Thursday, January 23, 2025

Leona- You don't know what it's like to lose your loved ones!

"Why would you keep me here, Anne? I need to return to my pack!"

"And get yourself killed because you didn't think your plan through?"

Leona roared at the blonde woman before her. Her fangs protruded and a bit of saliva flew out of her mouth and landed on the floor. Leona had been restless since she decided to leave her tribe. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but she hated that her uncle took over after the slaughter of her parents. She hated that he stole her crown and became the leader of their clan. She hated the nonchalance with which he "led" the investigations into her parents' murder and the fact so many of her clan followed him enraged the princess who decided to find out the truth about the murder of her parents. 

During her trip, she met with Anna and her tribe and they welcomed her with open arms, allowing the princess to recover, properly mourn for her parents, and renew her vows to find those responsible for her parent's demise. Anna became Leona's close friend and always tried to keep her in check so she didn't take unnecessary risks. Leona knew that her friend meant well, but the frustration of being stuck with Anna's clan and not finding more clues about her parents' murder achieved to made her angry.  The werewolf ran her fingers over the huge scars on her face. She could feel the creases and the crevices left by the claw that disfigured her. She could heal them, given her werewolf powers, but the werewolf princess refused. It served as a reminder to stay humble no matter the situation. She was bested in a fight and could still be won because there always was someone stronger. 

"Leona! Get yourself together! it is unbecoming of you to let your anger take the best of you."

"Words! Words! You're only good at speaking words Anna! You don't know what it is to have your parents murdered and your clan led by a usurper! You don't know how betrayed and angry I feel!"

"Watch your tongue, Wolf! I know more than you can imagine and not rushing to my death doesn't mean I am weak."

"There is nothing you can do that can soothe my pain!" 

She hit the tree with her fist, making it shake from the blow before she shook from head to toe. She was at her wit's end, unable to find a way to channel her anger and frustration.  a pitiful moan escaped her lips and she turned into a wolf. She turned around and walked towards Anna who knelt on the ground. She opened her arms and gently welcomed her friend in a soft hug. Leona didn't resist this time. In truth, it was soothing for her to finally have loving arms wrapped around her frame. She longed for her parents' embrace and knew that she couldn't get it anymore because they were slain. All that was left was anger and despair. She wanted to cry but her tears couldn't fall. 

Anna understood Leona's need to lash out at her, so she didn't take offense to her accusations and diatribe. She knew Leona didn't mean them; it was pain talking rather than reason.  Leona knew she was wrong when she said that Anna had never known loss. She lost her mother during a battle against another clan and lost a brother to sickness when he was a young pup.  She knew pain and could relate to some of what Leona was going through. She petted her friend's head and stroked her wolf ears to keep soothing her. 

"I know your pain. I know what it's like to lose someone you care about. I understand your quest and I told you that I would be helping you. This still stands today. I am still going to help you. I just need you to know exactly what you're going to do and not take necessary risks. I don't want you to die, Leona. I want you to live!"

Leona leaned into that embrace, fully surrendering her anger to her friend's warmth. She wanted to be comforted and soothe her aching heart. Anna's gentle touch helped, and Leona was able to calm down fully—at least for the time being. 


Thursday, January 16, 2025

Lux-anxious feeding

Slender ebony fingers squeezed the delicate neck of her willing victim. She tilted her head to the side to better access her jugular. Her bat fangs were protruding, ready to gouge away at her throat for blood. Lux would not have hesitated to drink, mostly because she always indulged herself. She would have sunk her teeth deep into the delicate human skin and fed on that beautiful woman without thinking twice about it. Yet, she wasn't at ease. She felt that someone was observing her and she couldn't locate them. Her hunger forced her to refocus on her blood bag. 

As she savored the delicious crimson liquid, she felt the uncomfortable sensation of being observed increase. She stopped feeding and focused her attention on the room. It was a beautiful ballroom, filled with hungry night-dwellers and humans. The place was known to be a nightclub for the upper class and few knew that it was a hot spot for the creatures of the night. It was supposed to be a safe place as the rules enforced in the club were that no fights should occur there. Murder wasn't allowed either and was punished by Death.  So for centuries, it was understood that the nightclub was sacred ground and no one violated the rules. So why did she feel oppressed? 

Lux licked the blood off of her lips and leaned back in her chair, assuming a relaxed position while she was busy scanning the ballroom. She could identify most of the well-known vampires gathered that night and most seemed to be minding their own business. Briefly, as the superb blonde woman she was drinking from came back to her senses, Lux was distracted. The woman held onto her hand and put it back on her throat as she wanted Lux to feed on her again. It was tempting and the vampire licked her lips for a moment but she shook her head and decided to stroke the blonde's cheek. 

"Give it a rest Kelly. I took a lot of blood from you."

"Lux... I probably shouldn't be telling you this but someone asked me to keep you busy tonight."

Lux flashed her fangs at her and grabbed her cheeks in a fit of rage. Why was she informed only now? Who knew enough of her habits to know she liked to feed on Kelly?  Kelly gasped and held onto the vampire's wrists. Lux's red eyes glowed as anger was slowly taking over. She remembered the rules of the club and released Kelly's cheeks.  The woman tried to soothe the pain she felt in her cheeks with gentle strokes before she resumed talking. 

"They told me that you needed some strength back and that I should let you feed for most of the night. I.. believed them. I thought I was helping you."

"Who asked you this, Kelly?" -Lux's anger was bubbling at the surface.-

 Kelly could tell that she was beside herself and trying her damnest to keep her emotions in check. Had they not been in public, in that specific place, perhaps she would have been tortured to speak or worse. It bothered Lux a lot that her most trusted ally had been approached and literally used against her. Who would want her to be busy? Did they know about her inquiries and private investigation? Aside from Alceste, nobody knew why Lux was trying to locate the elders. They believed she wanted to find their resting places to pay her respects. They believed she was a history buff who wanted nothing more but to know about their origins for her own knowledge of Vampiredom. 

It wasn't unheard of, some vampires were attached to old traditions and still lived like a couple centuries ago. Some even went as far as going on pilgrimage to the places their ancestors lived, akin to humans visiting places where their most illustrious kin were born or grew up.   Vampires still wanted to keep a trace of their civilizations and history throughout the ages. Perhaps, a long-lost human trait. perhaps... That was beside the point, however, because while her interest in Elder Vampires wasn't new or shocking, the fact someone was trying to keep tabs on her was.  

"He... It was a male vampire. I know he's a French vampire because of the accent. Frederic! I think his name is Frederic!"

"Does he have long blonde hair?" -She nodded- "And does he have green eyes?" -Kelly frantically nodded-"Thank you, Kelly." -She cupped her cheek once again and stroked it with her thumb.- "I appreciate your loyalty to me. I will make sure that nothing happens to you and pretend I don't know Frederic is the one spying on me right now."

