A/N: All usual disclaimers. Just very much enjoying this little banter between the two of them. Klaus and Witch!Asma doesn't get along very well. She hates and fears him but has a lot of respect for Elijah and because they share a common past, he's a little ambiguous as for whether or not he actually cares about her. Usually and for the past 800 years, Elijah visited her and it's the first time Klaus ever showed up. (not the first encounter though)
She was careful enough not to grant him permission to get into her shop. He wouldn't go near them and she would delightfully spit mean-spirited words at his face just to see him get more impatient or more frustrated. He came to her in a hurry and she only tolerated his presence because he said that Elijah needed her help. He was cursed, along with Rebekah and Klaus was determined to save his siblings from utter destruction. Of course, Kol was busy protecting his siblings while Klaus traveled to Mystic Falls to find the witch. He hadn't forgotten about her, how could he? She saved him some 800 years ago from a wound and a curse that would have been fatal back then and he knew that this little gesture caused her to be cast out of her coven and cursed to an eternal life. Her hair and eyes changed due to the curse but she seemed to be just fine. Not a wrinkle on her face, not a change in her scent, nothing was different except for the murderous look she gave him.
« This is ridiculous love, perhaps you should reconsider your policies and let me in. »
« Let /you/ in? So you could be brutal towards me like last time? No thanks. I refuse. »
She was waltzing around her shop, picking an ingredient here and there so she could make her potion. Her grimoire was open on the page of the sleeping curse cast by the New-Orleans witches. Asma's magic was powerful, especially in defense and healing based spells but the only problem was that more than 800 years ago, she was banned from entering New-Orleans because she helped the Michaelsons. How could she refuse when Elijah saved her life and avenged the life of the slaves inhabiting the house including her own parents. She had a debt towards the original which she paid when he asked her to help his brother from a curse. It cost her a lot and if it wasn't for Elijah visiting her over the last 800 years and saving her life occasionally, she would have been dead or worse, she would have been alone.
« It is not in my best interest to hurt you witch. »
« The witch has a name. If you came here to disrespect me, then you can leave Klaus. I'm not in the mood for petty games. »
« Oh, I see. You're only helping me because Elijah is in danger. » He stated, curbing a brow at her. She stopped moving and put her hand on the grimoire to take a look at the next ingredient she should add.
« Look at that! Something smart finally comes out of your mouth. » Asma snickered. « I am indeed helping your family only because Elijah is in danger and he is my friend. »
« Your friend? He is using your love. He always has because he places his family before anything else. If he truly valued you, then he would have visited you more often but he hasn't, has he? » Klaus sneered at his own reply. Of course, he was telling a lie or more precisely he wanted to believe that Elijah couldn't possibly acquaint himself to a witch. They all wanted him dead and would curse him until the end of times if they could. This one, however, seemed to get his brother's attention and affection and give how much of a recluse life she was living, Klaus was starting to wonder why Elijah had some affection towards the witch. She furrowed her brows at him and growled lowly.
« He is NOT using me! He is asking for favors and I grant them to him because I care. All the time we spent seeing each other, I could only keep thinking that Elijah would have had a better life if it wasn't for you. Every time he comes here it is to FIX one of your fucking mistakes. » She said as she walked towards the front door, visibly angry to the point of making the shop shake. Klaus knew that she was saying the truth. Elijah gave up a decent life to protect Klaus from everything that happened to him. Between betrayals, loss of minds, curses and excruciating pain the life of the Michaelson only centered around the Hybrid. He pursed his lips at the tiny witch and looked down to her.
« I could rip your throat the minute you leave this place. I could... I could make you suffer a fate worse than death if I wanted to. You know nothing about my family or me to dare speak in such a manner. » She came closer to him, sending shivers down his spine to both her boldness and her intoxicating scent he couldn't help but smell. She was afraid, her shivering betrayed it and her heartbeats as well, but she was defiant and it took him back.
« You could indeed, but you won't because you still need me. Besides, if we are being very honest for a minute here, Klaus.. you are the one who owes me your life, not Elijah. So you might want to change your tone when you address me. » Her golden orbs glowed brightly as she spoke, dangerously even, to the point of Klaus taking a step back and lifting one eyebrow in surprise. He hadn't seen it coming. Her fighting back and being fierce while doing it.
« Feisty...I understand why my brother was attached to you now. »
« No, you don't. You don't know me Klaus and you don't know all I had to go through because of you. I spoke about Elijah not living a life, but I was cursed because I helped /you/. My immortality and those features » she said pointing at her head. « I owe them to you. You said you could punish me of a fate worse than death but I don't think you can understand the pain I experienced. The pain I still experience and the fact I would forever experience it because mankind hasn't changed. Wherever I go, there would always be people looking at me as if I was either a prize to possess or less than an animal. Wherever I go, I would be hunted down because of my magic or used in ways you wouldn't believe. I love this place. It's /QUIET/, it's /WARM/ and I can finally maybe, a dream of having a life! Your brother came to me last time and commanded me to actually move on and have a life and I followed his advice. He cares about me in ways you won't understand and I care about him. Heck, I even fell in love with him and because of those feelings, I will save him. I will SAVE him and your sister and you would make sure you don't get yourself into fucking trouble! UNDERSTOOD ?? »
She lashed out at him, blinded by rage at the idea that her kind Elijah had to suffer from his little brother's incompetence at life. She knew that the moment she would step out of her house, Klaus could torture her and make her regret saying those words to him, but Asma didn't care. She was worried about her friend and upset that she had to deal with a man who caused her so much pain. Her slender fingers rubbed her neck and she pursed her lips to prevent herself from crying. He chuckled at her after a while and nodded quietly.
« You surely do have a temper Asma. Fair enough. Tonight isn't your night but I will come visit until I'm sure you have the antidote or a spell that could undo the curse on my siblings. Until then, I bid you farewell and wish you a good night. » He said, giving her one of his infamous smiles before she slammed the door on his nose and fell on the ground. All the pressure that built up rapidly fell and she started to cry. What if her magic wasn't enough? New-Orleans witches were mighty powerful when banded together and since she was cast out, she didn't have access to the ancestors to help her. But she had to try, maybe the spell wasn't that powerful. She had to try.
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