A/N: Thinking about these two! Eeek!!!!! he's finally calling her after all this time being away. All usual disclaimers
His heavy breathing over the phone made her breathe harder. Her eyes averted from left to right as she didn't know what to say and bit her bottom lip. Her heart was pounding against her ribcage and she felt fresh unshed tears fill her eyes. Damnit! why did she have to pick up the phone while she wasn't being ready? She had been texting him for weeks while he was away with the club for an out-of-town operation and he never returned her texts because of reasons? She had no clues. She was fine when he wasn't responding because she didn't have to deal with the consequences of her texts but he did more than text back. HE CALLED! She was panicking and bit her bottom lip harder.
"I can hear you breathe over the phone Bella, answer me. I know you're there."
"Fuck you Tig." She managed to say in a very shaky voice, which hinted at her being uncomfortable having him over the phone as well as feeling shy. He could tell by the sound she made right after, a mix of a groan of relief and shame which made him chuckle.
"It's just me Asma. There's no need to panic."
"I'm /not./ panicking asshole! I just... How come you're calling me after you ignored all the texts I kept sending you?!" -There she was, using justified (although faux) anger to lash out at him. He had earned this one, he didn't text her back. "Did you even read my texts?"
"I read them all!" Tig answered, scratching the tip of his nose.
Of course, it was complicated to even consider a relationship with someone who wasn't in the club or a crow eater because she couldn't be made aware of his plans or of the extra-curriculum of the club in case she was questioned. Daniel Quinonez, that asshole who couldn't let go of Jessica, already questioned her about her clients that other day, especially Jax Teller since he was known for going to her for new inks or for fixing damaged ones. Tig knew that he shouldn't be pursuing a relationship with her, but the night they spent together haunted him. It lasted one full night and it was blissful. he already knew that Asma was more than meet the eye and she did have her struggles but actually getting to know her changed everything for him.
He discovered many sides of Asma he never could have imagined she'd have. A sensitive one who would give him tenderness after the deed was done. He still remembered her arms around his neck, petting his hair and telling him he was safe and alright in her arms. A sensual side of her that made his body tense at the thought of her dangerous curves and her moans and the sexy way she had to bit her bottom lip whenever he was shoving his cock deep inside of her. A side that sent shivers down his spine and made him lick his lips as he remembered how she tasted. A tougher side of her that excited him. Sure, she never killed but she could throw a punch, she could fight whoever tried to harm someone she cared about. She learned how to fire a gun and manage it but abhorred the use of a weapon and would never use it. He saw her be protective towards Jessica and fight with her foul mouth any asshole who tried to get closer to her. Finally, he saw her be fragile, a self-conscious about her limp and her alcohol addiction. He saw her try to push him away because she remembered how it was with Elias and didn't want to relive the same thing over again.
"You did?" -She could feel him nod over the phone-
"Twice each time you sent me one, beautiful. I just couldn't answer you. We're dealing with some pretty serious shit so I was focused on doing my part."
"So you think calling me would make amend for not answering my texts?" He chuckled at her words. He could tell by the sound of her voice that she wasn't angry but was trying REALLY hard to be. So he played along to make her feel more comfortable.
"Well, fuck me if I was wrong. I thought you'd like a call."
"You're silly!" She groaned and then leaned into her chair. "How have you been?" She asked, still in the mood for sulking but actually feeling a little better now that she spat her "venom" at him.
"Well. Better now that I'm talking to you, Bella. Been worried actually." It made her groan louder and she shook her head. "I'm serious. last time we talked you told me that your crazy-ex sent you a yellow rose. Is he still in town? Are you safe?"
"................." She stopped breathing for a minute. He asked it so casually but she couldn't be surprised. Of course he'd want to know and of course, she couldn't tell him. She promised Jessica nobody would know about her killing Oscar in her own house. She couldn't put her friend's safety and "tranquility" in jeopardy and couldn' take the risk to have an angry Jax come at her for endangering his wife and unborn child. "He's gone." Was all she could whisper before she ran her hand through her pink locks and grabbed a fist of her hair.
