Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Sensual questions: Sara edition

Sensual questions: Sara edition

About you: 

Big spoon or little spoon? Big Spoon

Have you ever been on a blind date? No.

What's the best kiss you've ever had? When I kissed Homelander with a mouth full of milk.

What's the best date you've ever been on? We've yet to go on dates. 

Favorite way to be affectionate with someone? I love to cook for them. it's my love language. I also love to dote on them. For Homelander, right now, I want to buy him clothes.

Favorite place to be touched? My breasts. They are so sensitive. But in a non-sexual way, my hair.

What's your favorite memory of you together? When he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into a hug. It was the sweetest intimate touch I've ever received.

What's your favorite type of kiss? I love the soft kisses that turn into deeper ones. I love French kisses a lot. 

Juicy questions to ask about your relationship: 

What initially attracted you to him/her? His smile and his intense blue eyes. I also loved the way he said my name. He paid attention to me when I was just Sara. I folded! 

Would you change anything about the way you met? No. I can still feel the shivers from that meeting.

Have you ever been in love? Yes... I didn't choose the best people in the past.

Why did things end with your last ex? He physically and psychologically abused me. 

What's one of your dating deal-breakers? Physical violence is a no-no. 

Is there anything about the future that scares you? I don't want to be dumped by Homelander.

The most forbidden person you've ever had a crush on? The Homelander!

What's the wildest thing you've ever done for love? I....let him beat me. I thought it was deserved.

Do you want to have a family someday? Yes! I want a husband and children. sometimes in the future.

What's something you've always wanted to ask him/her but haven't? Do you want to live with me, John?

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