Klasma: A Companion
// She's worried, worried about the situation. What if Klaus decided he didn't want her as his companion anymore?
Facing Elijah was terrifying the witch who sought refuge in a soft magic ritual. She went to the garden of the manor he resided at and drew a circle of salt in front of the only tree on the property. She sat at the center of the circle and lit some sage she put in a mini-mortar to collect the ashes. She then took a deep breath and started her prayers to Demeter, first. While she prayed, the pink-haired witch lifted her arms, then crossed them against her chest, before she put them on the floor. She repeated her motions as she repeated the prayers. Did it work? It seemed to be working as she was feeling some sort of warmth and calm. The goddess Demeter rarely answered prayers in person. She wouldn't talk to her worshipers but she would always send signs of her presence. This time, it was the warmth that overwhelmed Nëela that made her notice the presence of the goddess. Demeter (and the many names she had in many cultures) was an important goddess for witches. Nature had always connected them with their ancestors and magic. Without nature, plenty of witches would be left powerless and while Nëela was a follower of Hecate first and foremost, she never forgot to thank Demeter. Besides, it was true that Demeter was more maternal than any other goddess. She could comfort any lost soul with a warm embrace, the soft caress of the wind, or even the sensation of belonging that only nature could give. In a moment of stress, as this was, Nëela welcomed that response.
Once the sage was fully burnt, the witch gathered her ashes and started to paint magic symbols on her face. First, her forehead, then her cheeks and her chin, then her nose with a single line that went from left to right cheek. Then she dipped her fingers in it, turning the tips grey from the ashes, and lastly, with the remaining ash, she grabbed the mortar and started to blow it before her, clearing a path for her next prayer. She closed her eyes and started to invoke her goddess, asking for her merciful ears and for guidance. She was confused about the situation. scared would be more accurate as she didn't know how Elijah would react to Klaus challenging him and his control of her. The eldest Mikaelson was calm and collected but she feared his anger the most because it was explosive and deadly. If he stopped to see her as an asset, then he would have no issues trying to get rid of her. Would he try to kill her? Would he try to brainwash her? She didn't want the brothers to be upset with each other. She didn't want Klaus to be alone, left behind by his family. Sure, the Mikaelsons were peculiar in their relationships. They have known violence, deceit, and heartbreak but one thing was certain, they loved each other. They would do anything for their family, so in the end, perhaps Elijah would convince Klaus to give up on her. Perhaps, he would convince him that they weren't meant to be.
Perhaps she was the one who was worried about this new relationship. She became his companion. What did that even mean? It was more than just traveling together or fighting for each other. It was just more than being loyal to the other and experiencing new things together. She was sharing his life, not just as a mere travel companion but as a partner, a lover...They were lovers and that went beyond the flesh, she could tell. Neela refused to contemplate a life without Klaus. She couldn't think about being separated from him. She told him so a week ago after his rescue. The idea of being away from him was torture for her and that meant that she wanted to share her life with him. She wanted to be his and for him to be hers...Like two lovers whose lives were entwined. She was deeply in love with him, to the point of being unable to imagine a life without him. Yet, that didn't mean she wasn't scared. She wasn't scared of what he could do to her, because Klaus was known to have a temper and a tendency to ruin everything good happening to him. He was a self-sabotaging 1000-year-old hybrid. He was a creature that knew nothing but torment in his life from the moment he came to be. She didn't want to hurt him some more. She didn't want to tear his heart apart and prove to him that life wasn't worth living. What if she did? What if she wasn't a good companion to him? What if it was what Elijah would tell him? That she would be the reason for Klaus' pain? That she couldn't bring him joy? That she only knew destruction and desolation? How could she love when nobody loved her? How could she love Klaus when she spent centuries apart from others? how could she love him as he deserved to be? What if it was Elijah's mission to protect his brother from her? If he chose Neela, he would have witches hunting him for as long as they existed. They would never know peace and he could be trapped again like he had been by Eileen and Henry.
"Oh Mother Hecate, please guide me... put me on the path I am supposed to take. I was a healer... I am still a healer despite the curse and I want to help others. I want to help Klaus... because... because... I can feel in my heart that this is what I desire. To care for him, to be with him...so please, guide me. Should I stay his companion for his sake?"
She asked... She asked... but she didn't get any answer for her message never reached the goddess.
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