Sunday, November 26, 2023


Most recent history: 

A war is about to start between Elpis and Pride and the Primeval gods. 


Affectionate Nickname: My Light (by Pride)

All Girls Want Bad Boys: Well, Pride!

Alpha Bitch: Despite being the Goddess of Light and Hope, Elpis can be particularly venomous towards the other gods.

A God Is You: She is an Elder goddess.

Anime Hair: she has pink hair

Anthropomorphic Personification: She is the embodiment of Light and Hope.

The Baby of the Bunch: she is the youngest of her pantheon.

• Battle Couple: With Pride

• Because You Were Nice to Me: Pride’s first encounter with the goddess had been a nice one, which prompted her to try and meet him again.

Berserk Button: When she is told that she was “sweet and kind” and had been “corrupted by Pride". She isn’t some kind of damsel in distress and is definitely able to take care of herself and make her own decisions.

Born of Heaven and Hell: She is the lovechild of the goddess of Life and the God of Destruction.

• Color-Coded Eyes: Her golden eyes and black sclera are signs of her godhood.

• The Determinator: She will get her revenge on her pantheon no matter how long it takes for her to get it.

• The Dreaded: Ever since she managed to scratch the seal that kept her cursed, her pantheon is afraid of her. They’re still very wary of her given the destruction of a whole ancient pantheon she was responsible for.

• Family of Choice: Pride became her family from the moment they found each other again.

Friend to All Living Things: She is the daughter of Gaea, the All-mother and creator of all living things on Earth.

• Gilded Cage: Her pantheon did everything they could to keep her in the confines of their pantheon.

• Good Is Not Soft: Elpis is a gentle soul who always tries to protect humanity, however, she is not to be trifled with. When she gets angry she can become destructive. She snuffed a whole pantheon for insulting her father for fuck sake. 

• Hates Their Parent: She gradually started to resent her mother for staying away and not preventing the betrayal by her siblings (or the death of her father). She then started to hate them when it became clear they tried to keep her from exploring her powers and becoming the powerhouse she was supposed to be.

• The Heart: She was this to her family before the betrayal of Ishtar and Ayasha

• I Will Find You: She made this exact promise to Pride, right after she’d been cursed by Ishtar and she kept her promise.

• Love Epiphany: She realized she was in love with the sin after she was forced to stay away from him for a while to appease her siblings.

• Memetic Sex Goddess: In-Universe — and out of Universe!! People just can't help falling for her.

• Morality Chain: To Pride.

• Morality Pet: To Pride. He worships her and she manages to reign him in when he gets consumed with his own head.

• Ms. Fanservice: She always wears beautiful outfits and is extremely gorgeous.

• Official Couple: With Pride.

• Older than They Look: Looks to be around her 30s, but is actually over 3000 years old. She is a primeval goddess.

• Rebel Prince: She refused to stop seeing the Sin. She refused to give up on her love for him. She ended up dating him and even got cursed as a result of her stubbornness.

• Rose-Haired Sweetie: She is a woman with long pink hair, and is very sweet and approachable to Pride. However, it's still not a good idea to get on her bad side

• Snark-to-Snark Combat: She can hold her own in a verbal fight with anyone.

Summon to Hand: The Scythe Pride made for her is not so much "picked up", they teleport to Elpis’ hands.

Verbal Tic: Calls everyone Dear, except Pride who is the only person she calls “Beloved”

Warrior Prince: She trained with the help of Ishtar the god of war.

What the Hell, Hero?: She received it after she reduced the Sumerian Pantheon to dust.

Why Couldn't You Be Different?: Ishtar wished that his sister would give up on the Sin. But she didn’t.

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