoenix... »

«Yeah? » She asked, tucking some black locks behind her ear.

« You did great tonight. »

She gave him a sheepish smile and waved her hand as he left the apartment. Now with herself, she leaned back on the couch and wrapped her arms around her waist. A lot had just happened in less than an hour and her mind was confused as to how to proceed all that information. She ran her fingers over her plump lips, relishing in the taste of Max. A smile crept up and she covered her face with her hand. How on Earth could she, an experienced assassin, find someone who actually cared about her to the point of coming back. She chuckled at her own situation and curled into a ball to a corner of the couch, falling asleep a little bit while waiting for Max to return with food. They still had a lot to deal with, but tonight eventually, they could rest some and enjoy what they had: Each other.

-TB C-

Sunday, January 21, 2018

SoA: Tig and Asma: I love you

//ON THE SPOT LITTLE MOMENT.That's the messed up moment she said: "I am in love with you". One she might retcon when he comes back. Ah! 

xxx xxx xxx

Tig wasn't peculiarly happy when Asma told him she wanted to learn how to shoot. He didn't want her to get hurt because that girl sometimes could be very clumsy, but he understood the need to feel safe. He couldn't always be there to protect her since he wandered around with the club and he couldn't always call to make sure she was safe. A gun seemed reasonable. She was reasonable unless she was angry, but there had been less and fewer reasons for her to be so Tig agreed. It wouldn't have changed anything for Asma, who was now determined to learn how to shoot but having his support encouraged her to be even more responsible. Jessica gave her a fake gun to carry around just so she could get used to having such weight with her under any circumstances. Needless to say, the very first days were uncomfortable at best. Now that the holidays were over and Tig was back to business with the rest of SAMCRO, Asma was once again nervous about all of this. 

She knew what they were and what they did for a living. She accepted the nature of their work and the dangers that came along with it. It did bother her at the beginning when she started to see Tig. He wouldn't always be home if they ever had a home, to begin with. He would sometimes come back injured or in a very bad mood and she would have to deal with it. She was aware of all of this but it didn't make it easier; When he told her that he would go back to working on that "car" he's been fixing with the boys, Asma took it very badly. She argued with him for a few days about how she didn't want him to go because her guts felt something would go horribly wrong and yet, she had to swallow her words because she knew already that he would never leave the club. He would never reject the life he was leading, not even for her. She didn't even know what she wanted aside from him being alive. Her heart was selfish, she was aware of that, but why wouldn't it be when finally, after years of misery she finally was happy?

As he prepared himself for the next mission, he found her walking in cycles in the bedroom. Her disheveled dyed pink hair fell onto her shoulders as she ran her hand through it. Tig observed for a while before he grabbed her arm, catching her attention and making her stop. Her hazel eyes looked up at his concerned face. He didn't want to leave her behind, but he had to go.His large hand cupped her cheek and stroked it while she sighed, defeated by her inner turmoil. 

"I'll be back sooner than you think, Bella." His voice wanted to be reassuring and soft but it didn't work very well as she remained defeated and sad.

"I know you will.." Her voice had cracks as she was doing her best not to cry in front of him. "Just.. be careful, that's all I'm asking for." She let her hand rest on his chest and felt his other hand wrap around her waist. "Just come back to me."

"I will. I promise." 

"It's a promise you can't make...Don't make it." She closed her eyes as he pressed his lips against hers. "Don't make it...Tig." She pouted as he pulled away. He felt the fake gun she had on her belt and patted her cheek with the hand that cupped it.

"Be a good girl, Asma and I will come back with a treat." He grinned, to make her grin and it worked a little bit. 

"This time, come back with a real treat. A real gift! I don't want to care about you being the gift okay?" She poked his chest and pursed her lips into another pout. 

"That's my girl. "

 He kissed her lips again and pulled away from her as he prepared himself to leave the room. Her eyes grew wide as she hated the sight of him leaving her. The hazel orbs shifted from left to right before she moistened her lips and bit her bottom one. "Be careful Bella.." He waved his hand, ready to leave but she wanted to stop him. Her heart was racing inside of her ribcage, beating so fast that Asma felt she was about to have a heart attack. Him leaving put everything into perspective, especially how she felt about him. She remembered a question Jessica asked her not so long ago about the relationship. "Are you happy with Tig?" it seemed like a no-brainer for her and she responded almost nonchalantly but the truth was... she realized the real weight her words had. Of course, she was happy with Tig but that happiness felt strange.

