Phoenix Rivers: (FC: Anna Diop)
- She has a big anger issue. She has to reign in her anger because if she isn't careful she can turn.
- She is a flirt. She uses her extraordinary beauty to charm her way away.
- She is kind to children and with genuine and kind people.
- She can't help but protect weaker people and has a soft spot for victims of domestic violence.
- She's more comfortable on her own.
- Phoenix wants to have a quiet life, but it's almost an impossible dream.
Lucretia Marin: (Taylour Paige)
- She's a scaredy-cat and is always on the edge.
- She's very secretive and has to be to keep her secret nature to herself.
- She doesn't mind being on her own.
- She is a good listener
- She's also very good with animals. (Dogs and cats love her)
- She's hopelessly romantic
- She can handle being on her own but does love some company
- She broke down at the end of the genocide and it took a while for her to find some motivation to keep going.
- Lucretia wants to survive and have a good life.
Leona Farrow: (K.D Aubert)
- She is extremely determined and stubborn.
- She's passionate
- She's impulsive and doesn't always think before acting.
- She loves exercising (you could even call her a sport bae)
- She is a leader.
- she doesn't like to be on her own.
- Leona's been betrayed by her uncle and cousin. Her uncle killed her parents and hid it from her. Her cousin knew but kept the truth from her.
- Leona's breakdown would be a violent one. She would not separate the allies from the enemies.
- leona wants to kill the murderer of her parents.
Vanya Beryl Quimaris: ( Sydney J. Harper / Sonequa Martin-Green)
- She's very aloof. It is extremely difficult to get close to her.
- She's very brutal, an efficient soldier who is lethal in a battle.
- She's very guarded and would not talk about herself or her emotions if she doesn't want to.
- She's also extremely sensual, but only to people she's close to.
- She is also obsessed with revenge. She will not let go of it.
- She would rather be alone and doesn't do well with company.
- The king betrayed her family and because of his jealousy, she lost her family.
- Vanya broke down when her parents died. She went on a killing rampage of revenge.
- Vanya wants to kill the royal family to avenge her own family.
Other cast members:
Universes: LoTR, Bg3, Original Universe,
Gabrielle Starmaker (Gabriel) : (FC: Jessica Obilom)
- She's very naive. She is so devoted to her father that she can be blinded by her faith in him.
- She is also very stubborn, once she's made up her mind, you can't make her change it.
- She's very nurturing and adores humans.
- She's a soft bean
- She's very generous
- She's extremely powerful, far more than given credit for.
- She doesn't mind being on her own but does love company
- She feels betrayed by her father and the way her siblings treat mankind and demons.
- No one had ever seen her break down but Gabriel at her lowest is almost a different person, she becomes dangerous and lethal.
- Gabriel wishes for her father to come back // for humans, demons, and angels to get along.
Other cast members:
Michael (Viggo Mortensen)
Raphael (Alex Hogh Anderson)
Lucifer (Winston Duke)
Judith Le Fay: (FC: Hailey Bailey)
- She is a virgin (hasn't even kissed a person before)
- She is very adventurous and always explores the world around her.
- She is very short-tempered so you wouldn't be wise to insult her.
- She can also be very vicious if angry, so it's best not to anger her.
- She is still honing her flirting skills.
- She gets along well with animals.
- She doesn't like being on her own and would seek company
- She also seeks validation from others.
- She feels betrayed by her Fairy Godmother who didn't tell her the truth about her lineage.
- No one has seen her at her lowest, not even her but she would straight up be terrifying should she break down.
- judith's greatest desire is to prove that she is the best faery to ever live // she also wants to feel like she belongs.
- She tends to be aloof and to push people away from her to protect them from her.
- She is in love with Kaine Parker from Earth 616
- She believes she shouldn't be loved so she overworks herself and is reckless when in action.
- Ceryse is losing her eyesight
- She is the daughter of Corlys Velaryon
- She sought the help of Otto Hightower to get revenge on Daemon Targaryen for killing her father.
- She was held captive by Daemon for months and they became lovers. (Stockholm Syndrom)
- She was rescued by Aemond Targaryen and brought back to the keep.
- Her one true love is Aemond Targaryen.
- She is betrothed to Otto Hightower and he's slowly starting to lust after her (just lust)