Sunday, August 25, 2019

Elpis and Pride: New dawn

rewriting of that little bit for us <3

New dawn.

Tonight, the goddess of Hope was contemplating the beautiful landscape The Underworld had to offer. she had to admit that from Pride's chambers, she had the best view of the whole realm. For all those weeks spent recovering from her release and those millennia spent in prison, the pink-haired goddess felt something new. It wasn't anger for once -this feeling had died out for the moment in favor of allowing her hatred of her siblings to incubate a little longer-. it wasn't sorrow. -she had mourned for the deceased allies she still had in this plane of existence or the other. Her honest and loyal brothers and sisters were already dead, destroyed by the traitors who forced her into this situation. It wasn't even Hope, which was a given due to the recent development with her relationship with Pride.

It was Pride.

She was proud of her sin. of what he accomplished since she last saw him; A lot had changed, -him first- and from a king without a crown who talked about his freedom when Hades was still in charge, he became the one in charge of everything. he overcame his father, he was better than him. he kept his word and it impressed the goddess who saw him with brand new eyes. She was proud of him, of the first step he took to quench his thirst. but there was something more tugging at her heartstrings. She was starting to know the new version of him and while at the beginning, it was difficult for her, -she refused to accept the truth-, it dawned on her that this version might be better than the older one. This Pride didn't tell lies as the old version did. she would never have to worry about him telling her the truth, no matter how crude and hard it could be. she would never have to worry about him hiding from her as the older version did.  it would spare her a few heartbreaks. it would allow for them to be better, have more... be stronger... together. her heart was beating faster against her ribcage at the untouched potential this relationship might be and the potential struggles to come. all she was thinking of, was how attractive Superbia was now, as he was rising through the ashes, expanding his power, expanding his horizon and ambition.  it made her blush a little and give a crooked smile at his face. yes, he was attractive and for the first time in a long while, she was starting to feel drawn to him.. rather than to the ghost of the older version of him.


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