Friday, March 31, 2023

TB headcanon: Performances

 Headcanon: Performance

If there is one thing Sara enjoys the most, it's to put on a show for her fans. She loves performing her songs in front of an audience and loves it even more when she can impress them.  Her love for theatrics and her acting skills come from her awful childhood. In order to please and appease her parents, she learned to play pretend and she always managed to avoid bullying when in foster care thanks to her skills.

She is concerned with her performances (including the OnlyFans ones) because she wants to make sure that her fans enjoyed the show and would talk about it for the next couple weeks, or months. She gives her all during her shows. The only time she wouldn't play a role would be when in a relationship.

Sunday, March 26, 2023

JW assassin profile: Phoenix

Real Name: 

Anzelu Bahati (Angel of Luck in Lingala. She doesn't know her real name)

Phoenix (her current name)




Blue (birth defect)


180 cm


70 kgs


Between 30 and 40 years old. Her real age is unknown.


Congolese (At birth)



Alter Ego

The Black Death

Daughter of Death

Shi no Megami (Goddess of Death)

The Surgeon 


Phoenix Rivers

Special features: 

Her blue eyes are a birth defect.

Physical Appearance

She's a tall, thick, and toned African woman with high cheekbones, a square jaw, plump brown lips, a large bosom, and a nice booty.

Something noticeable about her: 

She has a strong African accent and a tongue piercing.

Sexual orientation:



Professional assassin


  • Peak Human Condition:  Phoenix has peak human physicality. She is very athletic, and her strength, durability, speed, agility, stamina, reflexes, and threshold for pain are in top condition.

  • Peak Human Durability: Phoenix is highly resilient and sturdy by human standards. She was able to survive multiple gunshot wounds, stabbings, and blunt force trauma without feeling much of an effect. 

  • Peak Human Speed: What Phoenix lacks in strength, she compensates with her speed. She is very fast. In combat, she can move too fast for her opponents to react.

  • Peak Human Agility: Phoenix is also extraordinarily agile in her movements, being able to perform and incorporate various jumps and rolls in her fighting style with ease. 

  • Peak Human Stamina: Phoenix has tremendous amounts of stamina. She is able to fight for considerable amounts of time and run for great distances while showing little signs of fatigue. Even when she is injured or tired, she requires little time to recover.

  • Peak Human Reflexes: Phoenix has great reflexes. She has displayed incredibly fast reaction time, as is able to evade bullets and melee attacks during combat with relative ease even from multiple opponents.

  • High Pain Tolerance: Despite her mastery of martial arts and firearms, Phoenix is frequently injured, but demonstrates a very high tolerance to pain.


Master Assassin: Phoenix, is one of the best female assassins.  She earned her reputation and nickname when she killed the people responsible for the death of her family and the slaughter of her village at just 9  years old. Since she was recruited by the Anansi children clan, Phoenix was trained to become an assassin. Her ledger is red with the blood of the thousands of people she killed. She takes pride in her work as an assassin, but only when it comes to killing vile people.  Her preferred method to fight is to be as fast as possible and kill everyone he encounters until she reaches her targets.

Master Marksman: Being both a trained assassin as well as a former Belgium Secret Service agent Phoenix is proficient with a variety of firearms, including pistols, revolvers, rifles, and shotguns as well as being able to precisely eliminate targets from a long distance. 

Master Martial Artist: Phoenix is a skilled martial artist and hand-to-hand fighter. Her fighting style consists of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, karate, capoeira, and Krav Maga. She can quickly outmaneuver, outmatch or simply outlast her opponents, even being capable of taking on multiple enemies at once. Phoenix is able to adapt to his opponent's fighting styles, studying them during the fight and adapting to negate their strengths. She also sometimes makes use of dirty tactics such as striking the groin, gouging the eyes, or even biting.

Knife Mastery: Phoenix is highly skilled in wielding and throwing knives. They are her most preferred weapons to use and some even call her the knives virtuosa. 

Improvised Weapon Mastery: In addition to her impressive skills with firearms and bladed weaponry, Phoenix is very good at using whatever is in her immediate area as an offensive weapon.

Stealth: Phoenix is extremely skilled at breaking into secure locations and escaping without being noticed and she is able to memorize complicated architectural layouts easily. She is also a very skilled con artist and can blend in very easily.

Gifted Intellect: Phoenix was shown to be a very intelligent individual who could outsmart her enemies even under extreme stress and can easily think her way out of dangerous situations.

Master Tactician: As a master hitman, Phoenix is highly capable of casing out, planning, and executing assassinations. However, she cannot exclude how impulsive she could get and how much it could ruin her plans.

Expert Driver:  She is able to kill enemies with vehicles, delivering sideswipes, reverses and head-on collisions to deal with devastating damage.

Expert Motorcyclist: Phoenix is a very talented motorcyclist who is able to evade enemies and even able to engage in combat while cycling. 

Skilled Equestrian: Phoenix is able to easily mount and ride a horse through the city to evade enemies, even lowering herself to hang off the side and using the horse as cover while riding with little difficulty.

Skilled Physician: Phoenix appears to have some knowledge of human anatomy and physiology, as well as basic medicine and first aid.

