Lux Adora
A/N: This is my Vampire babe! She's still dormant for the time being. :)
Main Faceclaim: Keke Palmer
Other FC: TBD
Real Name: Lux Adora
Nicknames: Red (most), My Rose (her Sire)
Age: 1000+, her true age is unknown, even Lux doesn't remember how old she is.
Height: 175 cm
Weight: 75 kgs.
Special features: She has red eyes with black sclera, she has a piercing on her top right eyebrow, she also sports natural red hair and she has bat teeth.
Physical appearance:
As a human:
Lux is a gorgeous and voluptuous woman with flawless skin. Her natural red hair is huge, and straight which teases the small of her back. She has beautiful hazel eyes shaped like almonds. Her lips are plump and soft and when she smiles there are dimples on her cheeks. Lux has a piercing on top of her right eyebrow.
As a vampire:
When she reveals her true face, Lux's sclera turns black and her eyes turn into a bright red color. She has razor-sharp bat teeth.
Sexual orientation: Bisexual
Alignment: Neutral
Specie: Vampire
Occupation: She's currently living as a socialite, enjoying her immense fortune.
Mother: dead.
Father: Dead
Sire: Aurelius - Alive.
Brother (sired by Aurelius): Alceste.
Universe: TBD
Status: Alive. Active.
Lux is a playful and flirtatious person. She will always charm your pants off just to see your reaction to her but would never commit to a serious relationship because she refuses to suffer from another loss. Lux is cocky, she's very confident in her abilities but would use them as a last resort if she doesn't have any choice. She used to be extremely bubbly and curious at the start of her Undead life, but as centuries went by, she became a lot calmer and more withdrawn.
She does have her good sides and she can be kind and loving to whoever is close to her. She is loyal and a hopeless romantic at heart but shies away from romance for she has been traumatized in the past by sudden losses. Lux is stubborn and led by her emotions; her pride is her biggest flaw because she wants to prove to the rest of the vampiric world that she is not to be trifled with and is as dangerous as she's beautiful.
Fictional Character Biography: TBD
All that Lux remembers is her death at the hands of Aurelius. She doesn't remember much aside from the sensation of dread and pain. She crossed paths with the older vampire in a dark alley. She only remembers relief when he bit her as Death seemed to be the only way out of her terrible circumstance. When she woke up and transformed into a vampire, the young girl was confused at first. He explained that she had too much potential to be lost to Death and would rather take her under his wing to turn her into the best version of herself. Since then, she became his daughter (sort of) and he taught her to control her powers and live in Vampire society. Over the centuries, Aurelius turned another human into a vampire, french fencer Alceste who quickly proved to be their "father's" favorite. Despite his obnoxious tendencies, Alceste is very close to Lux and will protect her at any cost.
current events:
Lux felt incredibly frustrated with her sire's increasingly controlling nature. She felt like a bird in a golden cage and thus escaped his control. There is a reason for his behavior she has yet to learn.
- Enhanced Attributes: She has all attributes (senses, balance, speed, durability, strength) enhanced.
- Vampirism: Lux has sharp, pointed, retractable bat fangs that extend beyond her normal teeth.
- Supernatural Beauty: Like all vampires, she is incredibly beautiful.
- Immortality: Lux's Lifespan/Immune System is so strong that she cannot die of "Old Age", Poisoning, or Disease.
- Healing factor: As a vampire, Lux has supernatural regenerative capabilities, which allow the creature to recover from injuries that would permanently incapacitate or even kill a human. Poison, suffocation, extreme cold, aging, drowning, or disease cannot kill the vampire, as the creature is already dead.
- Scaling Walls - As a vampire, she can scale walls like spiders and still act like she is walking on the ground with her capes and clothes falling towards her feet instead of the soil. She can detach at will to land on the ground and carry on from there.
- Hypnosis - Through the use of hypnosis, Vampires can dominate the mind and will of a human by simple eye contact, soft speech, or a simple wave of the hand. The Vampire’s bite seems to have an anesthetic effect on the victim; giving the creature the time it needs to feed and also instantly sealing the cut to prevent loss of blood and keeping no memory of it. To dominate a human, the vampire needs only to make eye contact with its victim for a few seconds and then bite to spread vampirism. However, the stronger the human’s will, the longer hypnosis takes. If necessary, the Vampire can completely crush the human mind or destroy the individual’s sanity, leaving little more than a drooling lunatic. In the same manner, the Vampire can create a human slave. This slave is totally obedient to his master’s will, to the point of being willing to sacrifice everything for his master’s safety, including his or her life. Such individuals inevitably lose their minds due to the vampire’s power over them.
