Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Doya: Drive

 Oya leaned into the passenger seat, her eyes staring at the car's roof while her arms rested on her chest. She tilted her head to the side just to look at Dean who was focused on driving. A soft smile graced her feature and she gently put her hand on his thigh, stroking it through the denim material while she leaned on her side to look better at her husband. It was a gentle touch, one she needed to have to anchor herself back to reality, in a world that had nothing to do with the nightmares she suffered from at night. It was a world where Dean was alive and she was happy. He tilted his head to her and gave Oya a smile as she was now fidgeting with his shirt. She smiled back, a timid smile that betrayed the state of her mind. Oya was worried, she didn't like to think much about the consequences of their job. She knew that any time they stepped out of the bunker they could die. one of them or both but it was part of the deal, it was the risk they all agreed to. 

She held onto his shirt, tugging at it to get his attention again and when he set his green eyes upon her, the hunter smiled and pressed her head against his arm. "I love you." She whispered while her free hand went up his dirty blond hair and started to massage his scalp. They were doing alright, come to think of it. Her last conversation with Joshua highlighted how good Oya was having it. She was doing alright. She had a family and they were all alive and well. Castiel was working hard in Heaven, Sam was in a settled and comfortable relationship with Eileen, Joshua was about to become a father and Sarah grew even closer to her family. They were doing good, what more could she ask for? Dean grinned and turned his head so he could press his lips to her forehead. "Me too."Life was good. As good as a slice of apple pie. 

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