Multilingualism: Phoenix is fluent in several languages, including English, Italian, Lingala, American Sign Language, Arabic, Japanese, French, and Chinese. She uses these skills a number of times when conversing with friends and enemies alike.


Anger: Phoenix's anger can sometimes blind her. She doesn't know what to feel aside from pure rage for the life she was forced to live. She knew love once, with John, but upon breaking up with him, she realized that she let go of a chance at being happy with him. Anger fuels her heart and soothes her at the same time but she's desperate to set herself free from it. She loses her mind when a child is the victim of murder or is in harm's way. It could lead her to make mistakes or act irrationally and get herself in trouble.

Mortality: Although Phoenix is an extremely efficient assassin, she is still susceptible to dying via injuries, illness, or old age.

Fatalism: Phoenix isn't sure she can escape the life of an assassin. She's convinced that Fate can't be disturbed and it chose them to be the harbinger of death. This could make her feel defeated and her fealty to the table makes it very difficult for her to stray from her education.

Fire:  she also suffers from a fear of fire inherited from when she was a baby because the special unit that slaughtered her family set fire to the house before they found the baby. She was old enough to sit and crawl and although she doesn't remember the events, the fear, pain, and feelings of solitude she felt during the attack resurface whenever there is a fire.


The Preacher (Adoptive Father/ Leader of the Ndrangheta Mob)


John Wick (former boyfriend, and friend)


Belgian secret services

Anansi Children clan (formerly) 

Ndrangheta (currently)

The Continental (currently)


Alive. Active.


John Wick


Due to her harsh background and being rigorously trained for her childhood and adulthood by The Preacher and her career in the Belgium Secret Services, Phoenix could be described as a very serious and stoic individual who rarely speaks more than is necessary (preferring actions over words and being described as someone who never wastes words) with a strong sense of obligation. As a professional assassin and hitman, Phoenix is highly confident in her abilities and reputation, being greatly respected by many criminal organizations and other assassins alike. 

Despite this, she has a strong moral code as well as honor which is rare among her colleagues as Phoenix never willingly drags innocent people to her job or threatens them during it. She abhors colleagues who do so and would personally go after them if she witnesses them kill innocent people (especially children). In spite of her professionalism, she is also friendly and develops strong friendships with many other dangerous people like the Bowery King or John Wick and even managers of Continental Hotels, like Winston and Sofia. Her good side is mostly seen when she interacts with children, it's one of the very few moments she could genuinely be herself and she reveals a kind and loving heart despite how hardened it became.

However, Phoenix is a woman who is worth her reputation as the Daughter of Death for her lethality as he never failed on his missions. Despite her calm and collected behavior, once angered or taken by vengeance, she will stop at nothing until she kills her target no matter who or what stands in her way. 

Despite her skills, Phoenix isn't a knight templar and is willing to first talk and negotiate if it's possible. She doesn't hesitate to come to the aid of her friends in the business and could even spare her enemies. Her strong sense of honor also means she makes a point of not allowing innocent people to get caught in the crossfire of her work.


-Phoenix has had a tongue piercing since she is 11. 

-She has a slight pain addiction.

-Phoenix  drinks a lot of hard drinks (Vodka is her favorite) but not that much. She doesn't like when she's drunk because she's not a happy drunken woman.

-She is still in love with John Wick.

-She used to have a dog but later had to kill it to prove her loyalty to the Anansi Children Clan. Since then, she wants to own a dog but is afraid something might happen to it and therefore is blocked when it comes to taking a decision regarding owning a dog or not.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Got (regular) you're beautiful Jaime

(regular edition)


"You're beautiful, Jaime. My tender Golden Lion. You're beautiful to me. I love the lines on your skin, they tell a story. They tell the story of a man who had a rough life. The story of a man who loved. I love your scars on your body, because they tell your story. The story of a man who sacrificed everything for his duty, for the people and for his family. I love you with your golden hand and without it. I wish tou could see yourself the way I see you. I wish I could kiss your pain away and that you could see how much I respect you. You are a man of honour, a man driven by love. A man driven by the love you have for me and nothing could be more beautiful than your authenticity. You are honest with me, true to me and I love you so much, Jaime... You are beautiful to me, as you are and I can't wait to see what we'll become."

Thursday, March 16, 2023

TB: Headcanon: Hughie

Hughie is still reeling from his breakup with Annie. However, he's fully committed to his quest for revenge against A-train and Homelander. part of him wants to believe that he's doing it to save humans and protect the world against Homelander. Part of him knows that his ego took over his thirst for revenge and even overcome the love he had for Annie. Hughie is too far gone now to be able to go back and be reasoned with. At least, he won't go after innocent people, but this still keeps him from fully embracing Butcher's genocidal ideology. He still loves Annie and would try to get back with her. 

Hughie is a huge fan of Sara and her music. As an actual fan, he would realize that she's dating Homelander and would track her down to her apartment. Upon seeing her with Annie, he would first, withhold the information from Butcher and try to get back together with Annie. Enthused, he would suggest she uses her newfound friendship with Sara to lure Homelander and kick his ass but Annie would refuse to use her friend. Hughie would resent her. He would resent her and would tell Butcher about Sara and Homie, effectively putting the woman in danger. 