"Are you sure about that? I could take a look when I--"
"I'm sure. He's gone. He's never coming back Tig." She then bent a little forward and leaned her elbows on her lap. "Look, you don't have to worry about me right now. I'm alright. What if we talk about you coming to my shop when you're home?"
He paused for a while, unsure of how to take it. It sounded fishy, forced but she was sincere when she said Oscar was not a problem anymore. He decided he didn't need to know how that was possible and instead he should focus on the young woman. He's missed her greatly and he knew she was missing him from the texts she sent him so there was no mystery left here but only an opportunity. Tig scratched the back of his head and looked up to see Chibs and Bobby talk about their next moves. They had noticed that he had tried to isolate himself and seemed to be in a better mood than they'd seen him in a long while. Of course, they wanted to tease him with that mysterious lady who was keeping his mind busy and they would, once Tig would hang up the phone.
"Sure, sounds like a great plan. What about.." He paused for a minute. "What about a proper dinner?"
"A dinner? You've done something like that before or are you trying to be fancy for me?"
"You've never been treated to one before, I was thinking it could be a nice start."
She breathed over the phone, once again surprised he would ever want to treat her that nicely and feeling herself hyperventilate. She loved the idea of being treated to a nice dinner but never, since Oscar, had she set a foot at a restaurant. There were fine joints that were expensive and out of Tig's element so he wouldn't take her to those fancy French restaurants and other weird cuisine. He had a better idea in mind. A better place where she would eat nice real American food and be filled for days. He had in mind the best ribs restaurant of the town, someplace very warm and decent where he hadn't been in ages. His game was rusty but he wanted to dust it off because she was worth the efforts.
"You're taking me to dinner?" He chuckled over the phone once again, but she could guess he was actually feeling a little shy too. Tig wasn't the kind of man to back down or feel ashamed of what he was doing so it wasn't Shame he was feeling. Tig was pleased by his idea and a bit shaky because he realized that he liked her enough to treat her to a restaurant. He realized that she was making him feel all types of feelings and he didn't know why just yet.
"What say you?"
"Yes?... I mean.. yes of course. We'd have dinner and then a beer at a nice joint? then a walk?"
"You'd get to decide how the rest of the night would unfold although I have to be honest with you Bella, you are very attractive and I would very much want to spend the rest of the night with you. If you get what I mean." She didn't, it flew past her mind and she nodded at him.
"Yes we'd have dinner and then a beer and then you'd walk me home."
"I don't think you understood. I was trying to be poetic here. I meant, I very much want to do a part 2 of the night we spent before I left." He felt her swallow hard and imagined her twirl some of her pink locks.
"'Really?"' Here he was acting like a gentleman. It would have been easier with a crow eater, he could have just whipped his dick out and everything would be done but with Asma, he decided to actually put some efforts into seducing her. Spending some quality time seemed like a great idea. "I mean.. I know it... I mean.. you want to do it again?"
"Pfft don't insult me. Of course, I do! I'm not blind or made of wood! So...You know what I want to do, I'll leave you to your thoughts. I'll be home soon"
"Okay." She said as he hung up the phone. Her heart pounded hard against her ribcage and she looked at her screen. He did call, she didn't dream that shit up. He called her! It made her bit her bottom lip and put her phone against her chest. "Fuck yeah!" She said, quickly texting Jessica.
#Tig and I have a date for when the boys are home.#
#This is great! We need to make sure your A game is on point then!#
#It starts with a dinner! HELP ME, Jessica! I haven't been invited to a dinner in ages!#
#LOL no worries. Mama Jess to the rescue. Come over when you're done working and we'll review your outfits./Love you.#
#Sure! Thank you! Love you too.#
When Tig hung up the phone, he was met with grins and chuckles from Bobby and Chibs. They knew their brother and they knew that a woman had turned his world upside down to the point he couldn't do otherwise but spit it out. They were about to ask who the girl was when Opie entered the scene and ruined the mood.
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