Saturday, January 29, 2022

Witchy hour: Maelström

(Witchy hour) 

"Leave! Run away! You don't belong here! There's nothing you can do that would change the curse cast upon you. You aren't to be loved nor accepted by neither Men, Lycans, Vampires or Witches. We loathe you! We hate you! We will destroy you. now Leave! Run! There's no death for you because we give you eternal life! There's no love for you, for you are a monster, a freak, a beast to be slayed."

Oh it hurt. Oh it hurt so much. For centuries she hid and ran away. She faced their hatred. She had to become stronger and she managed to just do it over time. Aasma was ruthless, knowledgeable and powerful but no matter the amount of spells she could cast, her heart was empty. Her heart was in pain. 

She had cursed her situation, cursed the supreme who punished her for helping Elijah Mikaelson. She never regretted her choice to help. Witches helped. They saved lives. She even owed her own life to Elijah and decided to repay his kindness with a gesture on her part. She had cursed the fact she was forced to endure pain endlessly because of a kind act. What was the point? Did she deserve it?  Perhaps. 

The witch tried to protect her heart as much as she could. She tried to keep it safe from feelings, pretended she felt nothing when her heart was bleeding.. She couldn't keep her distance from others. It didn't matter if they were witches, werewolves, humans or vampires. She would help everyone just the same but would not get attached. She would reign in her anger. She would hold back her true feelings and she would watch all those souls crossing her path. She would witness their lives unfold, relationships they would have, make-ups, breaks-ups, families even and she would look at herself and her own miserable life. 

She was miserable. That was the truth. 

She was misunderstood. That was the truth.

She was lonely. Oh... how true was that statement? 

She noticed him sitting on a barstool. Drinking alone. 

And she decided to go to him, to seek his company, to bond.

And bond they did. 

And care, she did. 

She cared for him, knowing full well that he would hurt her.

She cared for him, knowing full well that she would hurt him.

She realized that she meant no more than a tool for Elijah

and she realized she could not mean more for anyone. 

And it felt unfair. 

Oh it was unfair... 

But a curse was a curse and nothing could come against it.

She couldn't cure herself unless maybe she knew true love.

But how could a beast like him love a beast like her? 

How could she give him what he needs, when he didn't open up?

How could he give her what she needs, when he can't be stable?

When he would take the first opportunity to tear her heart apart?

When he would loath himself so much he wouldn't let her in? 

When he would comfirm all of her self-doubt, self-hatred? 

When she would awake his deeply buried fear of being left behind?

Because he would say something he shouldn't have,

Because she would do something she shouldn't do,

Because they were two miserable souls unable to be loved.

Because she was afraid of it actually working...

How do you deal when someone actually cares for you? 

How do you deal when the song is a different one? 

How do you sing to it? 

How do you dance to it? 

How do you recognize it? 

She didn't know. She didn't think of it all.

What she thought of, however, was that she cared for him.

She wanted him to be alright, she wanted him to know he mattered

She wanted him to know he was more than the "Original"

He was more than a beast, more than a man, more than a vampire

He was Klaus...He was all...He was everything

And she understood...

Oh, she understood. 

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