There simply are people in my life I would never want to lose.
It doesn't matter how long we've been knowing each other, or how far away from one another we live. They know my heart and I know theirs. They brought my walls down and witnessed what was behind and stood by me. They are touching people, with wonderful souls and they do inspire me every day to be the better version of myself. for some of them, our friendship started some 10 years ago, others a little longer, other...s a little shorter but it doesn't matter.
They touched my soul and I am so very grateful for each and every one of them in my life. Your success is mine, your loss is mine and your lovely adventures are ours. Distance never mattered but I do intend to see face to face most of those I've not hugged just yet. I intend to hold you in my arms and marvel at how time went by since we first met and how you've inspired me ever since. I intend to meet my nephews and nièces from my bros and sis who live too far away from Paris and finally do more than just say Hi through Skype or a voice message.
I feel very sappy and intense this evening but reflecting on this year induced the urge to send some love over there. Although, yeah, you already all personally got the memo that I love you
-there's not such a thing as saying too much, I love you- (I'm glad 2017 is about to finish! damn number 7 at the end of the year is always a Russian roulette for me and I take too many bullets every single time! -2007 was the worst year since they made me believe I had cancer and they messed up my metabolism)

Distance never really mattered and my heart beats for you regardless of where you are. Just as I know yours beat for me despite the distance. We know we don't use words such as friendship, love, sisters/brothers like one brush their teeth and it's all we need.
Yeah, it's a bit intense but that's just the raw emotion of tonight. I love you my lovelies. old and new friends (well you're not that new anymore XD) Thank you for loving me and tolerating my weirdness and intensity in your lives
Thank you for being in mine 

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