Ellyën Djoore, The Last Unicorn, 6000 Years old
A.k.a: Eleanor Rigby
Race: Unicorn
Ability: Healer
Hair: blonde
Eyes: blue
Skin: Pearly white
Ellyën Djoore is the last unicorn. Her people were the pacifists of the Seven Kingdoms and always tried to avoid war at all costs. They were magical creatures dotted with healing powers and strong white magic but unfortunately, because they lacked knowledge about the world, they were naive. Long ago, their people were in contact with very few other species but had developed courteous bonds with them until King Bahamut took his crown back. It triggered the jealousy of the other kingdoms and started a war later called "the War of Crowns". Unicorns were trapped, kidnapped, and used by the other species against Dragons since they were their weaknesses.
Bahamut and his soldiers were forced to kill them all and saw the destruction of the Dragons' realm. Only one unicorn survived and used her last strengths to teleport to the Enchanted Forest, near the New Men's realm. There, Ellyën shapeshifted into a blonde human and did her best, using her magic, to hide her true nature. She also found a piece of Almaryl's heart and collected it. She is wearing it as a pendant she keeps inside her clothes so nobody can find it.
Now named Eleonor, the last Unicorn blended with humans and became a midwife/healer among the New Men. She soon became a favorite among people but also became an easy prey for violent/brutal men. Fortunately for her, she was always protected by good people and always escaped from dangerous situations. The day she met Almaryl, the pendant started to glow and she remembered the dreadful days. The dragon Queen protected her against werewolves and the two became friends and forced associates: Almaryl would give her the pieces of her heart she finds and Ellyën would protect them and protect her identity.
As a Unicorn, Ellyën is purely white, with silver hair and tail and crystalline blue eyes. She is not the tallest nor the fattest Unicorn but she is elegant and beautiful. Eleonor is a very sweet young woman, dedicated to the well-being of others. She's naive and scared of many things. She's also very innocent but determined. She's aware that she is the only one left and desperately needs to procreate so her race would not meet extinction but she hasn't found the right New-Man to do it with. She is a tall and slim pale-ish platinum blonde with beautiful and bright blue eyes. She is also very prone to use white magic and seems to have gained all the knowledge and power from her fallen kin, which could make her an interesting key to the story.
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