Saturday, April 16, 2022

Quick musing: The Gap in your resume and why it should be stopped

 Quickly musing:

Ah, the value of a human being isn't based on some arbitrary path. Life happens, choices are made, therefore it's very unlikely that everyone would follow the same script.
Well, I think that the "gap in the resume" is really antiquated and more often than not, is used in social situations by people asking the question, to look down at the recipient of said question. They don't really care about what led to a different path (be it setbacks, be it some time off to learn/ study something, be it anything really.), Unfortunately, it's still a dick-measuring contest, and it prevents people from focusing on what's more important.
Again, we do live in societies where people first define themselves by the job they have (or the best way they can contribute to society by making money) but those considerations quickly lose weight when something serious happens.
But in the end, what truly matters is the content of your heart and the impact you had on others. And I still think that this question should be removed from standard job interviews.

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