Chronicles of Lux and Tenebrae: Time
« I can't see anything ! » - Lux's voice echoed through the thick smoke-
The Keeper of Secrets said they couldn't kill an eternal. The only way to get rid of one was to send them to the Vanishing Point and it required the presence of both the Alpha and the Omega to perform such a miracle. How could they win against Time? It didn't take long for Death to confirm that Time was indeed his creator and orchestrated the attack against Life in an attempt to destroy her. The Four Horsemen were supposed to lay waste on Earth and destroy everything beyond repair and they would have if Death had not fallen in love with her. His motives were obscure and boiled down to wanting to eliminate Life because she was revered and worshipped more than he ever was. He was the first eternal and should have remained as such. When Life came to be, quickly followed by other gods, he realized that he couldn't do otherwise but accept their existence and enforce his leadership. They respected him, as their elder and genuinely followed his advice and commands. However, it soon proved not to be enough for the eternal. Life quickly became essential in all of the universes. She was the most revered eternal, so much so that Time followed. He was nothing more but a way to measure one's existence. He was nothing more but added value to Life.
« I'm here, Lux. » -Tenebrae's hand held onto her shoulder but he was also blinded by the smoke. He couldn't see clearly what was going on but he was hoping for a quick resolution. « I'm here. »
«Good! »-She narrowed her gaze in a desperate attempt at spotting something in between the heavy smoke but could not distinguish anything, not even a vague form.- « What had just happened? »
They couldn't understand, not even after it was proven that Time was behind the attacks. Death didn't want to rationalize the actions of what essentially was a rogue god. Time resented Life, he realized that there was a need for a quick end of both the wildlife and humanity, Life's greatest creation. He didn't want her to boast about her powers or the creative ways in which she used them so he created the Four Horsemen. They would have the power to destroy her creations and everything that would come from her -but wouldn't be able to kill her, for none could kill an eternal-. It was a well-crafted plan, he thought he had control over the Horsemen and he did....up until Life met Death. Time witnessed aghast, as Death fell in love with Life and realized that he could be more than just a puppet at the hands of Time. With him gone awol, it became difficult for Time to successfully destroy Earth. The other 3 Horsemen were betrayed by their brother and sent to the Vanishing Point, thus forcing the eternal to change his plans.
Since he couldn't defeat Life, then he would take everything from her, starting with her one and true love, Death. As cruel as it might have been, it served Time well to craft a « prophecy » that would prevent his enemies to fraternize. He didn't expect them to have a progeny but when Lux and Tenebrae were born, extending the prophecy to them came naturally. If they couldn't get close, then Time had nothing to fear. Princess Despair offered Time the opportunity to set the Horsemen free and with them, destroy Life's realm and kill everyone the queen cared about. He didn't count on the strength and bravery of princess Lux and the fact Life was able to banish the horsemen from her realm, using almost all of her strength. He didn't think she would have enough to bring her daughter back to life and was forced to change his plan when she did.
« Let's get closer! » -Lux assessed. She summoned a large shield to protect her as she started to walk forward. Just in front of them should be Time, Death and Life fighting.-
« I'm right behind you. The wind and the light blind me, Lux! » -Tenebrae said, holding her shoulder tighter as they started to walk towards the battlefield.-
« Hold on tight! We're soon...There ?? »
The smoke cleared as they walked closer to the source and what they found horrified the two heirs. Life, Time and Death turned into a marble sculpture. The elder god was solidified with his arm left up towards the sun. Death and Life had one of their hands on his shoulders and entwined the fingers of their free hands. They were looking at each other and were smiling. The princess shield vanished and she fell on her knees while Tenebrae widely opened her eyes. He walked towards the sculpture. Were they alive? The prince put his hand on Life's shoulder and felt the warmth. He glanced past his shoulders, his black eyes noticing the distressed goddess who was screaming and crying at the horror before her. He knitted his brows, confused and maybe angry at his own father as he walked around the sculpture and stood in front of his father. Death looked larger than life, huge as he always seemed to be in the young man's life. The son's eyes were filled with unshed tears and he laid a flat hand on his shoulder.
« Father, is that what you meant when you said I had to prepare myself to be the King? » There was no response from the sculpture, of course, how could he answer when he was turned into a living statue? « I will find the best-suited place on Earth to put you three at. A place untouched by mankind, where nature thrived. I will find you a place that is in the shadow and yet still full of life and Light so you two could protect us from Time. » His fingers clenched into a fist. « I wished I had more time, Father, more time to tell you that I am sorry for the troubles I caused. I failed to see your love for me. I failed to see your sacrifice and understand you. I failed to show you more love when I could have...But I love you, Father.»
Lux was still wailing, unable to stop herself from crying at the sight of her petrified mother. She wanted to do something, anything to make sure that this wasn't real but she knew it was the best way to stop Time. An eternal couldn't be killed, but it could be imprisoned forever. Their parents chose their destiny and an eternal life spent together, holding off the most powerful evil they could, while simultaneously still existing was a tricky but necessary choice. Life, Death and Time would still exist, ensuring the protection of Mankind and preservation of Earth. It was rational, but it was impossible for the young princess to accept it. Not after she had lost two of her brothers, not after she had just reunited with her mother. They couldn't be gone forever...They couldn't...She felt Tenebrae's hands hold onto her shoulders and squeezed them harder. Her wet eyes focused on his face and she bit her bottom lip.
« They're gone... They're gone Tenebrae... » -Her voice cracked due to the screams she let out-
« They are still here, Lux. They're not dead, just petrified. » He spoke in a soft voice, in an attempt to calm the princess who couldn't help but cry at the sight of her mother. « They told us we were their legacy and we will be. Rise, Lux! Rise as the new Queen of the Realm of all Beginnings. »
She nodded and slowly rose on her feet. It all culminated to this moment when Life and Death sacrificed themselves so their children could live the life they wanted to live. Lux held onto Tenebrae's hand and looked up at his face, searching for reassurance. Everything went too fast for the princess, but she knew she could handle it as long as Tenebrae would be by her side. He squeezed her hand and snapped his fingers, teleporting both the statue and them to a virgin remote island where they knew no human would go because it was made of mountains. Before he snapped his fingers again, Lux put her hand on his chest.
« Wait... »
« Lux ?... » He felt her hand go up and cup his alabaster cheek. Her silver eyes glowed brightly as she was still overwhelmed. He leaned into her touch, the blood that was drying on his chin and cheek soaked her hand but she didn't care.
« I do not know what tomorrow as in store for us...Now that we are king and Queen of our respective realms. »
« We can choose now. » -He smiled at her and gently stroked her cheek with the back of his hand.- « We can be whoever we want to be. » -He kissed her forehead.- « Question is, Do you want me to be with you? »
« Yes...Yes, I want to. » -She hastily said, her thumb stroking his cheek.-« I have always wanted to be with you Tenebrae, from the moment I saw you today, my only wish was to be with you. »-She gave him a faint smile.-« I love you. »
« I love you too. » He said covering her hand with his. « Then we can be whoever we want to be. » -She nodded.- « Lt us go, Lux... We have to. » She nodded and held his hand again. He planted another kiss on top of her forehead and snapped his fingers to teleport them. It seemed like an end, but it was just the beginning.