Monday, October 17, 2022

COPG: A fair warning

COPG: A fair warning

// someone is cranky tonight! 

Could you believe it, Mother? That your precious little girl would not turn into what you wanted her to be?

You wanted me to be obedient and weak. You wanted me to remain naive so you could control me.

I would have been powerless under your care, powerless if I had not met with my Sin. 

Could you believe it, Mother? Fate truly messed with your plans, didn't it? 

Fate undid your delicate plan and allowed me to meet with my other half. My beloved.

I can feel you already, my power grew so much that I am in tune with the planet now. I became Life. 

I became Light. I became absolute Hope and Despair, able to induce them into humans and gods-alike.

I became You, no! I became stronger than you, better than you, more powerful than you will ever be. 

I guess this is why you tried to stop me. I guess this is why you wanted to control me. To remain the best.

You failed. You all failed to contain me. I learned about my true potential. I unleashed my true power. 

I became who I was supposed to be and as promised I would unleash hell on your other children and you.

Don't fret, I will take care of you, Mother. I haven't forgotten that you needed to get your dues. 

My revenge would be cold and harsh like Justice is supposed to be. I will serve you right, Mother.

I will wait until it's the right time but you will soon not be able to see the Light. 

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