// Gaea's conversation with her daughter
Ayasha felt the telepathic call of her mother, something that had never happened since Gaea exiled herself. Could it be that her mother had finally come to her senses? Could it be that she finally realized how powerful Elpis indeed was? She decided to meet with her mother, on Earth among humans just so they would need to keep a low profile. Her human vessel wore a white skirt and jacket with a large white hat. Her heels clicked on the wooden floor of the museum they picked as their meeting location. Gaea was staring at a famous painting showing Cronos eating one of his sons. She was wearing a long brown dress with black boots and had her hair styled in two braids. She didn't flinch when Ayasha finally stood next to her.
"Mother. I didn't know you'd come." -She sneered. Her green eyes stared at the painting and she shrugged at the sight-
"I called you, of course, I'd come." -She snapped at her daughter, her brown eyes averting from the painting to her mother's face.-
"Forgive me, my tongue slipped. I meant to say that I didn't believe you'd call." -She grinned before she crossed her arms above her chest.- "I thought you wanted nothing to do with us. What made you change your mind?"
"Why do you care, Ayasha?" -
Gaea didn't want to tell her daughter that she was right. She didn't want to seem vulnerable and was extremely upset by the situation. The truth was, Ayasha saw right through her and her ego prevented the All-Mother from acknowledging it. She was vain, she was selfish. She was scared of her daughter and didn't try to kill her before because she didn't know how Elpis would react to the attempt. She saw what happened to the Sumerian pantheon and knew that her daughter destroyed gods while unaware of her true potential.
"I need to hear the truth from your mouth for once in your life, Mother."
"The truth? Oh, I see, you want to humiliate me, Daughter." -She sneered at Ayasha who lifted a brow in a way to confirm her mother's suspicion.- "I spoke with Elpis a short while ago. She was testing her powers and I was not able to locate her." -Ayasha blinked and put her hand against her chest.- "Yes, she was everywhere and nowhere at the same time. I noticed her, so I called for her and she replied to me."
"What did she say?"
"She said that she was coming for us, all of us. She is planning to kill me and become the new All-Mother."
"Could she? could she beat you, Mother? Could she become the new All-Mother?"
Her green eyes set upon the brown orbs of her mother. If Gaea was seriously doubting her ability to defeat her daughter, then something "new" had happened. For months, the goddess had tried to locate her sister but was unable to do so. The growing fear of Ayasha made her shiver and she bit her bottom lip. Elpis defied their mother, she was confident enough to induce fear in the heart of the All-Mother. Despair couldn't invade their hearts, because if it did, then they would have already lost the war. The blonde goddess closed her eyes and moistened her lips. Gaea took a deep breath and ran her hand over her blonde locks.
"I lost control over the fauna, as soon as she talked to me, I couldn't control anything. She became far more powerful than I had anticipated and she is angry. She is extremely vengeful and she's coming for us."
"I see. what do you want, Mother? Protection? An alliance? Just ask and be clear this time."
"Protection, Daughter. I realized that alone I cannot stop Elpis. Alone, I am not enough. I seek asylum at the Prime Garden and when Elpis comes I would help you defeat her."
"What guarantees me that you would not try to betray us once you get the opportunity?" -Gaea shook her head and clutched her pearls.- "What guarantees me that you won't help Elpis destroy us instead?"
"Are you insane? She would not spare me, no matter what I do. So take me home, Ayasha."
Ayasha nodded and offered her arm to her mother so she could take it. She walked a couple steps away from the exhibition room so she could teleport them back into the Prime Garden. She didn't even gloat, which she could have done, because her mother finally spoke some truth, a truth. She knew that it would take some time before Elpis became strong enough to enact her revenge, but she still wanted to be ready before the final showdown. Gaea was willing to take shelter at the Pantheon but perhaps, with a little bit of convincing, she would end up going to war with them. Ayasha was counting on it.
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