// Elpis is thinking... She is musing... She is not very happy.
She was given a second chance at life. It was indubitable. Her pantheon had tried to erase her true self from the beginning. They manipulated her into living a subdued life so she wouldn't be a threat to her family and the other pantheons. They made sure she ignored her true powers so she wouldn't have the hunger for more. Her pantheon betrayed her, from Leviathan who wanted to claim her as his betrothed to Ayasha who wanted her dead, and Ishtar being unable to carry her plan out. They tried to silence her. They tried to destroy her. They tried to erase her from all of existence and from the memory of mankind.
But they failed!
She was given a second chance at life and she felt lonely. Before her curse, the young goddess managed to get along well with other gods. She had friends among them, some of them even became her favorite like Hecate and Athena. Where were they when they regained the memory of her existence? They didn't even try to find her. they didn't even try to reach out to her. they didn't even try. Where were they? Yet, she couldn't help but wish she could see them again, rekindle her relationship with them. She hoped that since her return, she would be able to build strong and serious relations with her former friends. it couldn't happen, not anymore.
But she failed!
Did she, though? The goddess knew that her association with Pride would seldom her friendships with other pantheons; They both were ambitious and they wanted to rule the universe. She fell in love with a creature that would either submit the gods to his will or snuff their existence for stepping in their way. She was no longer trying to keep her peaceful ways because the fire of Life that was burning inside her, pushed her forward, to a higher purpose. She was true balance and she genuinely cared for Life anywhere, so why would she hold herself back? why would she accept the judgment of others?
They will fail!
if they ever tried to stop her. If they ever try to keep her in her old lane. If they ever try to judge her for her actions. They will fail if they ever try to make her feel guilty for her choice, especially since they didn't even try to find her, and by erasing her from their memories, they made their choice. She wasn't their choice, and they wouldn't be hers. She was given a second chance and she would take it, seize it, eat it and make it hers. She would become what she was supposed to be: the All-Mother of all existence, the Empress of the universe. Elpis.
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