 It was a mix of pain and joy, of curiosity and fear, of apprehensions and relief. At this exact moment, she felt the pain of allowing him to leave her to face danger, the uncertainty of tomorrow and his survival. He played a dangerous game, one that didn't leave him unscathed and one that could also take him from her. She had just found happiness, why would Fate be cruel and take Tig from her? Thoughts were a mess in her mind, twirling over and over and over until only one thing came through. Her guts had her run towards him and wrap her arms around his waist. It was primal, poorly thought out but it was real. He stopped, eyes wide open as he didn't understand what was going on. The way she hugged him suggested she didn't want him to go, the way she was shaking informed him that she was affected by that..He patted her hands and tried to turn around but she wouldn't let him.

"Before you go...I just want you to know that I...I...." She swallowed hard and shut her eyes tighter. "I love you. I love you... I love you and I want you to stay alive so I could say it again.." She shut her eyes tighter and pulled away from him slowly. "You have someone who longs for your return, so don't fuck shit up, Alex." And she pushed him forward, informing him that she had said her piece and he could leave now.  He was dumbfounded by all of this, mostly because it was the first time she actually said how she truly felt. It wasn't the cutesy "I love you". No! It was the real deal. The real one and for the first time in his life, he just realized he had nothing to say because he wasn't ready. 

"I won't fuck up." 

Was all he could say before he walked away to an anxious Asma who watched him leave her sides. As he left, she hit the front door with her fist and growled as she thought it shouldn't have happened like this. She shouldn't have open her heart on a whim. She should have.. but was it a good way to express one's feelings? Was it?


Chronicles of Primeval gods: Elpis: Retaliation

Chronicles of the Primeval Gods: Life of Elpis: Retaliation

A/ N: Elpis musing about killing Ishtar for cursing her. The structure is very similar to the Ishtar solo when he was thinking about getting his revenge.

Blood of my blood, the flesh of my flesh, why did you betray me?

Elpis looked at the mirror in front of her. The breach that was on it was the manifestation of the seal's breach. Cracks weren't big enough to shatter the glass so she was still trapped inside the consciousness of her vessel, unable to really communicate with her, let alone communicate with the outside world. She tapped her fingers against the glass and huffed. Her love for Pride might have helped her survive the ordeal of being trapped inside a human vessel, it most certainly was her thirst for revenge that helped her endure the millennia spent alone. If she knew Ayasha was the mastermind behind her attempted destruction by the God of War, it was the fact Ishtar allowed this to happen that broke Elpis' heart. He didn't hesitate when he came to her with the Dagger of Fate in his hand. His mind was made, he would do as Ayasha advised him to, he would stab Elpis with the dagger and would punish her for loving an abomination. For loving Pride.

She curled her fingers into a fist, her breathing became more labored as she was remembered the fateful night that saw her demise. She still remembered when he held her in his arms and cradled her dying body with tears in his eyes and words of guilt in his mouth. He wanted her to spare him, to forgive him for what he just did. He took her away from her beloved, effectively erased her from everybody's memories, including her beloved's. He deprived the world of her presence and allowed humans -she adored- to live without her warm light to guide them, without Hope to motivate them, without any other purpose but to let Fate decide for them. How could she forgive him? She swore to destroy her pantheon as soon as she comes back and she would keep her promise. It was only a matter of time before Pride set her free and she would take the opportunity to destroy her enemies, by herself if Pride didn't care...-Although, he did care.-

Blood of my blood, the flesh of my flesh, why did you deceive me?

