Thursday, February 27, 2020

GOT kyra and Baahal

 Just musing around. I had you in mind lately. just Baahal's thoughts in general.
Bäahal believed in Fate. No matter how hard she tried to break away from it, the princess always ended up relying on it to explain her very life. There was a reason she was born from such a heinous crime, there was a reason she had to endure all those miserable years and vileness forced upon her... there was a reason she was found by her sister and was now transforming the horrible legacy left by her ancestors. There was a reason she met the Lion Cub.
She became very fond of Lady Kyra, very fast. She thought that, while their lives were radically different, they still were kindred spirits. Perhaps, it had to do with the tragedy their lives were. perhaps, it had to do with the powerful energy that motivated them and forced these women to move forward, to something better. Perhaps, as Lord Jaime said, it was all bullshit. She couldn't know. The day they parted ways, after her sister utter victory on the false queen, Bäahal felt a strange pinch in her heart. She was going to miss the blonde Lioness, but laced with regret was pride. In such a short time, Lady Kyra revealed herself.
She was transformed, one could argue. How could she not? especially when the fate of the House was left in her hands. She was the leader of House Lannister, a name tarnished by the foolish successive reigns of unfit rulers. A family resented for the many crimes they were responsible for. A family that was shattered to the point that there was almost nothing left but ruins and rubbles. Many would have given up but not Lady Kyra. She was determined and hopeful and maybe that moved Bäahal so much.
She knew there was more to come, but still, saying goodbye was ripping her heart off of her chest. Bäahal hated goodbyes after all.

GOT jaime and baahal : why I love you

I remember clearly, the day I told you that I was in love with you. I remember your brother telling me that he could understand why I fell for you. His attention was only on your looks, the outside. I don't blame him. You are a handsome man. Your eyes are sharp, sometimes hard but always kind. I see no evil in them, even when I try hard. Your hair is beautiful, blonde, untainted and silky at the tip of my fingers. Your jaw is square, chiseled by the gods themselves. You have this natural presence about you, the way kings carry themselves, commanding, assertive, determined and I think that despite what many would say, your limb doesn't make you less beautiful. I never even knew you before. I knew the man with the golden hand. Your looks are attractive but your very being is.
Missandei used to tell me that love hides in small details. She loved Torgho Nudho for who he was and the little million things that made him and when I look at you, that's what I see. little things that make me smile, little things that remind me of you, little things that draw me towards you. You're brave, loyal, dedicated to the ones you love. You're incredibly sentimental despite this cold face you always make. I saw you care for your family, for humanity and I saw you fight for it. I saw you strike alliances and even make a truce that went against your best interest because you thought of others. you have a sense of sacrifice I very much appreciate and you see the good in other people too.
I used to think that being a seasoned warrior, you might have turned sour.. but your heart is still fresh, still capable of love, still capable of good. I heard it in the way you spoke of your late children. I heard it in the way you spoke of Cersei... in the way you speak of Tyrion. There is tenderness in your heart.. passion. Life. I saw it in the way you spoke to me. how could I not fall in love with you? Tell me, Lord Jaime.. how could I not?

soa: thoughts

(SoA): thoughts

// All the usual disclaimers

Was everything alright? They looked like it. Asma did try to focus on the good things. Jax was back, Jessica was back and both were alive. She should have stopped there, period. But Asma's mind had always been overthinking. Perhaps it came from the years of abuse at the hand of a possessive little dead shit. Perhaps it was losing her only brother to gang-related issues and mixing just a tiny bit with danger when she tried to rescue Jax by going to the Niners by herself, had the woman's anxiety going off the charts. She wasn't calm. How could she be when she noticed the subtle changes in her family?

Jax came back home, traumatized. She could see it, she went through trauma, she was traumatized as well. PTSD they called that. She was suffering from it ever since Oscar first laid his hands on her. She was able to manage it, but certain songs, some sounds, some words put together triggered her and she had seen Jax blackout once or twice during family gatherings. Did he even address the issue? how could she talk to him without hurting his feelings? she wanted to help and was determined to sit down with him and have that conversation. "What did they do to you, Jax? what did they make you feel?" after all, she saw him, back when Jessica wasn't around anymore and couldn't see him. Asma visited him until he went to the nursery..; so she knew...