- True Face - A vampire's true face is the appearance they are hiding under their normal human face. When Lux's vampire's true face is revealed, the sclera of her eyes turns black, her irises turn red, dark veins appear under her eyes as the blood pumps forcefully through them, and her bat teeth extend into razor-sharp fangs. A vampire's true face can be revealed whenever they wish, but it will appear against their will whenever they are aroused by the scent of blood or are feeling intense emotions such as fear, anger, lust, sadness, etc. A vampire's fangs are extremely sharp, which gives them the ability to tear into almost any substance (including and especially flesh) and tear off limbs.
- Blood Bond - A blood exchange between a vampire and a human (not before the human dies) will form a blood bond. The vampire will be able to sense the human's thoughts and emotions, knowing if that human is in any type of harm or distress - for eternity. The human will also experience sexual dreams about that vampire.
- Telepathy - Vampires can read the minds of mortals. Older vampires can read the minds of younger, weaker vampires. Vampires can also use telepathy to "whisper" to each other by speaking into each other's minds; a way to silently communicate even over great distances.
Multilingualism: She is well-versed in several languages.
Swordsmanship: She is an excellent sword-wielder and is efficient with all sorts of swords, daggers, knives, etc...
Weaknesses/Crippling fears:
- Silver - The touch of silver burns a vampire's skin and causes great pain.
- Vervain - A mystic herb called vervain is poisonous to vampires. It burns their skin on contact. If a human is holding, wearing, or has vervain in their system, a vampire cannot hypnotize them. Vervain can be mixed with a vampire's drink, which, if drunk, will severely weaken them.
- Sunlight - The vampires are extremely sensitive to the sun and they would burst into flames if they were exposed to direct sunlight. Upon touch with UV rays vampires burst into flames lose their skin and crumble to dust, stone, ash, bones, or gooey piles, and some even vaporize. They could counter this with daylight rings which have a stone called lapis lazuli.
- Dead Man's Blood - The use of blood from the recently deceased can also be used as a method to incapacitate vampires briefly.
- Stake - Wound to the heart was fatal to a vampire. An iron stake can knock a hole in the vampire and weaken it to some point while a normal wooden stake a silver, ash, hawthorn, or oak stake can kill a vampire when dug into the heart.
- Exsanguination/Blood Loss - If drained completely of their blood, vampires can become comatose or even die. If a vampire entered a place (That was not a public area) without invitation and the invite remained absent for too long, the vampire began to bleed through its pores until it was completely drained and dead.
- Dismemberment - Dismemberment is a grisly process that involves hacking off the vampire’s limbs, one by one, to prevent them from rising from the grave and attacking the living. Obviously, any vampire is going to find it to be impossible to get up, wander around, and feed without its arms or legs. Ideally, this should be done with a sword or a woodsman’s axe.
- Holy Water - Water that has been blessed by a clergyman will burn a vampire if it makes contact with one. A sufficient supply of such water will likely destroy one entirely.
- Hunger/Starvation - The vampires could become weak and sickly looking if they do not feed on blood and they could eventually die from starvation.
- Desiccation - If drained completely of their blood, vampires can become desiccated or even die. They can be desiccated by the Desiccation Spell.SookieresendingInvitation
- Fire - The vampires could be killed through immolation. Fire causes vampires a great deal of pain and injury; they can, however, quickly heal from even the worst burns if given time and blood.
- Decapitation - A vampire can be killed completely if its head is cut out and its body burned. The vampire’s body will keep on walking as a headless zombie till it finds its head and after that, the vampire will be reborn.
- Werewolf Bite - A bite from a werewolf as the venom in the saliva will neutralize the vampire venom in their blood causing them to die and deteriorate.
- Magic - Vampires are susceptible to the powers of magic. Witches can give supernatural aneurysms that cause the blood vessels of vampires to explode.
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