"Should I know who this Frederic is?" -Vanya shook her head- "Thank you, Lux. He scared the hell out of me and I don't want to meet him ever again.  I assume you're not hungry anymore?"

"You're spot on. I think we can entertain a conversation while I gather my thoughts and think of a way to intercept Frederic to ask him what he wants from me. Please, Kelly, tell me more about your family drama!"

And while the blonde woman started to talk, Lux's attention focused on her surroundings. now that she knew Frederic was the one observing her, she was able to focus on finding him. Vain as he was, he definitely would have been the one observing her. He believed he was superior to her because he was older but like she said to her sire, they had the blood of an elder vampire rushing through their veins, therefore they were far more powerful than even older vampires.  Lux was underestimated by most of her peers, who believed that her oddly shaped teeth made her a runt, easily overpowered by the rest of them. they were mesmerized by her uncanny beauty, even to vampire standards with her red hair and black sclera, but aside from thinking she was an exotic creature, most didn't consider her to be their equal. 

It forced Lux to beat them at their own games. Her sire ensured she was well-read, well-traveled, and well-accustomed to their customs and traditions. He wanted to make sure that whatever it was they challenged her with, she was up to the task and even better than most of them. Of course, even Lux had limits and while any young or mediocre vampire could easily be outclassed and outsmarted, some posed an actual challenge and forced Lux to push herself beyond her limitations. Her capacity to always go further earned her some respect but she couldn't shake off the disdain and sense of superiority most older vampires had when it came to her. Frederic was no exception. He was one of the most vocal about rejecting Lux as Aurelius' offspring but he was forced to accept her which always left a bitter taste in his mouth. If he knew she was looking into the elder vampires, perhaps he saw an opportunity to ruin her reputation? She had to figure this out as fast as possible if she didn't want him to become a hindrance in her investigation. 

When Kelly decided to leave the party, Lux followed and both went their separate ways after they bid farewell to each other. Lux walked in a dark alley, badly lit by public lighting. She could still feel uneased like in the club and knew that Frederic was following her. She decided to take a turn to a small alley and stopped walking when she was deep into it. She then shrugged and slowly turned around. She was hoping that her guesses were right and that she was indeed followed by the French vampire Frederic. It was a gamble but she was ready to play that game and mentally prepared herself for a fight that night in case she was wrong. 

"Perhaps now would be the best time to reveal yourself, Frederic."


Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Vanya- campfire

Vanya chose to sit on a tree stump a couple footsteps away from the majority of the soldiers. She was not a good company to have at the moment and she refused to be distracted by their chants and other shenanigans. She couldn't bear their overwhelming joy and even less their desire to force her into dancing and chanting with them. So the elf isolated herself from her band of brothers. She took her knife and a wooden stick she started to carve when she heard the muffled sound of boots walking on the soft ground. Someone was coming closer. She quickly changed the way she held her knife to prepare herself for an attack and lifted her head.  Richard was standing in front of her. He was just dressed in a loosely fitted black shirt a pair of black pants and his old trusty pair of leather boots. Because their last mission took several weeks, Richard was sporting a scruffy beard and his hair was long enough for him to be able to tie it into a loose low ponytail.

"What are you doing alone, Vanya?"

"I needed some time for myself."

"Seems like you always need some time for yourself. All these years and you still don't want to spend a full night with us? Are you afraid of getting drunk?"

She rolled her eyes and shook her head. How ridiculous that statement was! She wasn't scared of getting drunk, as a matter of fact, she always got shitfaced whenever she indulged in drinking. What bothered her was that she tended to speak of things she would rather keep to herself.  She didn't want to spill her guts and expose her weaknesses to the greedy eyes of friends who could turn into foes with a hefty load of money. She pursed her lips together and twirled her knife in her hand. 

"Nope. I'm not afraid. I just don't feel like getting drunk with you guys." She shrugged, planted her knife into the tree stump, and tilted her head to the side to look at him straight in the eyes. "What do you want, Richard?" 

"Why do you assume I want something from you?" -He asked, furrowing a brow as he was curious about what she wanted to say. Vanya sighed and put both hands on her knees-. 

"Because I know you never ask something without wanting something in return. So... Tell me, what do you want to know?"

Richard knew little about Vanya except that she was of noble ascendance and, for some reason, became a gun-for-hire. He knew her parents were dead and she was angry but he didn't know why. He shouldn't be bothered with her past like he was because so many of them had awful pasts. So many of them were orphans, products of war, forged with fire and hardened by battles.  Vanya's unwillingness to share elements of her past, her aloofness, and her rough exterior piqued his interest. Perhaps that was the reason for his interest in her He shrugged, closed the distance between them, put his foot on the tree stump, and bent a little forward. 

"Why did you leave the royal court?"

"Why do you care?" -She almost bit her tongue while trying to reply to him. The question made her blush as he didn't expect her to retort with her own question. He furrowed his brows and looked at her with a confused look on his face.

"Why wouldn't I care about you? We've been together for 15 years now! It's a very long time in human years, Van." She pursed her lips and wrapped her arms around her leg. "I'm serious. You're my friend, and I know when something is on your mind. It's the only topic that gets you all defensive."

"I don't want to open old wounds, Rich. I left the court because I wanted to! I /had/ to!" -She tried to defend herself but it didn't come out as very convincing. So Richard's blue eyes stared at her with a harsher glow.

"And yet, you still cover your face when we walk into the royal city. If you didn't care about being recognized you wouldn't do this. So, I have to ask, what is it that you are so afraid of?"

"I'm not afraid. I am /angry/!" -She pointed out, unable to stop herself from speaking to him. Richard tilted his head to the side, now certain that he was starting to have the real answer to his question. She was angry and immediately he started to wonder who or what made her angry. Was it the court itself? Was it someone peculiar? She realized it was too late to backpedal and she was way too angry to think about lying. So she ran her hand over her face and moistened her lips.- "My parents were framed, I don't know who or why but they were framed and I can't do shit about it except find the people responsible for it. Because they were of noble ascendance, they were disgraced and marked as criminals instead of killed. My mother couldn't deal with the shame and she killed herself. My father took all the odd jobs he could to provide for me but that killed him. I left the court because all I could think about was finding the one responsible for the slander to force them to admit the truth or kill them if they didn't want to." 

