// Because the All Mother spoke to me. I had to make her speak a little bit.
Gaea looked at the beautiful landscape before her. She ran her hands over her arms as a fresh breeze brushed over her skin. It was true, she was losing power to her daughter and it became easier to notice. She could feel her energy deplete and noticed that she couldn't perform the same miracles that she used to before. That could only mean one thing, she was dying. Her brown eyes looked at the beautiful sea and she relished in the calming sound of the crashing waves in front of her, reminding her of her favorite son, Leviathan. They got along well, two gods who were complimentary. The oceans were home to Life, after all, and their untamable nature echoed Gaea's true nature. She couldn't be tamed, she couldn't be predictable. No matter how hard her offspring tried, they could never predict her next move. They could never control her. Life....couldn't be contained.
Ayasha nearly succeeded in having her mother join their forces against Elpis and Pride. The goddess of knowledge had figured out the All-Mother rather quickly and exposed her truth to the ruthless goddess. Gaea was a coward who was more focused on staying alive than anything else. She was the most selfish of them all because she wanted to be worshipped and gave most of her attention to the creatures she made because they celebrated her, worshipped her, and they sacrificed each other for her sake. She was needed, unlike her children, she was needed by humans and that stroked her ego. Gaea was capricious and a hypocrite. She chastised her children for murdering her husband, but she knew what they were planning to do and still let it happen. She knew Ayasha had planned to kill Elpis and Ishtar couldn't bring himself to do it, and yet, she still let it happen. Khaos's death didn't matter. Nothing but Gaea really mattered to Gaea.
Elpis was supposed to be the child born out of pure love between her parents. Gaea loved Khaos. He was the only being she eventually cared about besides herself. Gaea didn't need to give birth to one last child for the universe was already working without Hope, but her desire to show Khaos the depths of her love led the two of them to make a love child. Elpis was born, not because she was needed, but because she was wanted. Upon her birth, Gaea realized that she had birthed the very being that could destroy them all if she was made aware of her true potential. She was both Hope and Despair, both Light and Darkness, both Destruction and Creation. She was Balanced! She was Power and she scared her parents and the rest of the family.
Ignorance should have been bliss, but Ayasha knew the truth and if she didn't, she would find out because that was her true nature as the goddess of Knowledge. Hiding the truth would have backfired on Khaos and Gaea so they brought the children into the plan and altogether, they gaslighted and groomed Elpis into being a submissive and kind soul. How long would it last? gaea had no idea. Perhaps, her daughter would have awakened without the impulsion of Pride. Perhaps, she would have gone on a rampage, who knew? Gaea wanted to have nothing to do with it, so she hid among mortals. She hid well but Ayasha and Ishtar both found her and disrupted her peace. Both forced her to admit that she had always been scared of her daughter and had always tried to run away from her. Both forced her to acknowledge her weakness despite her many attempts to hide behind some bravado. Gaea was scared!
Gaea was weak. She knew that it was a matter of time before Elpis became so powerful and so in tune with Life throughout Earth and the Universe, that Gaea would be nothing but the shell of the goddess she'd been before. Perhaps she should take the advice of Ayasha and join forces with them in one last bid to save her own skin. Perhaps she should accept their offer! Perhaps she should go and hold onto the Hope of her own survival. How ironic... Here she was, hoping for her survival and more than anything else, hoping for her daughter to forgive her for her cowardice. Would Elpis forgive her? Would she keep her alive? She had no idea of what was to come
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