She gritted her teeth as the memories were painful to remember, even if she didn't have a full body and was just an essence, it still stung where her heart should have been. With that pain, however, the lust for blood rose and a smile crept on her lips, replacing her pain with a pleasure she wasn't too used to have. Scenes flashed through her mind, moments she dreamed or perhaps, moments that would be. Either way, the clear image of Ishtar's bloody face appeared in her head. She would have her hand wrapped around his throat in order to feel the faint heartbeats of her fallen brother. He would be kneeling before her, defeated, unable to move for she would have her scythe planted in his guts. He would beg her to spare his life, to show him some mercy like he showed some to her. She would consider his words, let her eyes glow from a bright and unkind light that would come from within. Her anger and hatred mixed together and a promise to make it hurt. « You do not deserve my mercy. » She would say, as her hand would squeeze harder, suffocating her brother and forcing him to open his eyes to look at his sister.

« You do not deserve anything. You took everything from me. » She would say slowly, relishing in the fact he wouldn't be able to struggle against her grip. « You decided to punish me for feeling love. You decided to...punish me for not choosing you. I saw it in your mind as I was dying. » She would raise her scythe, preparing herself to behead her sibling. He would manage to say words, improve her forgiveness, try to appeal to their past relationship and how much he cared for her and loved her. Yes, he did. It was love -his twisted love for her- that caused her demise. He refused to let her be with someone else than him. His jealousy towards Pride caused her ordeals and the fact he didn't even stop for a second to think of what he was about to do and stabbed her anyway was enough for her to know he would have gone through the plan if he didn't have feelings for her. But was it mercy? Condemning to an eternity locked inside human people? Forcing her to go through an endless reincarnation cycle? Was it mercy or was it worse than being destroyed for good, but at least remembered by the ones she loved? « You killed everyone I cared about..Sitaa, Khrö killed them and you expect me to spare your meaningless life? » She would lift her weapon, feeling a moment of hesitation rush through her veins before resolve took over and she would let it fall onto his neck, effectively beheading him. His blood would splatter on her face and her chest, tainting her clothes and soaking her in his blood.

The flesh of my flesh, Blood of my blood, Why did you make me do this?

She wouldn't stop there. Beheaded or not, she would keep stabbing him, shredding his body until nothing but a pile of guts, flesh, muscles, and blood was left of him. She would scream her anger and anguish. She would destroy the dungeon through a burst of energy and would be left on her knees, crying for the loss of what once was and what could never be. She would run her hand over what was left of her brother and would lean against it, effectively soiling her body. Of course, he would be her first kill, the appetizer and while the first feeling she would have would be guilt, those tears and screams would turn into smiles and laughter as she would conquer her fears. She did it, the first step to the destruction of her pantheon had begun, At this point, of course, he would probably have been betrayed by Ayasha who would steal the title of All-Father and the powers that came with it. Fair enough, it wouldn't mind. All-FAther or not, she would crush them all. And when she would be laughing, oh she would be laughing.

And he would come and stand next to her, offering his hand so she would stand back up. As she would be pulled back onto her feet, he would look at her, put both his hands on her cheeks and stroke them, smearing blood all over her face while his eyes, turned purple, would stare at her. Elpis would tilt her head to the side and run her hands over his suit, effectively smearing blood all over it. He wouldn't say a word but she would feel his pride, the immense joy he would feel after witnessing her take the life of Ishtar. His lips would crash on hers while she would hold onto his costume as tight as she could.

He would do this...

Pride, that is.


Saturday, January 20, 2018

Chronicles of Lux and Tenebrae: The Father

A/N: It's like I can't stop writing this lol Enters Death. You have guessed it, the next one would be about Life. Just like with the previous two, I'll dig a little into Death's motives, psyche and explain a little more what the story is about. It will end with the next one before actual dialogues and scenes take place :) 


Death had a son.

He went by many names around the world and was mostly known for being the one who ended human life. It was his task, to harvest the souls of the fallen and bring them to his kingdom to be ruled by him. Death's role was more complex than many would think it was. He wouldn't just take souls to his kingdom, he would either punish or reward them depending on how they lived their lives. He would give one last chance to those who lived their lives hurting people -as long as it didn't claim someone's life- or would grant redemption to those who fully repented for their past sins. He was a judge on top of being a ruler. Death was absolute in his kingdom and feared by both the living and the dead. He was an otherworldly beauty, with long waist-length silver hair, silver eyes and a skin so pale that it almost was translucent. In his dark realm, he felt like a beacon of light or a star depending on who was looking at him. His beauty only equated the cold reputation he had. 

