Sam and Oya: The odds
A/ N; continuing with this little sub-plot. Oya and Sam are spending some time together and already we can tell that communication is NOT their forte at all. Oya is still upset about Isaac's death and is afraid she might lose the brothers. Sam is upset because she's very stubborn and doesn't want to talk about the very fact she's afraid and he can see that. I'm 100% sure it's going to enter the DOYA storyline because I like this one.
Sam and Oya's case was finally leading them somewhere. They went to the single and widowers party organized by the Church of Light to talk to the last victim claimed by the monster. Her name was Roberta Denver. It was her husband, Phil, who discovered her one morning when he came back from work, dead, with her eyes burned. The poor man couldn't understand why his wife died the horrible death she had. Roberta was almost a saint, a woman who dedicated her life helping people in need. He wasn't interested in being with someone else, Roberta being the love of his life, but still attended the parties because the Church encouraged him to. His story confirmed what Oya and Dean suspected about the killer coming back every 5 years and claiming victims. The fact the numbers doubled was unusual, however, because usually, demons were methodical. If, however, it bonded with a serial killer, then everything made sense. There was an escalation, probably induced by the human host. They were narrowing down the list of potential suspects, all the while pretending to be a couple. It amused Oya who couldn't help but laugh because she embarrassed Sam; She didn't even need to go extreme in her tease, a simple contact and innuendos were enough to make him blush and swallow a lump. It was refreshing but even less than the oddity that having another case happen right in the same town as they were was.
What were the odds? A witch decided to play around and kill her relatives. It didn't take long for the hunters to figure her out and go after her. The fight should have been an easy one, but the witch proved to be more powerful than expected. Oya was a victim of one of her hex that compelled her to witness her greatest fears. Unlike what the ebony hunter believed, her greatest fear was to lose both Dean and Sam. The Thomas were family of course, but she was still under the illusion that they would fair well. Especially Sarah since she was out of the hunting business. Seeing the corpses of the brothers was enough to make Asma lose her mind. Instead of being broken like the witch hoped for, she attacked her. Oya lashed out and Sam witnessed it with horror. Oya was fast, maybe faster than usual as she leaped onto the witch and grabbed her neck. He saw as she took her hunting knife out of its sheath and stabbed the witch repeatedly in the neck.
There was blood everywhere and the witch tried to strangle Oya -it didn't last long because she died pretty quickly- Sam intervened when he realized that Oya wasn't done with he body. She started to stab her chest and screaming horribly. Sounds weren't even human or maybe they were. He recognized it. She was screaming in pain, in horror and he guessed that it had something to do with what the witch made them see. -He saw the very same things. The younger Winchester brother grabbed Oya's shoulders and forced her to her feet. It was the first time that she actually saw him be worried about her, to the point that she nearly froze. Her eyes grew wide as he kept asking how she was doing. She looked at him, understanding that he indeed was worried about her and then at his hands that were holding onto her shoulders. She couldn't hear his words, but just the noise of his voice. She then snapped out of it and put her hand over his. His mind was racing and she could tell by the way he was looking at her. He knew. He knew what had just happened and he knew why she did it. It was obvious. She brought her blood-soaked hands up to cover his with and nodded quietly, almost as if she was trying to comfort him. -maybe she was-
« I'm okay. » -Her voice was mechanical but she was focused in the present now. « I'm okay Sam. »
«Yeah? » He didn't believe her but she held his hands tighter.
« Yeah. I'm okay.She just really tried to kill me but messed with the wrong short girl. » She said, forcing a chuckle. Sam was confused but he cleared his throat and released her shoulders.
« Let's go back to the motel room. You need a beer and so do I. »
« Sure... »
Sam tried to burn the thought in his mind, thinking that it might just be circumstantial and Oya would not behave like this in their current case. He wouldn't want her to take risks and end up being killed by the demon they were chasing after. His worried gaze set upon the ebony hunter as she sat on his right and leaned into the seat and he then turned the engine on and left the house.
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