Thursday, February 20, 2020

The Lion and the Dragon :

The Lion and the Dragon :

// All the usual disclaimers. Bäahal belongs to me and the rest to GRR MARTIN.


She experienced betrayal several times in her lifetime. She watched her mother being betrayed by trusted friends and sold back to Astapor. She experienced it when her mother was betrayed by an unsullied who knew she was to escape with Bäahal to free land. Life had never been tender with the newly crowned princess of the seven kingdoms. She started to be more positive as soon as she was set free from Mereen and even accepted the idea of being more trusting of people. She gained a sister, a nephew, and friends. She learned to trust others and it made her feel better, hopeful even. Why would she be betrayed? Why would she when she found anchors to this life?


She did not see it coming. She trusted her guards, the two young men who were trusted by her very own sister to watch after her. She traveled with them for months, She confided in them and shared meals, fights and sometimes even baths. So, when the two of them ambushed her in a little town ruled by a single lord, she did not see it coming. The whole town was against the princess, and she felt it in the forced smiles and the forced warm welcome she received. She killed one of them and escaped the manor she stayed at for the night. She found refuge in a small hill where the ruins of a former castle and spent the night there.


Hope had left the princess. How could she defend herself and hold a siege when on her own? In moments like these, memories of the glorious days when Viserion was still alive invaded her mind. Viserion died, her companion was murdered and all she could do was defend herself until her last breath. She knew the other knight would gather troops and would try and find her. He knew she wouldn't have been able to leave the town and her odd features would be easy to spot on. She knew it was only a matter of time before they found her and prayed to the seven gods that when they do, she would have enough strength to defeat them all... but it was foolish to expect to survive a small army's attack... it was even foolish to expect she would survive the siege.. but she still prepared for it.... she still wanted to survive.

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