 Indeed, he was known for being ruthless, possessive, jealous, cold and detached from everything that didn't directly affected him and his people. He was known for being brutal when it suited him or calm and collected to the greatest horrors of those confronting him. What was true, however, was that Death was pragmatic. He had wanted an heir he would entrust with the heavy task of being his right hand and thus sought the most devoted and beautiful soul of the kingdom to carry his child. Princess Melancholia was chosen, a beautiful pale beauty with jet black hair and green eyes became the mother of his child. Just like this Tenebrae was born.

Death had a son.

He gave the child to the Harpys so they would raise the child to be the perfect heir, in adoration of his father and with no intent to overthrow him. Many said that it was to be expected from the king of the End Realm but there was a deeper and more unexpected reason that had Death give the baby to someone else. The minute he held his son in his arms, the Grim Reaper fell in love with his progeny. He cared for him but Death was pragmatic and him caring was an anomaly. Him wanting a child was already an anomaly and even more when said child was the product of a union that lacked love. The child was handsome, taking after his father's traits, such as the nose and the lips, the paleness of the skin and the cold eyes. The child was, however, wilder than Death was. He learned of the budding romance between Lux and Tenebrae and in agreement with Life, he locked his son away from Lux. both he and Life saw this relationship as potentially dangerous as it went against the very golden rule that forbade the kings and queens to fraternize and nobody knew what the product of said love could be. Both him and Life wanted to protect their children from a potential catastrophe and both him and Life refused to acknowledge the elephant in the room. lux and Tenebrae were just like them, the manifestation of the love Life and Death shared for one another. Like Tenebrae, Lux was born from a pragmatic union between Life and King Happiness. (or King Happy as he was called) and she also, was a rebellious mind, like his son.

Death had a son.

This decision was the first of many that would strain his relationship with his son. Tenebrae resented him for separating him from his beloved Lux. He couldn't see the big picture and Death couldn't explain anyway. Why would he soften himself up? Why would he admit that he had been in his son's shoes himself? Why would he dig into his own feelings? He decided to ignore it and allow his child to resent him for centuries. He watched his son grow in both power and wisdom but also watched him become more bitter as time went by. When the news of the attack of the Omega Realm came in, Tenebrae left the kingdom and Death went to see Life, who was in critical condition. He investigated and started to piece things together. He had to confront his fellow Apocalypse Horsemen, in order to make sure none of them were involved like he suspected. It tore him apart, knowing his precious child was left to fend for himself, at the potential mercy of Death and Life enemies. Tenebrae wouldn't listen to him and Death knew he would be more efficient if he protected from a distance, after all, if he was right then he would confront the danger by himself while his son would find his beloved. Father and son fighting the same battle. It did have a nice ring to it, save for the fact his son wasn't aware his father was watching him from afar.

Death had a son and those who would try to hurt him, would soon realize why he was feared.

Phoenix and Max: Unexpected turn of events

Phoenix and Max: Unexpected turn of events

A/ N: Finally getting there. Phoenix is having trouble protecting Kara. She thinks she's going to die. But is she? All the usual disclaimers


Chicago, Hepstein Awards, 9:45 pm

Everything was prepared, from the fancy black cocktail dress to the exact timing of Kara's presence. The assassin had rehearsed her plan several times in her head. Kara would come, followed by several bodyguards. Given the size of the event and its importance, Phoenix estimated at least seven armed men to enter the building. Three would be assigned to the target's close protection while the other two would scout the place and survey any strange move. In truth, they were one man short of meeting her expectations. Kara was supposed to speak shortly before the break and then she would eventually go to the ladies restroom. Phoenix would meet her there, would inform her about her mission and the two would leave the restroom. There would be a fight of course, but Phoenix was used to fighting and killing henchmen. What could possibly go wrong?