Her orange eyes set upon Richard's face as she wanted to study his very reaction to her words. She was taking a huge risk by confiding in him but she trusted Richard more than anything else. He was her friend, perhaps the only friend she ever had in her life and she knew she could trust him. They had each other's backs for so long that it became second nature for them to care for each other. Still, she felt awfully vulnerable at this instant because she didn't know how he would react to her answer.  The elf expected anything from the human,  from laughter to a lecture but he did nothing of the sort. The mercenary sat next to her, his frame looking in the same direction as she was. His attitude was friendly, which made the elf relax next to the soldier. He glanced at her and quietly laid his arms against his thighs. 

"Do you have any leads?"

"Not yet.  I know that it's not an average noble who started the rumors. It came from a very powerful noble. I would... I just need to ensure it's not who I think it is."

"Who do you have in mind?"

"The King." -Vanya whispered, almost unsure of her words. Richard blinked-

"The What???" -Vanya's ears flipped and lowered and she covered her face with both hands.-

"You heard me well. He was a prince when that happened... I know it's a big accusation but you really have to trust me and my guts. They're telling me that it's him but I need to know for sure that he is involved in my family's disgrace." -She held onto his hand and squeezed harder- "Please, Rich... Swear to me that you're not going to tell my business to the others."

"I  swear on everything I hold dear!"

"Thank you. I appreciate it. "

" I'll help you in your quest. I know how hurt you are and I want to wipe the smug grin off of the king's face anyway. So count me in. I'll help you." -She pinched her lips together and nodded slowly. It was settled then. They would investigate and give her justice.-

It was settled.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Lucretia- Home invasion

Lucretia stopped working on her students' reports because she heard a noise from her bedroom. She swallowed a lump and put her glasses on her desk. Her wavy black locks fell onto her chest and she put her hand over her mouth to muffle any noise that might come out of her mouth. She quickly turned the light of her office off and slowly crawled towards the door.  It was facing her bedroom so she could hear anyone who broke into her home. She felt her heart hit against her ribcage and it made her panic. What if the intruder could hear her? What if they could realize that she was hiding in her office? She bit her hand, hard, in an attempt to channel her frustration and fear silently. It sent a jolt down her spine but she managed to contain a painful cry. The noise became louder and this time easier to decipher. Someone was trashing her bedroom, she was now certain of it because she could hear the constant thud of her window. It sounded like someone was knocking against the window, which didn't make sense to the woman who interpreted it as someone breaking her furniture. 

Lucretia had flashbacks of the slaughter that took place fifty decades ago. She could still remember the noise of heavy boots marching on the floor, and the blood-curling screams that tore through the night. She could still remember her own blood, drawn out by a deep cut on top of her head, soaking her hair, and her chest. She could still remember seeing through the pile of bodies on top of her. She could see their assailants walking around and killing those who survived. It wasn't just war, because if it was war they would have made prisoners. They would have snatched the children and the women to turn them into slaves or servants. No. This time it was different. It was a genocide! They were trying to eradicate her whole species and make sure that there were no more unicorns left on this planet. She managed to keep her noise to a minimum level and waited for them to leave the open mass graves. It took three days spent among the bloated corpses, the blood, and other fluids, rain, and mud for her to make sure that her enemies were all gone and there was no more danger. Once she was certain, she managed to crawl her way out of the pile of bodies and while she survived, the faces of the dead, their torment, and their pain-twisted faces were burned into her soul. 

What if the same people who exterminated her people found out that she was alive? She bit harder into her hand, to the point of drawing blood. She looked at her desk for something she could use to defend herself. There was no need for her to remain hidden and pray for the intruder to leave her house. Sooner or later, they would enter her office and the best way to protect herself would be to attack first. She noticed a large pair of scissors on her table and quickly stood up. She carefully walked to her table grabbed the scissors and slowly turned around.  She clenched her fists and carefully walked out of the office. Her heart hit harder against her ribcage. Her breathing was laboured but she braced herself. As she came closer to the bedroom, the noise she heard became louder. She brutally opened her door and entered the room only to find it empty and undisturbed. The noise came from her window. A tree branch was hitting against the window because it was raining outside.  Her nerves were wrecked and she started to laugh and cry and laugh again. She sat on her bed and covered her face with both hands as she cried all her tears. She couldn't live like this any longer.


Klasma: Clarity

I stopped reading my book for a while so I could lift my gaze up to your face. You are talking to Elijah over the phone about stuff I don't listen to. How could I listen to what you have to say when all I want to do is to look at you and lose myself there? A smile creeps on my lips and I lean my cheek against the palm of my hand as I stare at you, Klaus.

I love the strong and determined tone in your voice, I love how deep it sometimes goes when you're being serious. I love how stern you look when you're talking business. That's the face of a man who takes protecting his family very seriously. I have always loved it about you. Whatever is happening to your siblings, you're always taking it seriously. You're talking, slightly upset at what Elijah is saying to you and I see the shift in your gaze, the annoyance, and the stress.

You glance at me and notice I am staring at you and while that gaze softens when our eyes meet, you are still tensed and serious. I don't say a word and I return to my book for a brief moment, thinking to myself that I love you. Taken again by the story I am reading, your conversation becomes a white noise at the back of my head. I don't know for how long you're talking, I don't think it's even just Elijah you're talking to. I think there are your other siblings but I don't really care. It is your conversation. 

I lift my eyes up and look at you again this time your arms are wrapped around her chest, tightly secured in a defensive gesture since you don't agree with what they're saying to you, something about a different plan. I look at your beard, thinking that you don't wear a beard that often and it suits you extremely well. I like how it feels when you kiss me, I love stroking it with my fingers when we sleep next to each other. I love it, even more, when it tickles on my naughty bits as we're making love. I think you're gorgeous! 

I'm mesmerized by your beauty so much that I still can't hear your words. All I focus on is your intense blue eyes I love to look into, your dirty blonde hair I want to mess with, and your lips I want to kiss. I know you're busy talking to them right now, but I want to wrap my arms around your chest and kiss your neck. I want to run them over your strong chest and feel your skin tense, warm up to my touch, and cover itself with short-lived goosebumps. I want to leave a trail of kisses over your neck and shoulders. 

I want to kiss your back while my hands slip underneath the waistband of your flannel pants. How can I want and desire a man as much as I do you, my hybrid? How is it that all I ever want is to be close to you? I could spend eternity locked in an embrace with you and I know it sounds cheesy but it's the truth, Klaus. I need your warmth, your comforting hugs, your loving kisses, and your soft and protective gaze upon me. I need you. I want you. I can't help but desire you.

You notice me and you look at me and smile. I hear my name and you move your hand inviting me to come over. A grin graces my features and I end up jumping off of the couch to run into your arms. A soft giggle escapes from my lips and I kiss you before I lean my head against your torso and wave at your family... Our family. They are happy to see me, to see us together and casually I enter the conversation. I look at you and I grin widely. I belong to you Klaus, I can feel it every day in our daily life. I can feel it when you hug me, I can feel it when you kiss me, I can feel it when we talk to our friends. I can even feel it when I'm away. I can't fully understand how it is possible, but I don't want to know because I don't need to. I am in love with you and that's all I know.

