So, like I said, I'm just going to talk about what truly caught my attention in the movie. It's just flowing as it comes to my mind so forgive the lack of expertise.
So to me, this Superman is FINALLY the Superman I was expecting to see and like. I know that many of you prefer a campier version of the character and it's your right. I am not trashing it. Many people still love BATMAN 1966 as the only true real Batman and view the Bruce Timm version as the worst! because he's too violent. to each their own.
-Superman truly reflects what I always envisioned for the character. What for me he should have been: A metaphor for foreigners. Down to his creators who, if I am correct, were immigrants, (Jewish immigrants who escaped from an anti-Semite Europe when Hitler was in power). Anti-semitism was still going strong in America. (still is anyway). and I believe they created Superman to show that a foreigner is worthy. they can be heroes, they can integrate each other very well.
-Clark is the foreigner who comes to a new place, be it he ran away from an armed conflict, (so is a refugee) or he just wanted to try his luck. I can relate to that. I am that foreigner. I am that person who comes to a new place and is not welcomed with open arms.
-We're in a post 9/11 world where people would not embrace foreigners (and don't) without making sure they're not a threat. We also live in a world where you can't be too different. they give you the impression you can be, but you can't stray too far away. there's a norm and you have to conform to it. He is a foreigner, (a second generation) who got to live with the culture he was raised in, but has/had to deal with the culture he was born in. (he's Kryptonian. he came to terms with it in MoS and finally found a way to balance both of his heritage.) it could also work for mixed-raced people who are (and shouldn't be constantly torn apart because they come from two different culture.
-I can relate to him on levels I have never been able to relate to with good old Superman. (not because he's overpowered. but because he never had an edge on him. nothing made me empathize with him like I did with the rest of the league (Martian Manhunter has more of my sympathy than would Superman) because I am this foreigner.
-He is and has ALWAYS tried to do good. He's been in people lives way before he embraced his heritage. when he was still in the dark. he kept doing his best even though everyone was shitting on him (fans included). Even when, after he came out, people were still trying to tear him apart OR fetishize him for being different (and I have experienced it too). He never gave up on people. NEVER;
-That edge I was talking about. He is questioning himself. He doubts himself (not really the people, he took so many leaps of faith in humanity but they all failed him!) NEVER BEFORE I have seen him question himself about what to do, what to be. being hesitant. He is kind too, he's smooth and soft and loving.
-people are so jaded... I don't understand. this superman gave me HOPE. not the campy hope in those Christophe Reeves movies, but really hope that no matter how hard you have it come your way, you can still DO the right thing. even if it costs you a LOT! you can still CHOOSE to do right.
-So Yes I love him! I will defend him tooth and nails
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