Kara's reaction! That was what went wrong. When Phoenix finally got into the restroom, Kara swallowed pills to kill herself. She fell to the ground and started to OD, forcing Phoenix to call an ambulance and fight the two bodyguards that were guarding the bathroom door, inside. She got rid of them quite easily, breaking one's neck and turning the gun (with a silencer on) against the other's belly to have him shoot himself. She then turned Kara on her side to help her throw up without suffocating in her own vomit and cursed as she realized that there was no way she could get Kara outside. She would have to protect her until the ambulance came and took her away, which basically was suicide.

There were innocent people in the building and the risk to have them injured was becoming more and more certain. She bit her thumb, wishing Max was there so he would have helped protect her while she would have taken Kara to safety, at least, to the ambulance. It was getting out of hand and her heart was racing in her ribcage. She and Max didn't say goodbye the way Phoenix wanted to. She shouldn't have left the motel room without at least kissing him one last time. She shouldn't have left the motel room without at least telling him that she was falling in love with him. She shouldn't have left the motel room without telling him that she knew both were broken beyond repair but she believed they also deserved to be happy...Words died at the back of her throat on that day and she buried her feelings deep in her heart. What was the use of doing that, now that it was certain she was going to die? He wouldn't know...He would never know.

Curling her fingers into a fist, the assassin groaned to give herself some strength. It didn't matter anymore because Kara was in trouble and she needed to get her out of the ladies' room and out of that place so the medics could take care of her. The difficulty wasn't to leave the bathroom with an unconscious body to carry over. The difficulty was to fight against the remaining three bodyguards WITH a body she had to keep alive. It was her first rescue mission and for someone who was used to taking lives, it certainly was something she wasn't used to doing. She stroked Kara's face, chewing on her bottom lip.

« I have tried my best. I am not sure we're going to escape alive but just in case we don't, I want you to know that I tried my best. I really did. »

She dropped her head, gathering a second to think of herself and Max.. always him.. popping into her thoughts. She was hoping he was still alive and his mission with Cesare would go well. She was hoping he survived his mission and avenged his family. She was hoping he wouldn't forget her. Her eyes opened wide at that last thought as a shiver went down her spine. Why were her last thoughts to a man she'd just met a couple of months ago? She furrowed her brows and stood back up. She would carry her mission to the end and get Kara to the hospital to save her life. She grabbed the body and threw it over her shoulder while she grabbed the gun of the bodyguard who tried to kill her in the bathroom. Phoenix left the bathroom and started to walk towards the exit. No one rang the alarm just yet and she prayed not to face any of the guests who would definitely start to panic. Just when she thought they were safe from trouble, the fire alarm rang. 

People started to pour into the hallways, screaming, and bumping into one another, and before Phoenix could even curse, she was met with two of the three remaining bodyguards in front of her. It was one thing to be an assassin and another one to become a bodyguard. Saving lives never was Phoenix's forte and she didn't know if she would be able to both protect her target and kill her enemies. She pointed a gun at the head of one of them and shot him in the face but the other one had fired on her leg -in order not to kill Kara-. Phoenix screamed and knelt, the weight of her target pulling her down. It made her lose her focus for a brief second, enough for her to hear the noise of a gunshot. She froze in place, expecting to be hit by the bullet but blinked when she saw the body drop in front of her and another more familiar presence step forward. He outstretched his hand for her to take.

«Max? » Was all she could whisper as the brunette grinned at her.

She wanted to speak but couldn't, given the pressing matters. They couldn't stay around for longer in fear of being caught by the police. She gave him Kara, he carried, bridal style, and stood back up. Her leg was profusely bleeding, so she tore her dress up and wrapped the fabric around her wound to stop the bleeding. She made a hand gesture to let him know he could move while she would follow. Kara was still unconscious but she was still breathing, which reassured Phoenix who walked with a limp right behind Max. Adrenaline was rushing through her veins and she knew there still was one last bodyguard that would try to find them. Max was stopped by a woman who pointed her gun at him. Phoenix pointed a gun at her, knowing full well she only had one more bullet she could use. *