Got (modern) : The blue nightgown

Jaime saw Bäahal walk around in that beautiful tight little blue nightgown and it caught his attention. Nakedness was beautiful but it was a natural state for the two of them. A naked body was just that, a naked body. But when the said body had an inviting attitude, then it became a promise. It wasn't just about being attractive to the eye, it was about anticipating the moment they would become one. Yet, the Lannister would always have a little preference for the garbs she would put on, to excite his imagination. He, for lack of proper terms, was a sucker for beautiful nightgowns, especially when they were made of lace, satin, and ribbons. He enjoyed the softness of the fabric. He adored how it hugged her curves so effortlessly and on top of it all, Jaime Lannister loved when Bäahal Targaryen kept them on while they were having sex.

It might have something to do with the different textures he had to play with. Her skin, the lace, her skin, the satin, her skin the ribbons. It might also have something to do with her being half-dressed as if they were in a hurry and couldn't wait to taste each other. As if she was a present he half-opened because he was way too excited. It complimented her figure, the colors were vibrant and explosive.. sending his senses overdrive. Jaime didn't know, but he couldn't contain himself when she was flaunting her nightgown-clad body at him as if nothing was happening.

That morning she woke up early, brushed her teeth, put her nightgown on, and started to make breakfast for the two of them. It was her turn to surprise him with breakfast in bed. It didn't happen because Jaime felt the shift of weight in the bed and woke up to an empty room. He scratched his chest and quietly went to the bathroom to brush his teeth before he went to the kitchen. He found her singing and swinging her nice plump ass to the rhythm. It felt right and nice for a Sunday morning so he stared at her with a grin on his lips. His girlfriend didn't notice him for she was way too deep into the rhythm but she didn't squeal when he went behind her and grabbed her waist. Instead, the silver head kept dancing and pushed against his hands to invite him.

Jaime grinned and danced along with her, pressing his morning wood right in between her plump rear, eliciting a groan from her. It didn't stop Bäahal from dancing and cooking for them both. Toasts with scrambled eggs were on their way. He kissed the crook of her neck, eliciting a soft moan from her. His hands were still on her waist and gently hitched her nightgown up, to expose her bare rear and have her feel better his raging erection. Bäahal pretended not to feel anything and kept cooking until he started to nibble on her neck. His hands gently roamed over her frame, feeling her taut belly, and her soft arms, and his lips covered her soft skin with kisses. It tickled a bit so she chuckled and then turned her face, along with her body to face him.

« You are a very very bad boy Mr. Lannister. I am cooking, do you want me to ruin our scrambled eggs? »

« Mmhhh I don't care about the eggs. You look delicious in this nightgown. » He grinned at her and wrapped his powerful arms around her waist, while she kept her hands on his cheeks.

« I don't know Mr. Lannister... Maybe you could show me how much you like that nightgown? »

She teased him. Her voice was low and raspy and he knew that she was in the same mood that he was. Carelessly, he ignored the scrambled eggs and took her to the dinner table where he had her sit and deeply kissed her while his hands were busy hitching her gown up to her waist. She grinned and pulled his flannel pants down to his thighs, letting his hard cock spring free. Jaime caught the gleam in her eye and grinned as she quietly grabbed his cock, already wet with his precum, and stroked it a bit while staring at his emerald eyes. He pulled away from their kiss and grunted in anticipation.

« Do you want me to show you right now? »

She nodded quietly and guided him within her petite core. As he felt her folds gently open and engulf his cock, Jaime groaned and shut his eyes tight. She felt so good that if he didn't know better he wouldn't be able to last any longer but he did know better so he breathed hard and looked up at her beautiful face. Bäahal was playful this morning, so welcoming and so loving. Her warmth literally engulfed him and overwhelmed the knight. He wrapped one arm around her waist and pushed her further onto his cock while his other hand held onto the table to keep his balance. She wrapped her shapely legs around his waist and pulled him closer to her frame.

It was a morning session, one that didn't have the emergence of the night. One that could last forever or never finish at all. They weren't looking for the finish line for they already reached it the night before. No, this morning, he simply wanted to greet her the proper way, the only way he knew would combine their bodies and souls. He wanted to be one with her and bask in the glory of the moment. Jaime relished her warmth and wetness. He relished the constricting muscles around his hard veiny cock. He enjoyed her soft moans as she wrapped her hands around his buttocks and was the one moving his hips to set up a pace. He let her go and have her fun while his lips would devour her. He took the time to taste his girl, remind himself why he couldn't get enough of her, of her spicy skin and loving smile.

« My Golden Lion...... You feel so good. » She allowed herself to say in a half-breathed voice.

She was so taken by the moment that she didn't realize her eggs were burning. The scent and smoke didn't bother them, they barely noticed the fire coming from the pan as she kept pushing him inside of her at a steady pace. It only was when all of a sudden the anti-fire system started to work (and therefore they were drenched in water) that Bäahal and Jaime realized that the breakfast was ruined and their kitchen along with it. The Targaryen started to laugh, thinking the situation was rather funny, and she wrapped her arms around her lover's shoulders.

« Ahahahah This is too much! I told you I was cooking and here you come distracting me with your big dick. »

« I...I didn't do that. What are you talking about? » He heartily laughed along with her and gently pulled away as the situation required their attention. Bäahal let him go and crossed her legs as she witnessed the disaster their kitchen became.

« I guess we'll have to go outside if we want to have breakfast. » She said while getting a little bit more decent.

Both were soaked with water but as the fire stopped, so did the emergency system. She smiled at him and jumped off of the table so she could kiss him and walk out of the kitchen. « I'm going to take a shower, maybe you could join me? » She offered.

What else could he say but « yes? » He followed her to the bathroom with his head full of unfinished stories and his cock still full of promises. 

Sort of.

Doya: I love you

Dean ran his fingers through Oya's gorgeous black mane and searched for her gaze. She gave him a sheepish smile and planted a kiss on the tip of his nose. A smile graced her features as she kissed his nose again before rolling on her side to bare her back at him. He wrapped one powerful arm around her waist and rolled on his side so they could assume a spooning position. To think he actually almost lost her too many times to count now during a hunt had made him aware of how much he refused to be alone now. It wasn't because « he deserved it » because he was a hero, or because he had a pure heart. No! It was that selfish need to be loved, the yearning for a touch, the longing for a kiss, and the desperate search for someone's warmth. 

