Tuesday, July 19, 2016

you're a survivor

You thought you were broken, that the wound was so deep that it would never heal.
you thought you were broken, that nothing good would ever come from you. That you were ruined from within and forever.
You thought everyone would see what you tried to hide so desperately. You thought it would be marked on your skin, written all over your body with Red Iron.
And you've never been so wrong!
From your invisible wounds, life grew and filled the holes left into your being with beauty.
From the wasteland that once was your heart, a jungle came to be. Untamed, proud, thick and lush. A parkour you only open to the ones who truly loved you.
You survived! It might seem like nothing but it is everything.
You survived! And this is what people would see if you let them in.
You survived! And you turned this violence into something else,
You fill the heart and lives of your loved ones with the love you were deprived so harshly and this is turning ugliness into beauty.
You could fall into the pits of rage and nobody would blame you.
And fall into the hell of insecurity and fear and they would know
In fact, you will. Sometimes the memory would drive you insane.
And you will feel everything, hear everything, see everything
as if it was happening all over again. And the wound would open.
And you will bleed. It would happen and they would know.
And they won't blame you for that because they understand.
Hands or shoulder handed to you in sheer support do exist.
you see it every day with the people you call family.
Small gestures become incredible feats, for the one who once thought they would never be worthy.
This love transformed you, engulfed you and nursed you to health.
And their support is never fading away.
Oh, wonderful souls!!
You thought you were broken and to no use.
you thought you were nothing
but you were wrong!
You're a survivor, capable of anything!
Remember this in your darkest hours
Remember me, your loving soul
Remember yourself with pride and love

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