A/N: Everything sucks for Doya right now, but he's always there for her and so is she for him.
Oya was sitting on their bed, unable to leave the mattress and pack her bags. How could she when all she was thinking of was Joshua. He was in a critical condition, and it was bad enough for Sarah to call and ask for help. It didn't look good and Oya was convinced that it was only a matter of hours before the young man dies from his injuries. Mangled? the very word sounded extreme to Oya's ears who couldn't help but tap her fingers against her thighs. Her mind was filled with questions she couldn't ask yet and her body was shaking so hard, that Dean stopped packing and crouched in front of her. Her hazel eyes focused on him and she gave him a tight smile before she closed her eyes and let a couple of tears roll down her cheeks.
"It sucks..." She whispered, her voice almost breaking.
"I know." Dean held her hands, forcing the hunter to look at him. She chewed at her bottom lip and dropped her head.
"It's the life we chose. I should be prepared for this but I am not. Dean..."
"Joshua's like a brother to you. I get it. I've been there." -Charlie, David, and others... Castiel and Sam. Dean had lost his fair share of people and he understood Oya's distress. She was scared of losing Joshua and didn't know how she would react should it happen. She bit her lip harder and knitted her brows together.
"I don't want him to die. I know... it's the job. You and can die too while doing our job but...I don't want him to die. Sarah would not handle it, his nieces wouldn't .. his girlfriend wouldn't.... how.. how can I handle it?" She asked, and he stroked her hands to soothe her.
"You will. You always do." He pressed his lips to the back of her hand and cupped her cheek. "Sarah needs you."
"She does. If she loses Josh.... she won't recover. We will find who and what did this to him and we will destroy that thing." She wiped out the tears that rolled on her cheeks with her free hand and looked straight into his green eyes. "I need you, Dean... to help me through this. To help me find.."
The hunter couldn't look at Dean anymore. It didn't matter because he was there and he pulled her into a hug. As her arms wrapped around his shoulders and she pressed her head against his shoulder, Oya felt the comfort he was trying to give her from the moment they heard the news. He was there, always. He could not leave Oya alone and would certainly not help her with this case. Joshua was her family and if they could not save him, they would damn well avenge him. Finding the monster responsible for his condition became their priority. Giving Oya support was his top priority so he decided to step up and be the anchor she needed.
"I am here O. I'm going with you." He claimed again, renewing his unspoken promise to always look after her and vice Oya the support she needed.
"I know." She believed and trusted him. He would be there for her like he always was. She rubbed his arm and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "I appreciate you to come with me."
"You said it yourself O. You need me." He joked and pressed his lips to her forehead. She rarely said those words. She rarely said she needed his help. "Need" was used with extreme caution and meant something for both hunters. Oya was in distress, the thought of losing her brother was too much to handle and he would be damned if he let her endure this whole situation without him. Oya gently smacked his sides and looked up to his face.
"I do. I need you."
Dean wiped away the tears that got her face wet and gently stroked her soft cheek. Despite the rough years, she went through, Oya's face remained soft, maybe softer than before. they stared at each other for a while, in silence. He lost his fingers into her heavy black locks and gently pressed his lips to her face. Oya pulled herself further back on the bed and he followed. She was now laying on the bed, her black locks crowned her head. She looked at him and smiled, while he entangled her fingers with his and pressed another kiss to her face.
"I'm here." -Dean wanted to say more but he didn't know what else he could say at this very moment. She understood him, she knew he meant that he would step up and be there for her because she needed him. Oya held his fingers tighter and pulled him into a kiss.
"I know..." She whispered and pressed her lips to his once again. Her hands gently stroked his back and she closed her eyes as they remained in this embrace for a while. Dean leaned on his arm so he wouldn't crush her and with his other hand, he kept stroking her locks away from her face. "I appreciate that you're here with me. I appreciate you are here.....I just.." -she couldn't keep talking, so Oya swallowed hard and closed her eyes while Dean planted a kiss on her forehead. "We'll find out what the fuck happened to him, right?"
"We will."
"And we'll destroy it, right?" -She sighed and rolled on her side so she could look at him better. Dean nodded and cupped her cheek again.
"Together." he replied.
"Together." She repeated and then wrapped her arm around his frame and leaned her forehead against his chest.
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