Klasma: Headcanons: endearing tic

Klasma: Headcanons: endearing tic

NĂ«ela has the bad habit of trailing off when she's talking. It comes from the fact she spent centuries trying to control her words and keep her covers. It is a habit Klaus noticed during their time spent together and came to enjoy - at least he can tease her about it- Over time, she kept the habit of stopping herself mid-sentence mostly when she feels embarrassed or in the middle of sex.  When she's talking with people she appreciates, she tends to trail off as she wants to say a lot of things

GoT: Do you remember?


"Do you remember, Jaime? Do you remember the day you told me you loved me? I do. I remember I thought you didn't love me, how could you? I was convinced that you couldn't love me because I wasn't enough for you, but I was so wrong. I was so wrong. You found something to love in me, something to respect, and something to treasure. Jaime, when you told me you loved me way too much to just be my friend. I couldn't believe you, because all my life, except for my dear mother, I have been treated like a thing. I was but to be possessed and used. Every person I loved was killed and I believed that I was doomed to be alone. Yet, you saw something in me. You found something to love in me. 

A vintage's touch: "the fear within"

A vintage's touch: "the fear within"

// I love our babies <3

"Distance is exactly what  you should want." It felt like an eternity since Tommy tried to push Mary away from him. He remembered trying to hold back from her, to keep her within arms reach but far away from his aching heart. He knew he would hurt her, whether he wanted it or not. he would hurt her because of the life he lead. He would hurt her because....Because... Tommy had tried to reason with Mary on her birthday night. He had tried to keep things the way they were between the two of them because if he didn't let her in if he truly wanted her then how could he look away from her? He hoped for Mary to go with the motion and accept that there would be nothing between the two of them, that the status quo would work best. Deep down, Tommy was hoping she would not have him look into his heart and that she would not awaken feelings he swore to never feel again. Tommy was terrified, he was terrified of the feelings he felt for Mary. Polly clocked him right. She realized he was in love with Mary way before he could admit it to himself. She knew that Tommy would be scared of Mary being harmed. She knew he wouldn't be able to recover if she was hurt, especially if it was because of him. grace's Death taught him a thing or two and he wouldn't be caught failing Mary the way he failed Grace.

"You know exactly the kind of danger that this life can bring down on you. You just escaped all the shit that your husband brought down on you. Why would you want to go diving right back into it, eh?" Those words....Tommy said them in hopes that Mary would give up. He was hoping that she would be safer if they didn't explore their feelings for each other. Tommy knew he wasn't blind. He knew that Mary was in love with him. He knew it from everybody (yes, even Arthur was able to see it) and he knew it from her, from the behavior she had whenever he was here. He knew he was the only one to make her laugh, the only one who could help her feel safe and relaxed. Hell, he knew the way she felt when they were sleeping next to each other. Her heartbeats were calm and steady, and her breathing was relaxed and soft. When she was in a deep sleep, Tommy sometimes looked at her peaceful face and the wild locks that fell onto it. He let his fingers brush over the soft skin of her shoulders and he could feel her warmth. She was so warm... so soft... so sweet when she whispered his name or when she chuckled and nuzzled his neck before she fell asleep. It was nice, come to think of it, to be able to sleep next to someone who cared for you. It was nice to have one's nightmares cease to exist because she was lying next to you. Who was he kidding? Tommy was in love with Mary. She knew it too. 

"I will only hurt you." Loving a Shelby wasn't the easiest task for anyone. It was either pain or death and rarely happiness. Yet, Mary managed to help them have a good life. She was a good woman, that much he could tell. She was a good woman and she made his son... their son, happy. She was a good woman and she made him happy. But Tommy had his own demons to fight, and the ghost of Grace was still lurking, the past of debauchery and his former lovers were still there. Alcohol, cigarettes, sex... so many vices he had and couldn't part ways with, so many reasons to hurt the woman he loved.  He had not cheated on her, per se, but before they had sex a second time, Tommy fucked women. May Carleton, Jesse Edens, unnamed whores, you named it, he fucked it.  Just days before Mary and he got together, he had fucked Lizzie, all transactional in his mind but not in hers. That hurt Mary, Tommy could see it plain as day.  he hurt her and still, the nurse stayed by his side.  She called him out on it, but she remained. Still, he warned her but she told him she didn't care, she knew who he was and what he did. She could take it. 

"If someone else fucking touched you, I'd have to kill him like I did the others, now wouldn't I?" Those words came off like a warning but in truth, they hid the fear that had been eating Tommy away ever since Mary came to live in his house. He was terrified of her finding a better suitor than him. He wouldn't be able to accept it, to handle it, the idea that someone, somewhere, was able to snatch his girl off of him. The idea that someone would charm Mary and show her something he could not give her which is stability was haunting the Shelby. The idea that she found someone who would treat her right, who would be everything he wasn't: without blood on his hands, without the urge to conquer the world, and who would be present in a way that he wasn't. He couldn't handle being left by Mary. He couldn't handle losing the one person who made him feel whole, alive, and loved. Mary... As soon as he finally noticed her, caught his attention with her kindness and understanding. She was compassionate, she understood him. She knew who he was and what he was and never once, tried to change him. She never asked him to become someone else, she never asked him to stop trying to reach for the sky. She loved him as he was. She loved him as he was.... and it could all disappear if he didn't pay attention. She could be gone if he didn't make her feel loved and with Mary gone, his last shred of sanity would go too.  So he was afraid, more than he cared to admit. he was afraid... but all of this vanished upon seeing her. 