Dean Winchester wasn't a Boy Scout nor was he that perfect man who was willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of his the world without actually having a couple of regrets. He would give his life, anytime, anywhere if it was to save the day. He spent hundreds of years in Hell to save his brother, Sam, from becoming Lucfer's vessel.  He refused life partners so they wouldn't be in danger because of him or they wouldn't be neglected because he was too busy saving the world. The only time he tried to have a family life, he gave up on hunting altogether and it made him unhappy. He was miserable, no matter how much he turned it around, he was miserable.  

With Oya things were different, she was different. He couldn't say he fell in love with her at first sight because it would not be true. What Dean did feel when they first met was more gratitude than lust, since she was the one who set his brother and him, free. She was a good ally and a great company. Yes, she was strong but it wasn't that...he was attracted by something else in her. Something she wasn't able to see at times but he could. She kept going, no matter how hard her life was, she kept going and she tried to give hope to those around her. Maybe it was fate and nothing else, but Dean wanted to believe it came from deep within, that it was a choice he made. Oya was warm against him, she was soft and loving and she soothed his pain. He couldn't quite know why or how she was doing it, but being next to her allowed him to find peace and he refused to trade it for all the riches of the world.

Romantic much? Maybe simply it was just a selfish desire. The very one she felt whenever Dean was involved in something. He made her heartbeat increase, took her breath away but most importantly, he made her feel safe. SAFE!  The hunter smiled at him and quietly whispered to her husband as she realized she would soon fall asleep.

« You know... no matter what happens to me, the mere thought you will always be there is enough to drive me. I love you. Tremendously. » She said as she closed her eyes again and snuggled up better against Dean who leaned his chin on top of her shoulder.

« I love you too. » Was all he needed to say as he kept his arm around her frame, protective of her as he refused to let her exit his life again.

COPG: Shenanigans

She didn't need to be handcuffed, sometimes, he would just tell her to be a good girl and she would let him manoeuvre as he pleased.

It wasn't so much the relief to let him think for her and make decisions than the sheer pleasure to see him operate and relish in turning her into a puddle of nerves. She loved it when he was enjoying himself, his moans, and his grunts were addictive to the goddess who couldn't help but want more of him.

She would eagerly kneel before him and take him in her warm and wet mouth. Her plump lips looked so good around his cock, firmly holding him there as she started to suck on him. Pride never could resist her tongue and lips on him. He never could resist her golden eyes locked on his icy blue ones. She was captivating, to say the least. His hand would run over her pink locks and hold a fist of it to prevent a strand from bothering her and she would love it. 

She loved his soft yet firm touch and the way he possessively held onto her hair as if she belonged to him and him only. Well, she did, they both belonged to each other exclusively, but Elpis enjoyed it when he acted so dominantly and made her feel like no one else could touch her but him. That he wouldn't allow it to happen.

He couldn't resist her mouth, let alone when she was looking at him with desire. She was eager and greedy, drinking into the sight of him being pleasured by her, of the feeling of him throbbing only because of her and from the anticipation of him filling her mouth with his essence. 

In moments like these, While she was the one working on him, it was he who was in control. Elpis had a task at hand and it was to make him feel good. She was the one who was servicing her King and she was the one who grew weak in the knees when she filled her mouth with his cock until it hit the back of her throat.   

She was the devil, she was his Light and she relished seeing him take control and make her do as he pleased. She ruined the Sin and left him wanting some more and if anything, it really was her little smug smile that always crept on her lips when she was done that turned him on the most.

Gabriel- Meeting with Lucifer

 Italy Trevi Fountain, 12:00 AM, 

Gabriel's investigations were fruitless. She couldn't find any trace of her father on Earth and was starting to feel desperate as she didn't know where to look anymore. He had left the Silver City decades ago and had not been seen on Earth, so where could he possibly be? She couldn't give up on him, not only because she already claimed to her siblings that she would look for God and find him, but also because she felt that the world needed his return to restore balance in the chaos slowly settling in. Desperate, she decided to call her damned sibling, Lucifer Morningstar to ask him if their father was not hiding in Hell. She speculated that Hell would be the last place people would be looking for God and hoped that her hypothesis was the right one. 

It took Lucifer some time to reply to his sister because he had not expected one of his siblings to reach out and be so blunt that they needed him. He also wasn't sure it wasn't a trick to lure him out of Hell and do away with him. The message came from Gabriel, and he remembered fondly his sister and knew that she wasn't the one to trick others, so he relaxed and he gave her Rendez-vous in Italy, at the Trevi Fountain.  Gabriel arrived first and anxiously waited for her sibling to show up. She was wearing an elegant thin-strapped ankle-length black dress with black stilettos and had braided her hair into one single braid that reached her calves. She had put on a leather jacket because the weather was a little bit chilly and stood before the fountain. 

"It's been such a long time, sister." -Lucifer's booming voice sent a shiver down the archangel's spine. She didn't turn around as to not bring attention to them and simply smiled to herself-

"It has been." -She simply said, before she felt his presence near her frame.- 

Lucifer's meat suit pick was not surprising in the least. He was a very tall and gorgeous black man who sported a popular haircut humans called "a fade'". He was sharply dressed, with a long and fitted leather coat, a three-piece black suit with black leather shoes. His tie and handkerchief were white to add some color to his whole look.   Gabriel cocked her head to the left so she could have a good look at her brother. Despite the glamour that could give the illusion of his eyes being brown, they were a magnificent purple color, akin to the most precious amethyst. It was bright and warm and a confirmation for Gabriel that it was indeed her brother who had joined her before the fountain. 

"Let's cut through pleasantries, shall we, sister? I would like to know why you reached out to me. You said it had something to do with Father."

"Yes. I think you have noticed that our Father is nowhere to be found. He left the Silver City and I've combed through the mortal realm over and over again and he's not there. I was wondering if... by any chance, you've seen him in your realm?"

"In Hell? Why would he hide in Hell? I hope you're not accusing me of hiding our father!" -He said, his voice hinting at bubbling anger. Gabriel shook her head and outstretched her arm to hold onto Lucifer's left arm-

"No! No! I'm not accusing you of anything, brother. I was wondering if you felt his absence and if you suspected anything. I am at my rope's end and I don't know where to look!"

Lucifer furrowed his brows but didn't move his arm away from her. Instead, he decided to study his sister as she was talking to him. Gabriel always used to be so bubbly and happy. She was the messenger of God after all and the only one who could claim to be the closest to the Creator. He could see how distraught she was simply by looking at her eyes. Those eyes, red as rubies, used to shine brightly when she was still acting as the messenger for their father. Today their light was dim and dull. He noticed the strain on her face and the exhaustion atypical of his sister. He noticed the tremors in her voice and the fear of seeing her only clue to finding their father, leaving because she didn't express herself the right way. Gabriel never judged him for his fall. She was the only sibling who seemed to understand him in a way the others couldn't. perhaps she knew something the others didn't. She still looked at him like she would her brother, regardless of his status as a fallen angel and the king of Hell. So he decided to remain by her side, at least until he could give her a satisfying answer. 

