- Elpis is the latest child of the primeval gods Khaos and Gaea.
- She is born out of true love between the very first beings to ever exist. She is Light and Darkness, the perfect balance between the two.
- Elpis is known for her temper. She destroyed a whole pantheon by herself because they disrespected her father.
- Leviathan and Ishtar wanted to claim her for themselves. Ayasha hates her guts, Her father doted on her, Gaea was scared of her and the only siblings who loved her Sitäa and Khrön both died at the hands of Ayasha.
- She is loyal, devoted, and deeply in love with Pride. Do not try to seduce her, do not try to trash Jaime in front of her or make her believe that he is cheating on her.
- A's Lust is a close friend and ally. C's Hecate is a former friend, now the enemy. A's Astrid / Athena is an ally since she's been corrupted. A's Venus is going to be her protegee.
- She aims to become the new All-Mother and the Empress of the Universe alongside Pride.
- He worships her. She is devoted to him. She is the only one he can see as his equal and wants to rule with.
- Elpis has been raised in a golden cage by the rest of her pantheon. Both parents and siblings feared she would realize her worth and try to tap into her power. They tried to weaken her, to make her meek and fragile, and brainwashed her into thinking she needed their protection and help because she was helpless.
- Leviathan was killed by Pride who stole his power and sent his soul to Oblivion.
- Elpis was cursed in a never-ending cycle of reincarnation by Ishtar because she refused to give up on Pride. Ishtar's love for her had him curse her instead of killing her. As a result, she was forgotten for 2000 years by the whole world and gods alike save for Ayasha and Ishtar who schemed and cursed the goddess.
- Ironically, her curse gave her the opportunity to review and reflect on her past and mature. It nurtured her rage and her desire for revenge and it helped her realize the truth about her powers, status, and place in the universe.
- Pride had been unmade by hades as a punishment for his relationship with the goddess. he remade him but that only precipitated his demise. pride didn't kill his maker but he's a prisoner of Tartarus.
- She is a very stubborn woman. It was her sheer determination that helped her scratch her seal and be remembered by Pride.
- She is not evil, nor good. She is a perfect balance that would help Pride not get beside himself and destroy everything.
- Elpis is into "power play". She loves to challenge Pride and wrestle him until he has the upper hand. This could range from simple banter to a sexual game.
- Pride is the one and only lover she ever had. She rejected anyone who had tried to get in her good graces.
- Together they have caused chaos wherever they went. The infamous events of Vancouver highlighted the insane chemistry between the two of them. They both danced and created an orgy so intense that it ended up with the death of the guests.
- Elpis' power is so strong that she was able to make life thrive in the Underworld. The Underworld rejects her as well and for her to be able to stay as long as she did, it required Pride's ancient magic.
- Elpis nurtures such an intense rage at her siblings for their betrayal that she wants to eradicate her own pantheon. She wants to crown Pride as the New All-Father of Earth and lead them to a path he had not imagined before.
- Elpis loves humans and Earth. She can enjoy their fine arts and their company. Pride, out of love for her, is resolved to not destroy the planet.
- Together, Elpis and Pride are known as the new Persephone and Hades, much to their disdain. She refuses to see any similar connection to Persephone and even less to Demeter her mother because they are nothing alike. Pride likes to say that he is what comes after the gods and she believes that she is meant to be more than the weakling she was made to believe she was.
- It was love at first sight for Bäahal. She fell in love with him as soon as she laid her eyes on him. He didn't, mostly because the Sin he used to be was unable to feel anything that deep. however, he grew attached to her (courtesy of her influence), which led to the two of them having a romance.
- Elpis enjoys praising her Sin. She enjoys stroking his ego and this skill sometimes helped her convince him not to go too extreme on his plan.
- She is a beautiful woman, She is said to be an uncanny beauty, unlike anything seen in the realms of the gods.
- Elpis only trusts Pride and Lust. The other gods had proven to be liars and deceivers. She no longer believes that they would not try to conspire against her and is always tense because she expects a betrayal.
- However, that doesn't stop Elpis from trying peace. She still is the goddess of Light and Hope.
- Elpis has escaped several attempted assaults from various gods and deities. Among her assailants, there was Ares, the Greek God of War, Poseidon (stopped by Ishtar), Leviathan (stopped by Ishtar), and even Ishtar (who stopped himself).
- Elpis enjoys dancing. Of all the things she loves doing on Earth, dancing, listening to music, and even fine dining are among her favorite to do.
- Elpis is very empathetic and compassionate. However, she learned to focus that energy on herself during her curse. Upon returning to existence, she is far less giving and more balanced.
- She is the goddess of Light and Hope and to these two concepts, she doesn't apply a human perspective. She answers to anyone, including those with malicious intent for it is not her place to judge the desires of others or the goals they seek. She simply gives them Hope to succeed in whatever plan they have.
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