A vintage's touch: "Family affairs"

 Arthur made a choice. He could have left for California with Linda after they believed he was dead. He would have been given a new identity, and he would have been able to start over and raise his son. He would have been able to put his guilt for the deaths of both John and Grace, aside. but he couldn't. He couldn't leave. He wanted to stay with his family, keep an eye on Tommy and protect his little (and remaining brother). He wanted to watch after Mary and ensure her safety because she was the only thing that kept Tommy from consuming himself.  Arthur made a choice, and despite his love for Linda and his devotion to her religion, deep down, Arthur was unable to keep away from his old ways. He was a man shaped by violence, molded by Death, and unable to cope without drugs and sex. 

Mary asked him, once, why he felt compelled to cheat on his wife. She wanted to understand his behavior and gave him a chance to think things through and find an explanation for his actions. What did he tell her? What could he tell her? Arthur assumed that he couldn't help but self-sabotage. He couldn't handle being with a loving and devoted woman like Linda. According to Mary, Arthur refused to see her for who she really was and instead put her on a pedestal. Deep down, he knew that Linda wasn't perfect, but she managed to help him get sober. She managed to help him get back on his feet! She gave him a son! So in his book, Linda was perfect! She saw the good in him despite what his hands were capable of. She saw the good in him despite his tendency to try and escape reality. Still... He made a choice. 

Arthur made a choice and he was having a hard time staying sober. Mary was helping him, as a nurse, but also as a friend and a member of the family. She cared for him when no one would -except maybe Ada-  and he appreciated it more than words could tell.  While Mary was ensuring he was slowly being weaned off the drug, Arthur held onto her hand and set his blue eyes upon her green ones.  He was feverish but conscious enough to let her know that he was grateful for her. He was conscious enough to tell her that he didn't deserve her care and she should just leave him. Upon her refusal to do so, Arthur ended up sobbing, asking for forgiveness, and begging Mary to stay by his side. "Don't leave me, Mary. Please. Don't leave me... Don't leave Tommy. He needs you. he won't say it but he needs you, Mary." She smiled at him and ran her hand over his hair. "Hush Hush....Arthur, I'm not leaving you. I'm not leaving any of you... Rest Arthur...I'm here."


Friday, March 10, 2023

TB: Starlight

TB: Starlight

Sara admires Starlight. As a matter of fact, when Starlight became a member of the Seven, the singer started to believe that they were not dirtbags and really wanted to help people.  She was always thrilled to watch her on tv and always found joy in listening to her speak. While she didn't want to have anything done with the seven, she liked the singing voice of Starlight and even thought about making a duo with her.  It didn't last, however, as over the years, Starlight went through a lot of horrors. As she exposed the truth about the Seven, the singer realized she didn't want to deal with them anymore.

Sara feels that she could relate to Starlight, and she became a fan of hers. they shared a lot in common. Both parents used them for their own benefit, made them believe they were chosen by God, and subjected them to a harsh and loveless childhood.  She was then assaulted by the Deep and for someone who dated a very abusive man, it infuriated Sara even more. She felt overprotective of Starlight and tried to take after all bravery and selflessness but Sara couldn't do otherwise. She couldn't bring herself to put her life on the line and suffer anymore. 

She believed that the young woman was brave for speaking out the truth about Vaught, the Seven, and Homelander. She believed that she was crazy to try and put her life in danger by going public. She admires the young woman and roots for her to succeed in taking Vaught down but she also doesn't want her to die and perhaps wrote her off as dead already. How could it be different? How could she go against Vaught and not be killed? Her parents were killed, so why wouldn't Starlight??? 

addendum: Sara didn't see the last video where Starlight reveals her real name and shows herself in civilian outfits so she would not recognize her if they met in public.  

Klasma: Headcanon: Stefan Salvatore

Headcanon: Stefan Salvatore

Stefan, much like his brother Damon, had noticed the presence of the new herbalist in town. He had always observed at a distance NĂ«ela and had always kept healthy boundaries as long as she was still being decent with Elena and the gang. However, he grew increasingly worried as soon as he learned about Klaus and Elijah being in town.  He suspected NĂ«ela to be a supernatural creature, but couldn't quite put his finger on it until Damon discovered the truth. 

He's usually calmer than Damon and more level-headed, so, after Damon's tumultuous visit to NĂ«ela, he went to see her. The witch doesn't trust the brothers and their intentions, especially since she's already faced the aggressive nature of Damon who seems to be way too invested in her relationship with Klaus. Stefan might be calmer, she knows better than to underestimate him.  So where are they? Do they trust each other? NO! Are they hostile to one another? No. Did he notice she didn't have a good relationship with Elijah? Yes, he did. He knows she's a witch (thanks to Damon), and a powerful one at that, but he also doesn't know the type of relationship she has with Klaus.

So... They are still observing each other,. They are cordial with one another but they don't trust each other. 

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

A vintage's touch: His worst fear

"If anyone tries to touch you, I will make sure they don't have a way to touch you again."

