That's how I will always remember the queen. Free like the wind, riding with her king at high speed, her chocolate hair flowing all over the place while her gorgeous gracious body would be clad in enticing gears.
That's how I will always remember my friend, a wild spirit underneath the layers of self-control. A brilliant mind with a thousand idea per seconds and not enough time to say them all. A caring soul, with so much love inside she, doesn't know what to do with it.
No. she does. She gives it around. she is so selfless that I want to make sure she gets it back. We haven't known each other for more than a year and some months and yet I feel like I have been knowing her for ages. I know she is loved and protected. I have seen the sons and some of her guys around her, I have seen the way they speak of her when she's not there. I have seen the joy, the respect, the love in their eyes.
And still.
I want her to have more. She's done so much for me this past year. She helped me get myself together and I can't possibly thank her enough. I just want her to be happy, as happy as one could be and if it takes all I have to ensure she has what she needs whether I can provide it or have to ask someone to do it, then so be it. I'd gladly give her everything.
That's how I remember my sister. Fee like the wind and happy.
//I admit, I'm fucking sentimental today
<3 Love you so much IM

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