"I have noticed something was amiss but I couldn't imagine it was because Father had left the Silver City.  Who has been in charge since he left?"

"Michael has. RaphaĂ«l can't oppose him so he goes along with whatever our brother wants to do.  Uriel, well... you know our brother. He is rather silent and discreet. I'm the only one who voiced my concerns and opposed Michael, to no avail. I left the Silver City."

"You left? Gabby, what exactly are you trying to do? Opposing Michael? He's not going to accept it and let you go away with it. You might as well be labeled an enemy of Heaven."

"Not yet. He still wants me back. He doesn't understand why I'm not on board with his ideas but I told him. We're not meant to rule over humans. We're meant to serve them and to serve our Father. He might be gone, but his will has always been for us to help humans, not rule them. I told him that I would find Father and know the real reason for his departure."

"It is an ambitious task, sister, and a huge risk you took opposing Michael. If...You need shelter, you can find one in Hell. I would see to it that you're safe. Regarding Father, I haven't noticed his presence in Hell.  I see why you thought he could have hidden himself in my realm. After all, who would have been looking there for our dad. Yet, you forgot that he can't keep a low profile wherever he is. He surely would have made his presence known to me. I apologize for not telling you what you wanted to hear."

He felt a pang in his heart as the face of his sister started to slowly show her disappointment. Her only lead was now dead and she didn't know where to look at. Lucifer scratched his beard as he was now thinking about their father's whereabouts and he started to consider several options. If their father had left the Silver City and couldn't be found on Earth then maybe he simply wasn't in the mortal realm. If he wasn't in Hell, there could only be another place. 

"I will search Hell, this time to find our father. There still could be a chance he's hiding very well and I have not paid attention. However, there is a chance I would not find him there. Fear not, sister, for there is another place you haven't searched at.  perhaps, Father is in Purgatory." 

As soon as he mentioned it, Gabriel's face lit up and quickly took on a horrified expression. Why would their father stay in Purgatory? She had never been there herself, but she heard her siblings talk about it. Purgatory changed depending on who entered it. It could be a big empty grey place or it could be something more familiar where the soul was stuck until it figured out their unfinished business and came to terms with it. Why would the creator willingly go there? Gabriel didn't remember her father as being prone to martyrdom. She didn't remember him as being willing to sacrifice his freedom and perhaps sanity and lock himself in a place she believed was worse than Hell. But it was a lead and it could very well be true. 

"Please, brother, search for Father in Hell. I can't imagine him willingly going to Purgatory. I can't even begin to imagine what it could imply or if I could eventually convince him to leave this place to return home. I am... scared that you might be right, so please, please, Lucfier, Search for him in Hell."

"I will. You have my word. In the meantime, you have to brace yourself for whatever comes next. I will keep in touch with you, be careful because I am certain Michael would not give up on you so easily. Please, be careful."

She nodded and gently grabbed his large hand with hers. Gabriel's guts were telling her that something sinister was coming and that she better be ready to hear it. A lot of things didn't make sense to her for now but she was determined to find their father. She felt that God had to return if he wanted to save his precious creations and prevent chaos from happening. She felt that she was racing against the clock and deep down, she knew that Michael would never take the risk to let her walk freely on Earth and convince mankind to rebel against angels. She was the messenger of God after all, and the one humans would turn to in times of need. She knew she couldn't return home until she got a hold of their father and therefore intended to remain careful, including with her brother RaphaĂ«l. Lucifer looked at her with a warm gaze before he bent forward and pressed his lips to her forehead. He decided that he would look after his sister and would do his best to find their father. perhaps all of this was in vain but he was willing to take the risk just like she did. And with a slow nod, he vanished in a black smoke, returning to Hell so he could start looking for their father. Gabriel was left behind, worried sick about what was to come but determined to get to the bottom of that situation. 


Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Colby: Will you marry me?

Arrow House, 31st of December, 11:30

Helen Bridge had finally been dealt with. After months of threatening Mary's life and putting Charlie in danger, her associates and her were finally killed. Mary and Charlie returned to Arrow House and they resumed living without a Damocles sword above their heads. The danger was no longer looming over them and for the first time in a while, Mary felt relaxed. Tommy found her in the living room. She had removed her shoes and was leaning against the couch with her legs crossed. A glass of whiskey was in her hand and her green eyes set upon him. With all of this ordeal she had not even tackled the fact that before Helen tried to kill her, Tommy had been more and more forgetful and more and more distant.  She wanted to talk to him about it, about why he had been distant from his family but now wasn't the time. Now, she wanted to celebrate their newfound freedom. 

« I think we earned it.. some rest at last. » She whispered while stretching a little bit on her seat. Tommy smirked and sat next to her. She was right, they earned this day off.

« We certainly did. » He said with a grin as he chugged down some of the whiskey in his glass. « Now what? »

« I don't know. It seems we can do anything now. What do you fancy Tommy? » -She asked with a lifted brow as she took another sip of whiskey.-

« I'm not really used to having days off, Mary. I would have suggested we drink and toast to a better future for both of us. »

« I see. Well, we can certainly toast to a better future for both of us. Ever since you put me at the head of the Grace Institute we really went through a lot of shit.  I do not know if we're at the end of our struggles but I sure as hell don't want anyone to come after us ever again. » She said as she cheered and toasted with Tommy Shelby who chuckled and scratched his cheek.

« You're optimistic, eh! »

« I'm not. Don't get me wrong, I am happy that my mother is dead. I am happy that she won't be able to hurt us ever again. I never thought I would say these words one day and yet here I am, grateful for the death of my mother. I could care less if she only went after me, Tom, but she also went after Charlie and I couldn't forgive this. Charlie is innocent, he's our son! He's done nothing to her but she couldn't handle the fact that I was close to him. She couldn't handle the fact her mixed-raced daughter survived. She's gone for good, but the state of this country surely worries me. You see it, the rise of the far-right. Ada's been attacked because she had a daughter with a black man. I have been... Some people are ruder to me than usual. It's in the air, something's shifting."