His words were not mere threats. Tommy hated the thought of someone else touching /his/ Mary. He couldn't bear the thought of them lusting after his girl, trying to corner her and perhaps more... or worse. Part of it was due to his possessive nature, but another part of it was genuine concern for her safety. Mary had already known violence. She's been hurt in the past and Tommy had already failed her once, with Lizzie. He couldn't allow any other failure. 

Mary was an easy target for his enemies and dickheads alike. She was gorgeous, brown skinned and affiliated to the Peaky Blinders. Of course, she would be a target, and with all of his wits and carefully crafted plans, Tommy had not anticipated Mary to be annoyed at a bar with Ada AND to have one of the Grace Institute donor try to take advantage of her. She fought back and managed to hurt the man and run away but that should never happen again. 

It was not up to debate. She was going to have peaky boys with her 24/7 when they weren't together. How could he look himself in the face if he wasn't able to protect her?  How could he look her in the face, knowing she trusted him, knowing how much she loved him and respected him, if he couldn't deliver on his promise? It would help him feel less restless if he knew she wasn't on her own and he would be able to focus on his business and the job he wanted to do without worrying about her well-being. Still, sometimes, he thought of Polly's words about him. What if his biggest fear was that Mary found someone who could love her the way she deserved to be? what then? could he let her go? could he, really?


Unnamed girl's groove: The Laundromat

Unnamed girl's groove: The Laundromat 

Sara has to go to the laundromat if she wants to do her laundry. Since she goes there without any make-up on, people don't recognize her as being the famous "Unnamed Girl". Aside from her ex-partners and Dotty, Sara either meets cute or she's left the fuck alone. She has a routine, however, and the most observant people would manage to know where she is on her days off. Brett Howard, her ex, found her a couple days ago. He was in town and wanted to visit her -after all, there were no rumors of her being in a relationship, and he knew Sara wouldn't be able to kick him into the curb-. What drove him to Sara? Was it boredom? Was it the need to prove to himself that he could still get it? He didn't know and decided not to even think about it. He still remembered the face Sara made when he dumped her, her beautiful freckled face was wet from the tears she was crying. Her lips trembled, her body shook and she was begging him not to leave her but he did. He left and he broke her heart. Surely, upon seeing him she would lose control, she would try to get him back. He could only dream about it. 

The reality, however, was quite different. He found Sara at the laundromat, wearing short shorts and a hoodie. She was busy drying her wet clothes when she felt the air turn colder. She knew it was Brett because he loved to do so back in the day. It made her freeze and Sara pinched her lips together. Her eyes shifted from left to right, and the young woman didn't know how to react. Brett, once he left, had not reached out to her in months.  Why would he come back to her place? Why would he come, if not to mock and insult her? Sara tucked her hair behind her ears, a telltale sign of her anxiety but then she remembered that she wasn't in the same place as when he dumped her. She was dating Homelander... Could it be considered dating? They were seeing each other and that was the truth. He liked her company and they both had a good time. She wasn't alone. She was even more successful and loved by others. She had an Only Fans now, so why would she care about that son of a bitch? She turned to look at the older man. He was still as handsome as before and twice as cockier.

Her heart was racing against her ribcage and her eyes slowly got watery as she realized she wasn't fully over the shit he made her go through. " Still doing the same shit, as usual, baby. You're easy to find, you know that?" She lifted an eyebrow and crossed her arms above her chest. "Piss off, Brett. I don't even know what you're doing here. Go be a nuisance somewhere else." -He laughed at her and walked closer.- "Sara, Sara, Sara.... You don't mean your words. You know you don't!" She lifted her brows and tried to keep a strong face but it didn't work. She was impressed and unprepared. "Go fuck yourself, Brett! I'm good. I'm real good and as a matter of fact, you've done me a favour by dumping me. I met someone else and trust me, I'm good!" He laughed at her, not really believing her words, which made some purple flakes cross her eyes. "Of course you are. I just came here to tell you that I'm around and I still have your number. So, just wait for my phone call!" She rolled her eyes and put her cheek against her warm palm. He left but she knew that he would come back and she had to be prepared next time because he was expecting her to grovel at his feet for his fucking affection and she was having none of it. The truth was, Sara was scared and uncomfortable. SHe thought she was over the pain he caused her but she wasn't. and she didn't know how he'd react to her if she didn't do as he pleased.


Klasma: I used to think

"I used to think that I was fine by myself. After all, it's been 800 years since I had genuine company. I used to think that I could live the life of a recluse, spending my time learning new spells, refining my magic, and becoming stronger. What does power do?

It does nothing. I have spent decades living on my own, witnessing how History treated the likes of me badly. I watched but didn't intervene, perhaps because Life had to go unperturbed. perhaps because I couldn't change the face of the world no matter how powerful I was and I was no god.. no creator and shouldn't consider myself one.

So... I watched from afar and it cut deeper than an actual wound. I watched as people lived and died, hoped and despaired... I watched as people lived and I didn't. I was surviving, getting crumbs of Elijah's attention when what I needed were attention and love. I survived on barely anything and now I can see it.