Max noticed she let her guard down and used the opportunity to shove her so he could walk past her, Phoenix then kicked the gun out of her hand but the woman punched her hard in the face, and then punched her chest, making Phoenix take a few steps back. She then ran towards her and tried to kick her face but Phoenix grabbed her legs and fell on her back to throw the woman on the floor. She then rolled and straddled her. Phoenix punched her hard in the face, drawing blood off of her nose, and kept punching until the woman grabbed her wounded leg and pressed into the wound, making the assassin scream. The bodyguard then grabbed Phoenix's neck and started to strangle her. People were running everywhere around them, making it difficult for the assassin to find room to manœuvre. She kept telling herself that Max found the paramedics and that Kara was in good hands. She tried to remove the hands from her neck but the bodyguard was hugging harder, blocking the air from her lungs. Phoenix tried to punch her but she realized that she would not be able to do serious damage,

So instead she let her left hand search for the knife she kept hidden inside her dress. The bodyguard noticed and went harder, holding tighter on her neck until Phoenix stabbed her. As soon as she felt the knife sink into her skin, She released her neck and started to cough blood. Phoenix caught her breath and rubbed her bruised neck before she managed to stand back up, her leg bleeding again profusely, and ran towards the exit. She noticed the ambulance closing its door on Kara and looked around for a sign of Max but couldn't see him. Since the Police were almost at the crime scene, she decided to run to her rented car but was caught by Max who grabbed her arm and took her next to the wall.

« What the fu--! I need to go to my car! »

« It's compromised. Follow me. »

«Max! » She didn't resist much as he took her hand and took her to his car. It was a new one, one that didn't stick out in Chicago. She entered the car and put her seatbelt on while Max started the engine. He put his belt on and left the place. « Why did you do that? » She asked, her brows furrowed. « Why couldn't I go back to my car? »

« Because cops were already there. They would have wanted to question you and with your wounded leg? They would have been suspicious... » He paused and kept looking straight forward. « You're welcome by the way. »

« I...Thank you. I didn't expect to see you. Why did you... » She looked at him and realized that if he was with her, then he wasn't with Cesare. Her eyes grew wide at the realization and she leaned into her seat, speechless. « Thank you... For rescuing me. »

« You're welcome. » He was calmer, his hand held onto her knee as he was still concerned about her injury. « I have a safe place in town. I'm taking you there. You need stitches. » His voice didn't leave room for arguing and she would not want to anyway. Her heart was beating faster than when she was in the midst of action because he was near her. She was very aware of his hand on her knee and swallowed a lump.

« Okay... » Was all she could say, she looked at the window and wrapped her arms around her waist. « I hope she will make it. »

« You saved her life back there, Phoenix. You saved her life... » She shrugged and nodded. Her eyes looked at his who was holding onto her knee and she put her hand over his, only for a brief moment. She wouldn't talk, she usually didn't talk whenever she was looking away so he wouldn't force her to talk as of now. She needed to have her wounds tended to before they inevitably talked about why he intervened and the fact he let Cesare escape. They would have the night to talk about it... or would they?


Friday, January 19, 2018

Chronicles of Lux and Tenebrae: The Daughter

A/N: Still exploring those characters but this time focusing on the daughter's side and going a little further into the plot.

She will remember.

She will remember the Son of Death. His alabaster hands on the bouncy ebony breast, his touch was cold, so cold. It always clashed with the warmth of her skin, and created short-lived goosebumps that covered her skin, only to vanish the minute after. She will remember his grunts and groans, the surprise in his eyes, his complete surrender to the beautiful moment and the bliss their union threw them into.  She will remember how soft he was when both were spent. He would spend hours admiring her form and staring at her to burn her image in his brain. He would stroke her cheek, plant kisses all over her soft body all the while the two of them would talk. How could she forget Tenebrae?

She will remember.

She will remember her death when the Omega Realm was attacked. She died a warrior's death while trying to protect her mother from being further harmed. Life, in one last effort before she went into a coma, revived her and sent her to Earth so she would heal incognito. The Amnesia was by design so Lux wouldn't want to return to the Omega Realm before she was ready. She was found by a human who took care of her and when she outlived her, Lux started to roam the Earth and live several lives for centuries. She will remember the face of her enemies and the shock when she realized who they were.  She would remember her vow to find and destroy them as she died. She would remember the last thought she had as her lifeforce: Tenebrae.