« I hear ya Mary. I wish that things had been different, that you wouldn't be threatened by cowards. I wish I could let my guard down, but in this world we live in, I just can't.  We can't. » Mary nodded and pointed her glass towards him.-

« Preach it! That's exactly how I feel. Some people are deceptive and they are so good at it that it's difficult to know who is a snake and who isn't. I am always quick to forgive and move on but I am no longer as trusting as I used to be before. I can't afford to lose Charlie or you for that matter so I will be careful from now on. » -She said as she emptied her glass.- 

Tom remained silent. He thought she looked beautiful when she was angry and he didn't see the need to add something to her last sentence. Instead, he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her into a hug against his large frame. Fighting Mary's mother, Helen, had proven to be mentally exhausting to both of them. Mary struggled with her desire to find her mother and connect with her and the harsh reality that was the rejection from the woman who gave birth to her. She was also very well-connected and Tommy found out that she could have killed Mary, their son, and the people she cared for if he had not been careful. They held onto one another during this ordeal but Mary felt grateful to be sharing a moment of levity and happiness with him. 

He smelled good that night, his usual alcohol, metal, and tobacco scent she couldn't forget. Tommy also seemed to be relaxed so it made her smile and she wrapped her arm around his waist while her other hand held onto her empty glass of whiskey. Her heart was racing against her ribcage as she was close to Tommy once again. How long had it been since the last time they actually had some intimacy? She couldn't tell... weeks maybe.. months? maybe.  Tommy had been very oblivious and absent for a while so for the rare moments they were together, she couldn't think of anything but making sure he was alright. She would tend to his wounds, make sure he ate well, and would simply let him reach out to her when he needed to. Tonight, of all nights, she wanted more than just a conversation. She needed reassurance, she needed his touch, she needed to feel him.

It felt like all these months spent waiting finally came to fruition tonight. They were together again in her apartment, holding each other while sharing a drink and she was relaxed. Her body language showed that Mary felt comfortable next to him. She felt good and warm against his frame and he couldn't help but feel the need to feel her against his frame some more. His question still echoed at the back of his head as he struggled not to answer it with honesty. Of course, he had an idea of what he wanted to do now that the threat posed by Mary's mother was now gone. He knew what he wanted and had for the last 2 years but didn't know if he was ready. So he grunted, feeling slightly uncomfortable and prompting Mary to look up at his face.

« What's wrong? » -She ended up asking-

« I'm okay. » He replied in yet another loud grunt, clearly signaling that he wasn't so Mary pulled away from him and crossed her arms over her chest. « What? »

« What's wrong Tom? » She asked again, this time putting the empty glass on the table in front of them. « I'm all ears. »

« It's just... Well, now that your mother is dead and the threat's gone, what are we gonna do now? »

« Right now? Drinking that whiskey you bought for us. » She was joking and it made him chuckle. It brought a smile to her face and a glow in her green eyes. Tommy cupped her cheek with his large calloused hand and stroked her skin with his thick fingers. Mary stopped smiling and gave him an intense look.« What do you want to do now? » She asked with a shaky voice. He could feel she was becoming more and more stressed as she didn't know how he would react and anticipated his rejection but he didn't say a word for a minute.

« I want to stay here tonight. With you. » He genuinely answered, while his hand grabbed her neck. It made her gasp and she bit her bottom lip. He smelled good, and he was so close to her face that she couldn't help but move forward so her nose could rub against his.

« You do? » She whispered to him, eyes half-closed as she relished in his scent and warmth. Where was this taking them? She couldn't anticipate and didn't know if this would lead them anywhere but she wanted to try and kept playing his game.

« I do. I'm done runnin' away Mary. Been doin' that for too long now. »

He said as he put his glass on the same table before he grabbed her other cheek. Now that her head was secure and she would have to look at him, Tom's blue gaze became more intense. Mary felt the shift in his mood and blushed softly as she had trouble concealing her intense attraction to him.

« What were you running away from Tom? » Mary asked in a whisper. It made him grunt and he leaned his forehead against hers. That was the moment. That was the moment he had to tell her how he truly felt but Tommy needed a moment to gather himself so he could open up again.  Mary's breathing became more labored as she searched for an answer in his eyes. « Tom... I'm not going anywhere... »

« I don't want you to. » He replied in a hoarse voice. « I want you near, always. »

« I'm not going anywhere. The closer to you, the better. » She whispered and bit her lips again. She shut her eyes tight and put her hands on his chest. He was broader than her, large and comforting. He pressed his forehead harder against hers.

« I was runnin' away from you » He began. Her eyes grew wide and she stiffened at his words but Tommy kept his hand on her cheeks and neck. « I was runnin' away from the promise of a new life. »

«.......Tom... » -The nurse whispered and put her hands on his cheeks so she could hold his sharp jaw.- 

His words were making her heart pound into her ribcage even harder because she realized he was going to talk about his feelings and she wasn't prepared. Her breathing became more labored and she could feel unshed tears fill her eyes.

« When we started to see each other, I was an empty shell, a grieving man who felt guilty for losing the people he loved. I lost so much Mary, John, Grace, my old friends.... my whole world...I was so deep into my pain that I couldn't see anything positive again... And then you came along and you patched me up.  You took care of me, of Charlie... You made our lives better. I was given a chance to love again and I wasn't sure I deserved it. I wasn't sure you wouldn't die because of me. »

« Is that why you were so cold to me, for all these years? » -She said in a broken voice.-

He didn't let go of her head and pushed it up so she would look into his eyes. She wanted answers to appease her soul. For so long Tommy had put a distance between Mary and him that she believed he didn't actually love her. Lizzie meddled with their relationship and eventually made Mary believe that she was nothing more than a glorified nanny for Charlie. It took one bold move on Mary's birthday night for her to realize that perhaps, there were deeper feelings Tommy felt for her. It took even more for Mary to eventually hear a confession from Tommy. It took more for her to eventually start to feel like he legitimately chose her to share his life. Even these last couple of months, Tommy had been extremely distant from his family. She first chalked it up to his wanderlust and desire for freedom. After a while, it became worrisome and while Tom didn't tell her about his blackouts and seizures, for Mary, it felt as if Tommy was avoiding his family. Tommy nodded to give her a non-verbal answer. She exhaled loudly and then started to sniffle and cry those unshed tears that had been pooling in her eyes.

« I didn't think I deserved you. I didn't want you to be in danger because of me. I wasn't ready Mary. » She nodded and shut her eyes tight while he wrapped his powerful arms around her frame to pull her into a tight hug.

« What are you trying to say, Tom ?.... » She asked in between sobs. Mary needed to hear it from him and he understood why. His hand stroked her head as he let his fingers get lost in her brown locks.

« I'm stupidly in love with you. I want to marry you. That's what I'm trying to say. Marry me, Mary Colson! » -His eyes were so intensely staring at her that they sent shivers down the spine of the nurse who simply pressed her lips against his. She couldn't speak, not yet. Information had to sink into her before she could say anything to him. The reaction was raw and clumsy. It wasn't the first time they kissed each other or even had sex, but she wanted him right here, right now.