I used to think that I was fine by myself, but the truth was different. I wasn't. I am not. I ache and ache and all it took for me to realize that I did was meeting you. I can say that I'm not fine and I'm not okay and I'm definitely not alright by myself." 

GOT (regular): The princess of the Seven Kingdoms

The princess of the seven kingdoms had survived quite the ordeals. 
She was born in slavery and had to watch her mother's execution. 
She had to fight tough and nails for her freedom but once free, Bäahal had to become her own person. 
The princess of the seven kingdoms had to learn how to be herself again.
And that was overwhelming, oh so overwhelming that she struggled for months. 
She learned how to be a princess, rather than her sister's sword or "something of service."

Bäahal became an ambassador and now had to travel the kingdoms on behalf of her sister.
But she was also looking for Jaime Lannister, the man she fell in love with.
Oh, for months she was scared to learn he died after the war, destroyed by the death of his lover and sister.
Oh, for months, she was scared to meet the shadow of the man she once knew, and she did.
It was far scarier than facing the ire of the noblemen who refused her sister's crowning. 
It was far scarier than facing the fear the commoners felt upon seeing an otherworldly woman.

The princess had silver hair and purple eyes, her skin was dark and she was beautiful and rode dragons.
yet, she was kind and open and had far more in common with them than the previous royals ever had. 
Still... the Princess wasn't done going through the wringer. 
She found Jaime and he rejected her. She was betrayed by her bodyguards and survived a siege.
She nearly died, away from family, away from home, away from Jaime. 
She knew hunger, her body was scarred and she was so exhausted....but the Lannister saved her. 

And now... Now...Now she had to face the hardest challenge of them all. 
She had to wait until her sister give them their blessings. 
She had to either learn how to live without the knight or away from the man she fell in love with. 
or she had to learn how to live with something she had always wanted: someone who loved her. 

Doya: "how's the married life?"

Doya: "how's the married life?"

The night before, Sarah Thomas called Oya, in the middle of the night. She needed to hear from her friend and to be comforted in the choice she'd made for her family and herself. Oya was taken aback by the call, especially since Sarah had always been the one who got her shit together. She was the one who left the Hunting life behind. She chose to have a family, twin daughters, and a wonderful husband. Still, Oya listened to her. She left the bed and walked towards the living room of the bunker for a heartfelt conversation with her childhood friend. It took a while to calm the blonde woman down but Oya managed to do so. She understood Sarah's doubts. After all her brother ended up disabled due to the injuries he sustained from his last hunt.  Still, Joshua knew the risks. He knew he could die on the job, or worse... and worse happened but he survived and he managed to overcome the situation. Yes, He was now in a wheelchair but that didn't stop him. He got married and now Jessica, his wife, is expecting their first child. He's still a hunter, helping others through the use of the radio.  Sarah would be fine. Sarah understood. 

"How's the married life, O?"

The question came out of nowhere but it pleased Oya. The last time they talked about it was years ago, when Dean was just a friend and partner. When they had fun from time to time without going for something very serious. Oh, it had been quite an evolution after such a while, so much so that now she married the guy. It didn't change their lives, although administratively it did. She could be called Mrs. Winchester now! She could now look after him better without having to wait for Sammy. But more importantly, it was to let the world know that she was his and she loved him dearly. Oya loved it. She loved being married and she loved the fact their lives were still the same, if not more exciting now.  

Oya gushed about feeling comfortable with Dean, about them going back to work. She talked about her apple pie life, filled with cases to work, burgers, motels, and Team Free Will.  Sarah teased her friend and Oya laughed. it was a hearty one that made her wipe some tears out of her eyes and rest her forehead against her knees. How was married life?  It was bliss. Sure, today the duo had to investigate something happening in Florida. She had to wear a swimsuit and enjoy the swimming pool of their motel for a few days.  She grabbed her phone to snap a picture for Dean. It was a way for her to make him drive back to their hotel room. She loved to do it, to drive him crazy and increase his blood pressure. Did it work? Oh yes, it did.


TB headcanon: The boys

TB headcanon: The boys

Sara doesn't like the Boys. She believes that they are hypocritical and literally going on a witch-hunt against the supes. She understands their motivations and has been horrified by their revelations -which made her reconsider the admiration she had for Homelander and Queen Maeve, her childhood heroes--. However, the young woman doesn't approve of their methods and the extremist views Billy Butcher holds toward Supes. She believes that while plenty of supes are assholes, a lot of them don't deserve to die. 

Sara knows that the Boys aren't stopping at exposing the lies of Vaught and the truth about the Supes. She knows they want to kill the likes of her and is terrified of them coming for her next. The singer is not on their radar for the time being but as soon as Billy Butcher would realize she's gravitating around Homelander, he would try to use her against him. 