She will remember

Lux, as her name suggested, was the goddess of Light and Hope. Last child and only daughter of Life, Lux was loved by many and cast her light in the Omega Realm and on Earth. Her existence had always been defined by her family and her duty as the protector of humanity. She was known for being beautiful, with her flawless ebony skin, her long chocolate hair and golden eyes.She was raised the same as her brothers, as a warrior whose only goal was to protect Earth and its inhabitant. She wasn't aware of the role she played in guiding and fueling her fellow gods' spirits with Hope, let alone who pivotal she was for Life. Her blind faith and devotion to her family were twisted the day she met Tenebrae. It was a golden rule that the End Realm and the Realm of all Beginnings would never interact in any capacity. They weren't enemies per say, but they should never fraternize. 

She will remember

Tenebrae was an anomaly in the world of Lux. He was her complete opposite and yet he completed her. Son of Death, Prince of Darkness, he was cold and cruel. His shadow was cast on Earth and she witnessed firsthand what Darkness could do to those who allowed it in their hearts. She will remember how she confronted him when they first met and how her light and his darkness would create a sparkle. She will remember how both lowered their guards as they fought together against the various enemies that disrupted the river of time. 

When those who were supposed to be dead came back to life, when those who were supposed to be alive, died earlier than predicted when wraiths and monsters were created by those who performed magic and humans who tried to uncover the mysteries of the universe and tried to play with mystic forces. Through their collaboration, feelings grew. She will remember their first kiss and the one that followed and the time they became one.

She will remember

The daughter of Life felt a presence on Earth, centuries after she was sent there. It felt familiar, so familiar that goosebumps covered her skin. It wasn't enough to jumpstart her memory but she knew she had to investigate. Drawn towards the energy signature of the prince, she decided to go and meet him. How could she forget Tenebrae? 

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Doya: the only exception

Doya: the only exception

[Why are you complicated?]

Oya watched as Dean stitched her leg. He didn't even give her a choice. As soon as she came back from her hunt, bruised and bleeding, he checked on her. Adrenaline was so high that she didn't notice her wound until she came back home and despite her protest, Dean made her petite body sit on the kitchen's table while he stitched her leg. She watched in silence, chugging a beer while he patched her up. 

[The answer to your question is right in front of you, Right in front of you. Won't you look at it?]

She wanted to speak, but words died at the back of her throat. Instead, her hazel eyes stared at Dean's skilled hands that worked fast on her. He was almost done stitching her by the time she looked at him. Her fingers twitched, as she wanted to touch his face, make sure he was really there with her but she refrained from doing so. Her eyes looked away as she took another long sip of her beer. 

He seemed to be in a good mood, a smirk crossing his face betrayed his state of mind and just like that, it disarmed Oya. She wanted to run away at this moment so he wouldn't see her blush, he wouldn't hear her trembling voice, he wouldn't see her gasp when he touched her. Oya was embarrassed at the very idea of showing these emotions, mostly because when she did, it was raw and powerful. She couldn't hide behind a tough facade, let alone pretend to be detached. She wasn't. 

[Why are you so complicated, when all you want is right in front of you?] 

She cupped his cheek with her left hand and stroked it. She thought her heart was dead and gone, numbed by years of solitude and self-imposed apathy towards anything that wasn't her mission. She thought she wouldn't melt at the sight of his beautiful smile, the sound of his voice and the intense looks he would give her. She thought she wouldn't feel the urge to be by his sides so she could enjoy his company. She hoped she would not want to protect him or try and soothe his aching soul. She thought wrong. He saw the cracks in her shell and without her realizing it, Dean was filling all the space in her head... and heart. Without her realizing it, Dean brought her dried heart back to life.... and while her first instincts were fear and anguish... tonight she felt something new....she felt whole. She felt anchored in the present, she felt alive. And safe. 