« Say it again! » She whispered, moaning in between kisses as she quickly straddled his lap. Tommy leaned against the couch, hands on her sides as he hitched her dress up and he used his bare hands to tear apart her panties. She ripped open his tank top, eager to feel his skin,  and ran her hand down his belt buckle she took off and his zipper she pushed down hastily. She didn't want to wait, due to pent-up arousal and the rush of adrenaline through her veins. Tommy didn't complain and instead, let her set his cock free from his pants, only to push her bare slit against it.

« Marry me, Mary Colson.. » -He repeated in a gruff voice, enjoying the sound of it more and more.- 

She grinned and started to rock her hips, the friction only helping his cock to get a lot more wet from his precum. He groaned, enjoying the sensation of her warmth against his impatient length. He needed to be inside of her without any sort of delay. After so long away from the green-eyed beauty, Tommy Shelby didn't want to wait any longer. He had to own her again, to make her feel good and to hear her voice. She understood his feelings, and listening to him claim his love for her only aroused the nurse even more. She kept bucking her hips against his to smear his precum all over his cock and get herself ready from the sheer friction between them. 

«I love you, marry me! » He repeated, this time running his hands over her soft back and holding a fist of her brown locks. Mary groaned and ran her hands over his burly hairy chest and felt him lift her body up so he could grab his cock and rub its tip against her slit. She chuckled and pressed her lips against his while he teased her entrance.

« Go ahead... » Mary encouraged him while her hands went up to his shoulders. He made eye contact with her, to study her very reactions and stop if he noticed he should wait some more. Her green eyes were glowing with the light of desire and given how eagerly she tore his shirt, he knew she wanted it too. With one swift motion, he filled the woman he loved with his throbbing length and snapped his hips forward, making her squeal in the process. It felt good, she had to shut her eyes tight for a minute to adjust to him stretching her nice little-wet cunt the way he did. Her fingers cupped his rough face and she pressed another kiss to his lips. « I can feel you throb so hard inside of me... » She groaned, while she moved her hips slowly up and down, picking up an urgent pace.

« Yeah? » It was a rhetorical question. Of course, he knew. Of course, he felt his cock throb inside of her and reach the bottom of her warm wet walls. The nurse nodded and yanked her head back as she arched her back. His hands on her waist kept moving up and down so he could help her move on top of him. Her moans and his grunts filled the room before he pushed himself forward so he could sit straight on the couch. Mary smiled at him, lips still trembling due to her overwhelming joy and she ended up wrapping her arms around his shoulders and pulling him into a tight hug.

« I will marry you... »She managed to speak before he switched positions and laid her on her back onto the couch, while he still was inside of her. He didn't wait for her to adjust to this new situation and resumed pounding into her hard. Her toes curled and she matched his thrusts with her pelvis, enjoying every inch of his cock inside of her. Her fingers scratched his back, hard enough to make him hiss but not enough to injure him. His name was at the tip of Mary's lips, merely grunted into his ear as he pounded mercilessly into her. « To---Tom--!!! Fuck!» The nurse groaned as she felt him hit the bottom of her cunt and bury himself there. Her eyes revulsed and she arched her back. « Tom.. love. » She wrapped her arms around his neck, making him growl lowly as his nose rubbed against hers. « I love you. »

« I love you. »

He mumbled while his lips pressed against hers in a quick peck. She lost her fingers into his black mane and looked into his azure eyes. Mary wanted his very senses to be overwhelmed with their emotions. She wanted Tommy to feel how much she needed him by the way her body was moving under his and how wet and tight her welcoming core felt around him. She wanted Tommy to see her love in her green orbs and the need in her desperate scratching. 

There was no time for patience and foreplay or teasing and other gentle plays. They were sealing their love with an urgent fuck, a desperate need to possess the other and make it real. He would have marked her if he didn't have a sliver of control left in him and she would have marked him if her nails were longer but didn't need bites or scratches to know they belonged to each other. They knew. They always knew. So Tommy Shelby pushed harder into her tight crevice, stretching her good with his large meat until she couldn't breathe while his hips smacked their flesh together. He fucked her fast and hard, increasing the friction between the two of them until he felt he was close to his release.

« Cum for me! » -He commanded, making her whimper under his assault. She sunk her nails into his shoulders, her toes curling harder as he was fucking her into oblivion now. « I want to see you cum !»

« Ahhh.. yes.. yes! I'm cumming, cum with me... cum with me Tom! » -She encouraged him.-

Seeing her body jump beneath him aroused the gangster who ran his hand from her shoulder to her neck he squeezed gently. It was a turn-on for the nurse who couldn't help but scream as she finally hit her climax. He kept his hand there, buried his cock deep inside of her, and emptied himself in a low growl. Both remained silent as they stared at each other. Both could feel their hearts pumping hard into their veins and both were still riding their own climax. Mary cried, due to her powerful climax, and wiped her eyes clean. A smile crept on her lips and she chuckled softly to herself.

« What's funny? » -He managed to say as he rubbed his nose against her cheek. Tom still needed some time to fully go limp so he didn't withdraw just yet to enjoy his woman's warm and tight wet crevice.-

« We haven't been this intimate for a while...Talk about a slow burn. »

« I kinda like how it ended though. » -He said with a grin before he planted a kiss on her collarbone.-

« Are we sure it's the last of it? » -She teased him, her fingers still lost in his mane.-

« More like a beginning. » -He purred in her ear.- « Does that mean you and me, we're getting married? »

« Silly.....we are. And you know it! » -She said blushing while he nibbled on her neck.-

« I just wanted to hear it again. » -He grinned and kissed her breasts. Mary's laughter turned into a grunt and she nodded.-

« So greedy... so demanding. » She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his shoulders. « I want to build something with you too. As much as I love having you between my legs and inside of me, I want more than that Tom. I want to be your wife. I want to be Charlie's stepmother. That's all I need. » She moistened her lips and ran her hand through her brown locks. It made him throb inside of her and elicit a moan from the nurse.

« I can do that. » -He answered while slowly shifting his hips to resume thrusting into her. He was far from being finished but was taking it slow, giving her time to recover from the emotional trainwreck that it was before.-

« My family. » 

She retorted with a grin. And after several minutes, they were at it again. When they first met each other, both were a mess. Both were in denial of their pain and found comfort in each other. Yes, of course, he did his best to ignore his feelings for her and pretended that when they had sex, it was not that deep. It was just a need for them to unwind and find comfort with each other. But the moment they kissed it was already too late. He was already deeply in love with her. She was already in love with him. Their path toward happiness took a complicated turn. He wanted to make her an honorable woman, a wife, someone who would be justified in the eye of the public as Tommy Shelby's wife. Tonight was the conclusion of years of frustration and denial of happiness. Tonight was the moment they left the world behind and started anew. They become more than friends or lovers... They were a family.