Saturday, March 4, 2023

A vintage's touch: Mary was wild

 Mary was wild, in the confines of their room, the brown nurse was nasty. She was a sinner, a connoisseur of the flesh. She was a siren, a temptress with a beautiful voice that took Tommy to places he never knew existed. He had known women, all kinds of women. He had known those who spoke as if they knew the secret of the universe. He had known those who were all talk but eventually lazy and expecting him to do as he wanted. He knew women who were willing participants but who still let him do as he pleased but Mary? Oh, Mary was a whole new world he enjoyed exploring. Mary was curious and generous. She was mountains and valleys. She knew how to use her mouth to tell him the most delightful things. She knew how to use her tongue, to whisper in his ear her most frivolous thoughts, or to leave on his skin tokens of her affection.  She knew how to let him explore her soft curves and delights he had never known. She knew how to catch his attention and keep it on her until she was done with him.  Mary was the doom of Tommy.  Could he really look at her face without feeling the pinch in the pit of his stomach? Could he really set his blue eyes upon her green ones and not want to stroke her cheeks? Could he really resist kissing her plump lips when she was so close to him? Could he really look at his girl and not want to make love to her as if he was starving? Was he starving? In a sense, he had been. He had been starving of attention and affection and Mary was giving it to him. Mary was wild... so demanding... so needy... so nurturing and he loved every moment of it. 

Neela: headcanon: Touch Deprived

 NĂ«ela has been touch-deprived for 800 years. She managed to keep her distance from people as much as she could in order to both protect them and herself. She tried to convince herself that she could handle solitude and didn't need anyone to touch her, but the truth is, she desperately craves contact. She desperately craves any type of contact, be it a gentle hug, a handshake, or even just a hand over her cheek. She slowly started to seek contact and comfort any way she could, but her condition and her curse made it very difficult for NĂ«ela to find it. She couldn't bond with people. She was supposed to be hated by every living thing, supernatural or human and she was, but it seemed that the Originals were something else. It seemed that Klaus was different.

Yes! He is the very first person to touch her, something not even Elijah, who was supposed to be her friend, ever did.  Klaus quickly became a very important person to her, someone who unlocked emotions she thought were gone forever. For the first time in her life, there was someone she wanted to protect, someone she understood, and someone who brought her comfort, pleasure, and warmth. NĂ«ela isn't dense. She knows that her lack of contact will quickly become a weakness but also a great source of strength especially when it comes to the safety of those she loves.

TB: Headcanon Power

 Sara's power is telekinesis. She can move objects and people at will. However, the bigger the object/ person, the harder it is for her. She's more efficient when it comes to using her telekinesis precisely or on smaller objects (like a pen, or a roc) and when she just has to move one person. Sara has trained very hard since she was a child, but the growing frustration and abuse from her parents stunted her progress. She stopped using her powers for small stunts at the orphanage and as soon as she turned 18 exclusively kept using her powers for simple tasks.  

If Sara trains, she could actually reach a good level. If she becomes murderous, however, she would become a serious threat. Somehow, her mental limitations and her desire to stay out of politics and to stay alive prevent her from exploring her powers. As a super, she is durable (far more than normal humans), and at the peak of human physical abilities but only uses them for her shows. 

Unnamed girl's groove: Why do you sing?

Unnamed girl's groove: Why do you sing?

// It's been a while since I wrote about my girl, so here you are. 

"Why did you say that in your last interview?"  -Dotty, Sara's manager lit a cigarette and inhaled some smoke. She had tied her blonde locks in a ponytail and was wearing a blue dress and sunglasses-

"What about it?" -Sara asked. Since they were outside and Sara wanted incognito, she had not hidden her freckles with heavy make-up and she was wearing a heavy pair of sunglasses.  She tapped her fingers against the table, a telltale sign of her anxiety-

"You are supposed to inspire people. you're a star, Sara. you can't just say that you became a singer because you wanted to be loved."

"But it's the truth, Dot. I became a singer because I wanted to be loved. I'm an orphan, they already know it." 

It was just a sentence but it was enough for her manager to be worried about the repercussion of her statement. She already had to damage control the revelation that Unnamed Girl was an orphan. The information in itself actually increased Sara's popularity. Suddenly she became a self-made woman who had a rough childhood. Still, it opened a pandora's box and people wanted to know more about her. Dotty had to make sure the information got buried just so people wouldn't try to dig up painful memories. Sara's parents were murdered but on top of it all, they used their daughter to achieve their goal and the fact Sara had never known a normal childhood.  Dotty didn't want them to harass Sara and she managed to do just that, but with the interview that came out today? Her efforts were ruined.  

"That doesn't mean that you have to feed the flames, darling! Listen. They would try to know what happened to you and I don't want them to snoop around and dig up some dirt."

"Dirt? What do you call dirt, Dot?" -Sara furrowed her brows and tilted her head to the side- "Is it the fact my parents had stolen from Vaught? Is it the fact I discovered their bodies? or is it the fact I grew up in an orphanage and the only time people liked me was when I was singing? Is it what you call dirt? The abuse at the hands of my parents? The abuse at the orphanage?" 

"Calm down...Sara. That's not what I meant. You know people, they would use your words against you. They are vultures who feed on your pain and I don't want you to have a meltdown. That's all. you were supposed to say that you sing because you've always loved it."

"If I had my way I would have said that I sing because I want to be loved and I can only get it when I'm singing! If I had my way, I would have said that I am an attention whore because I don't know what it is to have someone who genuinely loves you! My parents used me! Nobody loved me at the orphanage, they made me feel like I was a burden! I am fucking lonely, Dotty! that's the truth here! I'm lonely and I sing to feel less alone! If I had my way, I would have said it, but I just said that I want to be loved. So piss off!" -She groaned and hit the table with her fist. 

