A/N: So Oscar is at Charming but is making a low profile. He's spying on his ex-girl and fomenting his revenge. I don't like the guy so taking a trip in his head was exhausting but here it is. Baby steps, it's just to add some more context. All usual disclaimers
A man stood in front of the newest tattoo parlor of Charming. He was of a tall stature, wore a sharp grey suit on, a beard to cover his features and sunglasses to conceal his chestnut eyes. His skin was sunkissed, his lips a little dry and a cut on the upper lip was masked by the beard. His hair was cut short, neat, almost a military haircut. He had been looking for the owner of the parlor for years and a little bit of nervosity and excitement overwhelmed him. She was near, within his grasp but he knew better than to barge in and steal her away from this lost town. She might have made friends here, maybe some powerful ones. After all, her brother was part of a gang and he knew some very dangerous people. No. Right now, it was just about watching upon his ex-fiancé and make a map of the town. See who were the big players so he could manœuvre quick and discreetly and take her away from this dump.
She ran away from him and despite everything indicating that she had all the right reasons to do so, he still didn't want to admit she left because of him. Nobody could really explain what snapped inside of Oscar's mind when they got engaged but he became possessive, violent and toxic for his fiancé. She couldn't leave the house without him calling a hundred times to make sure she was okay or who she was with. He tried to take her away from her friends so they could spend more and more time alone. He tried to ruin her chance to become an astronaut and succeeded by throwing her over the stairs and causing an everlasting lump. They didn't have any intimacy left and having sex became more of a chore for her and a way for him to reassure him than a pleasant moment shared between the two of them. Oscar, who was such a kind and generous man withdrew himself from the world and became paranoid, violent and under the influence of drugs. He spiraled and tried to take her with him but she saved herself from the violence and the abuse. She saved herself from the guilt he made her feel and the fear of losing her own life after he crushed her dreams. Yet, to him, she was in the wrong and she hurt him. She hurt him and he was being merciful to just want her back into his life.
She seemed to be doing better. She wasn't dangerously skinny as she used to be when they were engaged. She got plumper, healthier and he noticed she was resourceful. Indeed, she opened a tattoo parlor, after all, she who was supposed to work for the NASA was now inking people skins. He looked at her work displayed in front of her shop and they looked very good. The customers were quite different from one another but he noticed that she was very often visited by people wearing kuttes with SAMCRO written on their back. They were notorious in the region for being career criminals who flirted dangerously with the law. People talked and in a little town like Charming it wasn't too difficult to find people willing to diss Jax Teller and his crew. At first, it wasn't a bother, Asma just tattooed the guys and their whores. It took a different turn when he noticed that beautiful brunette who came almost daily into the parlor to see and talk to Asma. Sometimes she was alone, but she also was with at least one guy from the SAMCRO club. Oscar wasn't stupid, after following Asma for weeks he learned that the brunette was Jessica Teller, Jax's wife. She helped Asma get back on track and appeared to be one of her best friends. A certain former pornstar also visited the parlor to talk to Asma and slowly bond over conversations he couldn't hear from a distance.
He didn't know about Elias since he came much later when the latter left town after he found and avenged his deceased family. He didn't know that Asma had her heart broken and resumed drinking. Hell, he didn't even know that she went to AA meetings thanks to Jessica and had been sober for over a year now. He would have used the information to get to his former lover and bully her into coming back with him but he didn't know, which was for the best. Lyla took pity on Asma and since she herself had some issues with her relationship -her being self-conscious about Opie's affection and her own worth as a wife played a key rôle in her wanted to get a crow tattoo in the first place- they often talked about it. It helped Asma go through her terrible relationship with Elias and gave the girl a little more relief and sense of self-worth. Jessica helped even better since she tried to get her friend back into the dating pool -or maybe that was just a pretense so they could spend some girl nights with Lyla-. But it was taking its sweet time to come along. Asma wasn't ready to meet new people, let alone be romantically involved but she allowed herself to spend a little more time with the SAMCRO boys under Jessica's tight monitoring when Asma came over to see the boys and fix a tattoo for one of the key members of the crew.
Oscar didn't know but he followed her. He saw the new faces she met, the people she saw and concluded that he'd rather avoid the SAMCRO crew and operate when Asma was on her own. Jessica seemed to be an easy prey, a potentially oblivious old lady who didn't know better about her husband's criminal activities like they always did but he knew better than to take these wives for granted. Some had packed nasty surprises in the past and he wouldn't risk losing his fiancé in a bold and stupid move. But the need was growing, the anger and the paranoia were chanting in his head and driving the man out of the limits of sanity. When Asma left, his world crashed and burned to the ground. His drug consumption went off the charts and he soon owed money to a local drug lord, at Chicago. He could have died. He should have died but instead, he took over. Oscar was unpredictable and violent. You added some street-smart and a can-do-no-wrong attitude and you sprinkled it some murderous urges and you had this man. He ran this business and thought it could make him forget about her, but like any obsessive asshole, Oscar was obsessed over his sweet girl. And he would get her back.
So he was standing there in the shadows. Waiting for the right moment to make a move. He came with a couple of his most trusted boys and decided to run his business from Charming. New tech was available so he didn't need to be in Chicago unless it was extremely necessary and he would wait, months and maybe years if that meant he would break into Asma's life once again. There was no rush for the man for he wanted her to feel safe and comfortable in this new life. He wanted to wait until she wasn't on guard anymore, despite him sending his warning yellow rose to her. He wanted her to feel that maybe she would be allowed to have a decent life while in fact, he would ruin it for her like she ruined him. He would bring her back.
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