Thursday, September 21, 2023

sensual questions: Oya edition

sensual questions: Oya edition

About you:   


Big spoon or little spoon? Big Spoon

Have you ever been on a blind date? No!

What's the best kiss you've ever had? The one Dean gave me after I defeated the Asanbosam.

What's the best date you've ever been on? When Dean took me to a fun fair for my birthday.

Favorite way to be affectionate with someone? Buying Ugly aprons and piggybacking Dean.

Favorite place to be touched? My hair.

What's your favorite memory of you together? When  I proposed to him. The face he made was priceless.

Do you like it rough or sensual? I'm a passionate woman. I'm the one who gets rough.

Do you prefer to give or receive? I love to give. 

What's your favorite type of kiss? I love soft kisses. I love peppering his face with smooches.

Juicy questions to ask about your relationship: 

What initially attracted you to him/her? His ass! Then his smile and the love of his family.

Would you change anything about the way you met? No. He rescued me from a vampire nest!

Have you ever been in love? Yes. Engaged even before my ex dumped me. He turned into a monster so I had to mercy-kill him.

Why did things end with your last ex? I became barren... He wanted kids. He dumped me.

What's one of your dating deal-breakers? Physical violence is a no-no. You hit me, I'll break your face!

Is there anything about the future that scares you? For Dean to allow an angel to possess him.

The most forbidden person you've ever had a crush on?  I fell for a demon without knowing it was one when I was a teenager. Had to kill him myself.

What's the wildest thing you've ever done for love? I didn't tell him we crossed paths with Pluto. He wouldn't have thought his attack through and could have died. 

Do you want to have a family someday? I already have my family! Team Free Will!

What's something you've always wanted to ask him/her but haven't? "Can you let me drive Baby?"

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