Dotty pulled her sunglasses off of her and looked at the young woman. She took a sip of her drink and then watched Sara start to tuck her hair behind her ears. She was stressed out and Dotty wanted to comfort her. The words Sara said hurt the older woman who didn't know how to react but she put her hand on Sara's leg and leaned forward so the singer could see her. Sara stopped moving and looked at the blonde woman. her lips trembled and she nodded quietly.  Her right hand slowly came down and rested on top of her manager. They stayed silent for a while but it worked and Sara was able to relax. Perhaps, the interview wasn't that bad of an idea. 


TB headcanon: Tara

 Tara is Sara's first serious relationship. She's a super who controls electricity (although she requires to have a source of electricity nearby for her to be able to control it) and they met at the start of Sara's singing career. Sara was deeply in love with Tara and had wanted to marry her. However, her partner didn't feel the same way. Tara liked Sara, but she had a superiority complex that compelled her to always be better than the young woman. As long as Sara was struggling, Tara felt comfortable. She knew Sara would need her and she relished in it. 

She enjoyed feeling powerful, she enjoyed how needy Sara was and she played with her insecurities. However, as soon as Sara started to become popular and found confidence, Tara grew annoyed at her.  She would always dismiss or humiliate Sara and would neglect her so much that it would make her feel distressed. Tara ended up leaving Sara once she grew bored of the situation and broke Sara's heart. She is dating someone else today and has replicated the same dynamic she had with Sara. However, she vicariously follows Sara's career and admitted to pleasure herself with Sara's Only Fans.

Friday, March 3, 2023

Doya: You made me happy! March 2023


"You didn't have to do it, but you did it anyway. I know you wanted to make me happy and it worked, Dean. It worked! I never thought I would be this happy but I get to wake up every day by your side. I get to share my life with yours. I get to work on cases with you, eat your food, drink beers, and fight monsters. I have the life I want, no, I have more than I thought I could have. I never thought I could be loved the way you do. I always thought that I would die alone and unhappy and you proved me wrong. So yes, tonight, I can say that I am Mrs. Winchester and the world knows that I chose you and you chose me. I'm excited about tomorrow with you and you know, as long as we're together, we'll be fine. our heart would be fine. so, thank you.... for making me the happiest woman on Earth tonight."

Thursday, March 2, 2023

presentation of book characters V1


So, the wonderful Luiza Ribeiro (primrivere online) and I met last year. She painted my profile pic, my partner's, and my sisters' :) We got along very well and I decided to go for another take on the main characters of the story I am writing. some haven't appeared yet but have been mentioned.  Two portraits are remaining and I will gladly share them with you when they're ready :) So below, you'll find the characters and I'll write very little information about them,  Just enough to give a glimpse of who they are and maybe, maybe entice your curiosity. 

Name: NĂ«ela Olusegun

Occupation: President. former rebel leader. 

Relationship with Asma: She is someone Asma respects and wants to protect. NĂ«ela trusted her when she didn't have to.  Asma will learn to trust her over time.

Colour Palette: white outfits, black skin, grey hair, and grey eyes.


Name:  Abel Carvill

Occupation: Captain of the Elite. Husband of the president. 

Relationship with Asma: Abel trusts Asma. He treats her like a member of his team and she treats him with respect. 

Colour Palette: Blue, black skin, grey hair, and eyes. 


Name: Sun Kwan

Occupation: Empress of the Purple Empire. Former rebel leader. 

Relationship with Asma: At the start of the story, the only thing Asma knows about the empress is her reputation as a hardcore warrior and a ruthless leader. Sun Kwan is very wary of Asma and doesn't fully trust her. She's been thinking of plenty of ways to neutralize the woman. Still, they respect each other, so far.

Colour Palette: Red and Gold (make-up), black eyes,  and purple outfits.


Name: Sodih Benh

Occupation: Pilot. Member of the Elite.

Relationship with Asma: Sodih is a friendly colleague. She cares a lot for the woman and pays attention to Asma's behavior and mental health. She yearns for a friendship with the pink-haired lady.  Asma, at the start of the story, is trying to keep her distance from her in an attempt to protect Sodih but mostly herself. 

Colour Palette: Green outfits, black eyes, black hair, and silver (piercings)


Name: Ivanna Markolvich

Occupation: Assassin/ Spy. Member of the Elite. Bodyguard of the president occasionally.

Relationship with Asma: Ivanna had a hard time trusting Asma. She has a hard time trusting anybody either way. Ivanna cares for her in her own way and respects Asma at the start of the story. They sometimes butt heads together but they respect each other. Asma is always nervous around Ivanna but they work well together. 

Colour Palette: white skin, Blue and white outfits, orange (her hair), blue (her valid eye), white (her blind eye)


Name: Asma Jensen

Occupation: Member of the Elite. Main character. Mysterious past (really 2000+ years old) and keeper of a huge secret. 

Something special about her: She suffers from anxiety and perhaps some bouts of depression. She also has a beauty spot under her left eye. She has black sclera and golden eyes and natural pink hair. She's the only person with special abilities in this world. 

Colour Palette: blue, white, and gold outfit, pink hair, bumblebee eyes, black skin. 
