So, like I said, I'm just going to talk about what truly caught my attention in the movie. It's just flowing as it comes to my mind so forgive the lack of expertise. You don't have to agree with me of course, it's just me trying to explain why I love that movie.
We see 5 of them. I'm not going to go into biiiig details for these ones.
We have Martha: the mother
Lois: the lover
Senator/Wonder Woman: Woman in Power
Mercy: the loyal servant
Lois: the lover
Senator/Wonder Woman: Woman in Power
Mercy: the loyal servant
Well, ever since MoS, Martha Kent always played an important role. She didn't physically give birth to him, but she was always a source of comfort for Clark. She was the one who could keep him calm and the voice of reason. She's wise, she's loving, she is a guide in Clark's life. She is always trying to guide him the best she could and protect her son. But she's not overwhelming or a control freak. Martha respects Clark's need to become Superman, she encourages him to do so but she always gives him the choice. Nobody but Martha in MoS and BvS give Clark the choice to be whoever he wants to be. She's accepting of him as a whole.
She's also the mother Lex would want to have. he targets her to force Superman to do his bidding but he also gives her a chance to survive. a small window but still a chance to survive. She's Marie, the mother of Jesus (if we go that far in the metaphor and since it's REALLY the metaphor they went for in the movie.. it's not far stretched). She's very important to Clark. (remember how far he went to save her in MoS? how desperate he was when Lex told him he got Martha? He knelt, defeated in front of Lex. Martha is truly his world BUT she's not the only one.
Bonus point: She's a brave woman. Braver than most would think. She welcomed him and accepted him in spite of the danger that it might bring. She's not Wonder Woman strong, but she's a woman human émoticône heart
Lois: the lover.
Lois is definitely having a supporting role and an important one. she is a woman who wants answers and the truth. she's always been true to herself and true to Clark/Kal-El. she is persistent, stubborn in a good way, passionate about her job and cares a great deal about humanity. she's done so many things (she saved the world, created a bond with Superman, knows him more than anyone, except maybe his mother). She's close to Martha (which is important. no women's rivalry here! She also gave Superman so much support! especially at the end of MoS when she is the one who comforts him after he killed Zod. She is the one who helped him handle his new life and welcomes him in the new chapter of his She is the one he confides into (except when he decided to leave because he was overwhelmed), his anchor to this world aside from his mother. The only other human being who accepted him with his flaws and his qualities. as a WHOLE. Lois is his confident, she is his future, she is so strong!
she's put into the action very often. (in MoS, when she escaped from the Kryptonian ship, figured out how to stop Zod, comforted Superman. In BvS when she tried to protect him by throwing away the spear and later when she tried to take it back after she realized it would help him defeat his enemy. She's his partner, his best friend, his only friend and of course the love of his life. She accepted to wear his ring after his death, thus showing her commitment to him. her love is still there and strong even if he died.
BONUS POINT: SHe didn't say I love you. He did. she is in love with him but has yet to say it. He knows though. He knows.
Senator/ Wonder Woman:
They really are women of power. Senator has actual political power and Wonder Woman has physical strength and skills (we don't know much about them for now)
Senator Kelly stood against evil (Lex Luthor) with her wits and her words. She was able to stood against him She knew he was dangerous and yet didn't back up She also tried to be fair and bring people together. She was reasonable (like I wish many politicians could be) but see how she ended? betrayed and killed by someone who had a different plan in mind? who thrived with hatred instead of love?
Wonder Woman stood against Doomsday. Against hatred and anger personified. She fought against Doomsday but used brutal force against him. No compassion, no love. She was about to leave but ended up choosing the fight.We also see her at the end of the movie, changed too. touched by Superman's sacrifice and his faith in humanity again. When you pay attention to her, you realize that she's distancing herself from mankind. She doesn't want to interfere with them but Bruce Wayne kinda forces it on her. unwillingly she has to cooperate with him. They do flirt but it's not serious. maybe a game, a little challenge but not serious. She still decided to leave until Doomsday arrived. Superman's first sacrifice (I believe he was nuked when she decided to intervene) motivated her enough to return to the battlefield. But it truly was Superman's death that reached out to her. He sacrificed himself i battle (hence why she decided to honour him like a warrior), but he also showed her that mankind was worth saving again. What happened that made her change her mind on humans? My guess? World War II. I'm pretty sure she went all: "mankind only wants to destroy and kill. i can't with them anymore!"
There's not so much to say about Mercy. But we can say that she's the living devoted loyal servant trope. She doesn't speak much, she understands Lex, she obeys him to the point of getting killed by him with a smirk. I haven't explored more this character but can say that she is completely disposable for Lex. just a pawn to use in his grand scheme. Maybe she's the way some men (or the men like Luthor) sees women? the eye-candy (sophisticated, gorgeous) obedient (she never contradicts Lex, never questions him) and efficient (all she did was flawless)
I hope you like it. émoticône smile
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