Saturday, October 14, 2017

Pride and Asma: The Weight of the World

//All the usual disclaimers//

He carried the weight of the World on his shoulders and he pretended he wasn't. He was always serious, I can't remember a day when he wasn't. His gaze had always been intense, whether it was because of anger or lust. Pride tried not to let me know just how dangerous the situation was but from time to time he let it slip out of his mouth. So I knew. I realized that he was fighting a war on many fronts. His siblings wanted to overthrow him and take his place. There was the eventuality they wanted to kill him as well, something I didn't want to happen. He had to find them, crush the resistance and make sure the only one loyal sibling stayed loyal.

Primeval gods also wanted him dead. Sins were seen (and rightfully so) as threats for the entire pantheon. While one side was approving of Elpis relationship with Pride, the other wanted to eradicate the threat. Their allies, Sitäa and Khrön were killed by Ayasha and the other siblings who slowly woke up from their cursed-induced slumber were still under the influence of Ayasha and wanted to kill Pride too. What could I do? I was nothing but a human caught in a war that was beyond herself. I couldn't exactly protect my beloved Sin, nor could I solve this problem with his siblings. I couldn't bring a solution to his problems but I realized I could be the balm he would apply over his wounds. What I lacked in strength, I could compensate with my love. My poor Pride carried the World over his shoulders, it was the least I could do to show my gratitude for his protection... the least. 

He couldn't breathe. I understood it and wanted to give Pride all the support he deserved to have. I wanted to show my king he had an ally in me and would have until he set Elpis free since I wouldn't be able to remember him. I could see the weight he was carrying, I could feel the burden on his shoulders. I could see he didn't want to show me how upset or frustrated he was by the situation and I didn't want to push him to his limits, so I would sit by him and run my hands over his strong back. I would lean my head against his shoulder and I would hug him. I would embrace him, I would make him feel loved. I would make him feel understood and I would try to take the weight of the World off of his back. I would, for you, my king... my love.

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