Sunday, July 28, 2019

Pride and Elpis: patience

Patience :

What were a mere couple of years compared to the 2000 ones she already spent waiting? Elpis should know better and should be more patient, but how could she, when vengeance was within her reach? She had to learn how to wait and bid her time. She had a childish mindset when it came to having things she wanted. When the Sumerian gods disrespected her father, she avenged him by destroying said pantheon. When Pride was cheating on her, she threatened to leave him for a better suitor, so what could prevent her from pressing Superbia into avenging her? Elpis and Patience didn't mesh well after all, but she learned to take her time. Her punishment taught her to be patient, to wait until it was the right opportunity, the right vessel she could use to escape her prison and reach out to her beloved. She succeeded in being free but instead of an end, it was a beginning. What were a mere couple of years compared to the 2000 ones she spent locked up? What could it cost her to wait a little longer before she could bathe in the golden blood of her sister Ayasha? Pride knew she was dreaming of Liquid gold and he promised her she would soak her perfect skin with the blood and guts of her enemies. He promised the goddess her revenge and she trusted him to deliver...

And he would.

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