Bäahal's letter
My dear sister. I penned this letter a couple weeks after I decided to leave King's Landing. I kept thinking of the way you looked at me when we departed and I know, deep down, that you were worried. I know I left very suddenly, without giving you the time to realize what was happening, but I genuinely thought that the royal affairs and your relationship with Jon Snow would take all the space in your heart; Besides, you do know why I did it. I needed to figure myself out, find a new purpose, understand myself better. All my life up until you won the crown back, I was merely molding myself after the wishes of those who had some sort of influence on my life. I tried to honor my mother, then my masters, then you when you set me free. I barely heard my voice and only the wishes of those around me. It was time to put an end to this and face my very own fears.
So I left. I left and I roamed the realm. Jon advised against going alone, so you gave me two guards and I have to say, I appreciate their company. You both were right about my safety, I found out that people truly hate Targaryens and some hate me more because I do have a different skin color than the ones they're used to. I have to face both the haters of the crown, those who hate our blood, those who hate my skin but for each angry soul, there is a good one. You also have supporters, in places you wouldn't believe. Many see you as you are, others changed their opinion over time because I got to talk to them. I think the idea I had to go to them and meet your people was a good one. No one ever did so and you wouldn't endanger your life with these trips. I'd say it's a very pleasant conclusion I drew. However, I have to say, being far away from you makes me realize that I do miss you a lot. I think of the times you combed my hair, and we'd talk about Jon Snow... Since he claimed his love for you and he is your consort, how did the nobles of king's landing and your allies react to it? I hear rumors of people hating on you two even harder now because you're changing too fast, too hard and they're not used to it. I think it's ridiculous of them to reason this way but I guess we have to win their hearts and minds to fully win the war. Do you consider war as over? or do you consider we still have one battle left to lead? I'm more onto the latter. I'm still cautious, please be careful, sister.
I have to go now, but I will write you another letter soon. I promise you that.
With love, your sister
Bäahal Targaryen."
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