[you swore to keep your distance from the world, afraid to break it with your hands, but he is the only exception. He is the only exception]

She smiled at him, her blood-soaked fingers smearing blood on his face -hers- and bent forward to lean her forehead against his. Her lips whispered a thank you while her heart danced in her ribcage. Her lips pressed against his, savoring his taste, allowing her to get drunk with his presence all the while ignoring how she truly felt. A hunter's life was a borrowed time on Earth. She didn't want to make it more complicated than it already was. She stubbornly refused to acknowledge how she felt about him and for the time being, all was well in the world. He was there. It was all that mattered. 


// disclaimers: all the usual disclaimers! Oya is mine!

Monday, January 15, 2018

Chronicles of Lux and Tenebrae: The Son

//I blame it on D, for this. he and his beautiful mind <3. I'll be toying with Tenebrae (the guy featured in the pic) and Lux (my precious love) for a while :) Eventually, when I'm done toying, I'll write a note They are both MINE and story is mine.//

The Son

The All-Mighty, the Merciful, the Dreaded Death, birthed the Darkness. The prince was the most beautiful of Elysium. His skin was pale, almost translucent, his eyes were pitch black and his hair was long and white. Perfect strands framing a perfect face. He was the embodiment of Darkness. Death kept him confined in the End Realm, for fear of his son becoming too powerful to be contained and for fear of him nurturing nefarious ideas against him. There again, how could you kill Death itself? you couldn't. You could trap Death and make him do your bidding but he could not be killed. However, the King refused to be turned into a puppet by his offspring and therefore, since his mother, a mere mortal, died in labor, Tenebras was given to Harpies.

They did a wonderful job in grooming him to become the most trustworthy soldier of the End Realm. He served his father's will with grace but over the millennia, he grew bored of being confined in the End Realm. Walking the Earth taught the youngling that there was more to his existence than the cold walls of the End Realm. He ventured more than once on Earth, using his half-human appearance to blend in better. His good looks were his downfall for he did attract the attention of mortals, sometimes going as far as them worshipping him and killing innocent people in his name. He had to learn how to conceal his true self but just when he did, he met her. Lux. The daughter of Life. He had never seen such beauty walk among men, let alone in the End realm.She was a timeless beauty, delicate and fragile, like life seemed to be at first, but stronger and powerful once you've really taken a hard look at her. Lux exuded power, kindness, strength, and compassion. She was everything the prince wasn't, his exact opposite.

She dismissed him at first because of who he was. What good could the son of Death bring to the daughter of Life? She tested him, resisted him and at first, Tenebrae grew impatient. He tried to make himself seem bigger than she was -and by all means, he was- but she never stepped back. She held her head high, almost teasing him to the point that the prince was starting to grew.. more excited. They would always meet on Earth, always when he would escape from the attention of the Harpies to spend some time with the Light of this World. He realized that in strength there was a weakness, in light there was darkness. She might have been the daughter of Life, there was a sharp edge to her. One that was merciless towards the enemies of her mother, one that was merciless towards her own enemies and one that fiercely protected those she cared about: humans. She was an accomplished warrior and a very cunning leader.

Tenebrae realized that he himself was more complex than he thought. He wasn't pure darkness, he wasn't pure darkness. He wasn't pure evil. He was softer. He was compassionate. he was.merciful and he even went as far as protecting humanity from annihilation. He realized that he changed at her contact but instead of running away like he should have, the prince sought her company furthermore. Eventually, they fought side by side, like true companions but without telling their parents about their relationship. Especially not when the prince and the princess fell in love with each other. It was predictable, and just like any fairytale, Death and Life discovered the truth.They took them away from one another.

Centuries later, Life's home, the Omega Realm (or the realm of all Beginnings) was attacked and Lux went missing while Life was heavily injured and recovering in a protected unknown place. Upon hearing the news, Tenebrae searched everywhere but couldn't find her.Words were said that she died while trying to protect her mother. Grieving and impossible to comfort, the prince decided to overthrow his father while searching for those who killed his beloved. He went on Earth, to visit the keeper of secrets -the only creature who had the knowledge he was looking for- and perceived the faint life force of Lux, trapped on Earth inside a human being. Was she alive? What happened to her?