A/N: Been musing around with these two. Now that Elpis came back into everyone memories, Leviathan returned to his old self. He still wants to become the New All-Father and destroy other pantheons (alongside the Sins) and holds grudges against his siblings (Ishtar and Ayasha). Isthar is getting impatient because Elpis is still alive and came to confront his brother. Leviathan days are numbered but I love these two assholes, especially how hypocrite they are.
Thanks for reading.
Weeks....It had been weeks since Leviathan said he would take care of the Sin and his sister. Both were difficult to find, but the primaeval god of the oceans knew that Pride wouldn't resist the urge to fight him for the dagger. If he went out of his ways to protect Elpis vessel, then he surely had in mind to set Elpis free. It only was a matter of time. Waiting wasn't Leviathan's forte. He hated it. Rumors had the Sin fighting many battles on different fronts, which relegated Levithan to not being his priority of the moment. Otherwise, how could he explain to have not heard from Pride ever since he came on Earth? The vessel he chose was a handsome and strong human specimen. His skin was black, his figure broad and chiselled...He chose a strong meatsuit to carry his powerful essence. In order to fill his days until Pride finally manifested himself, Leviathan indulged in mortal pleasures. Women, fine meals and wine were part of his daily routine but after a while, even he grew bored of that. His tranquillity was interrupted that day when he felt the presence of the All-Father on Earth. It wouldn't surprise him if Isthar appeared in a war zone, after all, he was the elder god of War. The problem was that he appeared in the chapel Leviathan was visiting. His mere presence stopped time around them, making mortals unaware of what was happening.
« I wasn't expecting to see you on Earth, Brother. »
« It is All-Father for you Leviathan. I assumed the mantle since Khaos died. » Ishtar said between his teeth. His words made Leviathan squint and repress a snarl. He slightly bent forward to pay his respects and looked back up at his brother's face.
« You mean since you took his life. »
« Semantics, brother... All semantics. »
Ishtar said. Killing Khaos never really was something Ishtar came to regret, mostly because of the All-Father, save for Elpis, never truly considered his children to be worthy of his attention. He liked power, therefore, Ishtar and he always were in good-enough terms for him to lay off of his offspring's back but was it, love? Obviously not. Ishtar served a purpose and that was it.
« You are right. It doesn't matter how you came to power, All-Father. What I am interested in, is the reason that brought you here. »
« You still haven't found Elpis and Pride? After weeks spent on this damn rock? » He raised his voice, clearly in an attempt to intimidate his brother but Leviathan held his head straight and growled lowly as his eyes turned green.
« You might have the title and the powers, You should know I am not to be trifled with. » He said in a warning tone. « Cut the act and listen to me. I cannot find them. If our own sister, Ayasha, can't find Elpis and the sin, I don't know how I can. However, the word is out. They know I have the dagger of Fate and they would come get it. When they do, I guarantee you they would be dead. »
Ishtar furrowed his brows and crossed his arms over his strong chest. He was wearing his full bronze armour, displaying his emblem -a lion- on his chest, arm plates and shoulder pads. His shield was on his back, carefully placed on a shield holder he was wearing on his back. It contrasted visually with the singular green water suit his brother was wearing. Leviathan ran his hand over his beard and chuckled at the anger thinly repressed by Isthar. He himself was barely containing his own anger at his brother. He, who not only took the title and power of the All-Father turned Leviathan into nothing more but a servant. How could the god ever forgive his sibling?? He, who was supposed to reign over the other gods? He, who was the older brother was now reduced to being a lackey? He had tremendous power and control and yet was reduced to being the lapdog of the god of war, new All-Father, much to Leviathan's anger.
« Good. I want it to be over with. Elpis should not come back to life. »
« Are you scared of her turning into the goddess of despair? Are you afraid of her wrath, All-Father? » He sneered between his teeth. Ishtar growled and hit his chest plate with his fist, to give himself some sense of superiority.
« Of course not! I am not scared of my little sister. I got to see her when she returned from the Sumerian pantheon. I know what she's capable of, but I am the All-Father now, I am more than powerful enough to wipe her out if need be. »
« So why do you need her dead now? Is it because you know everyone is aware of what you did? Is it because you're afraid of a rebellion among your people? »
« That power was mine to take. I am the rightful--- »
« IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME! » Yelled the god of the Ocean who snapped his fingers and hit the trident against the floor, breaking it. « It should have been me, little brother and you know it. You are not wise, you are not poised, you aren't made for ruling a pantheon. You are the God of War-- »
« What do you know about me? » Interrupted Ishtar, hitting his chest once again, hard enough to make Leviathan snarl at the vibration in the air.
« I know enough to see that Ayasha is the one behind you. She's the one pulling the strings and was the one who tasked you with stabbing Elpis, to begin with. »
« I made that choice. I decided to, myself! »
« No brother, you are a pawn in her game. A chess piece she's moving at her leisure. I don't know what she's after, but she's using you. She's using us to get rid of Elpis. »
« Enough! » Ishtar came closer to Leviathan and wrapped his hand around his neck. The elder god of the Oceans could have retaliated but Ishtar was his All-Father and clearly, his powers were amplified. He growled, suffocating because of the tight embrace and growled louder. « Enough Leviathan. I don't want to hear your filthy mouth try and slander our sister. She's clever, yes, but she doesn't have evil intentions. She wants the best for us and you're not making it easier. Do you think I don't know what you really want? »
« And what do I want, brother? » Leviathan defiantly said, cocking a brow at his brother's suggestion.
« Power. » Replied Ishtar. « You want power but you're not going to have it. I have the power you so desperately desire and this is how things are going to be from now and forever! » He released his throat and let him fell to the ground. « It's true I didn't kill Elpis. I just couldn't bring myself to killing her. She is innocent about what is happening. Her love for that filth was genuine, she truly believed they were sharing a connection. »
« Then she was stupid! I never could understand how stupid our parents made her. She listened to Sitaa way too many times and took her bullshit about love too seriously. She chose a weapon over any of us.. over me. She chose a weapon! »
« Is that what it is about? Elpis not choosing you? Are you seriously this pathetic? Punishing her for choosing someone else? »
« Someone ?? you mean something else! She got into her pretty head that sins were capable of feelings, of emotions... to have a soul when we all know it can't be the case. Hades wasn't a fool to create weapons capable of free thinking... Mind you, they killed him. They pretend to have a soul but they are empty shells. She was naive enough to fool herself into thinking Pride could make her happy. I could have made her happy. » He said, regaining his composure.
« You tried to abuse her... assault her, you disgusting animal. How could you be the one she needed ?! You saw Elpis like a trophy wife to parade with. At least that Sin didn't flaunt her like a prize. »
« She would have married me if you didn't intervene! » He said shoving Ishtar with both of his hands. He then tried to punch him but Ishtar dodged it.
« I'm not your enemy here, brother mine. Your anger and violence should be directed at the sins. At Pride. He is your enemy. He is /your/ enemy. » He said, dodging another attack before he grabbed Leviathan's arm.
« Oh no. He's not the only enemy I have. You and Ayasha are next on my list. »
« We'll be ready. » He said as he snapped his fingers and vanished. Leaving Leviathan on his own.
The elder god of the ocean screamed his rage as time resumed and people once again walked around him. He was confident he would survive an encounter with Pride and was already planning ahead his rebellion against the Sin.
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