Jessica came back a little bit shady. She understood why the brunette couldn't speak. The business was as business was... she couldn't put everyone int he confidence.. she never put Asma in the confidence and for good reasons. Asma couldn't blame her but she couldn't stop worrying about her. Jessica was a little bit of a firecracker when it came to making decisions. she was able to put herself in very tricky situations that would benefit everyone in the end but had to be carefully planned and calculated. Danger followed her like her own shadow and this whole situation felt dangerous... perhaps, once again, it was the presence of this Jon Wick that also didn't appease the young woman.

Jon was... Jon felt...she felt shivers go down her spine whenever he was around because she knew that he wasn't here to joke. He was certainly a professional and he was certainly extremely good at what he did. The man wasn't talkative and she knew they started on the wrong foot because of her constant questioning. He wouldn't kiss and tell and she would never know if her hunch was actually true or just her head messing around with her. He wasn't dangerous for her though, nor for the people of the group. So she knew he was an ally. he was here to protect. he was here to protect Jessica while pretending he wasn't going to protect them.. wait, no.. he clearly stated he was there for protection and was hired by Jessica... was Asma thinking way too much? as her thoughts quickly began to get scrambled, Asma looked past her window and sighed deeply. Nothing made sense... nothing but at least she could still ink. Maybe she could be able to bond with the mysterious Mr; Wick through a conversation about tattoos... Maybe...




I was an egg once, in pristine condition, untainted by the world around me.

My heart was filled with Hope, Love, and Trust as I grew.
I believed people would take care of me when I hatched into this new world.
I believed in their kindness and willingness to protect the weak and vulnerable souls.

But I was wrong.

I was an egg once, and as my egg hatched, I soared into this world feeling beautiful.
Here I was, new, shiny, with a beautiful set of heavy feathered wings!
Here I was, eager to grow in power, self-confidence, and love.

I used to love me. so much so that I felt I could survive anything, But I was mistaken. 
There was no wonderland in the world I was born into.  It was a nightmare
They tore me into pieces, destroyed my very soul, and ruined the love I had for myself.

I was an egg once, in pristine condition, but I was tainted by the world around me.

I lost all Hope I had on mankind, I lost the dreams I had about this new world.
I lost the love I had for myself and replaced it with self-hatred, doubt, and venom.
I wasn't enough, and I would never be enough. I could never fit in, and I would never be wanted.

They made me drift away and lose myself in the never-ending questioning.
They made me cry and made me curse at them for doing so.
They made me wish I had never been born into this cruel world with such a bright soul.

I was an egg once, in pristine condition but none of this makes sense to me anymore.

It was what it was, I was born a certain way,
but the ways of this world had changed me forever.

That's what it does. It changes you.
That's what it did, it changed me.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Jaime and Bäahal : Rescue.

Jaime and Bäahal : Rescue.

A/N : It seems that no matter what, Fate does bring these two back together. <3


If asked, Bäahal would always claim it was the fever that made her delirious and in her delirium, she was thinking of Lord Jaime. The princess barely slept through the whole siege. She couldn't allow her eyelids to close, no matter how heavy they were or how high her body temperature was. She had to remain awake, she had to stay sharp. In a moment as dire as this one, she had flashes of the moments she spent with Lord Jaime. She remembered his handsome face at Winterfell, the way his green eyes were staring at her, acknowledging a beauty she failed to see after so long. She remembered as he pressed his lips to hers, lightly, as a polite way to bid her farewell. At this moment he was so sure he wouldn't see the princess again. They were to be enemies, they were to fight against each other, so why would he... why would he do more than just light kiss her? At this very moment, he was still in love with Cersei. He still wanted to be with her, he still needed to be with her. But why did he choose to kiss Bäahal then? Her purple hues became sad at the thought that maybe, that kiss meant something else. Maybe, just maybe, the knight did have some interest in someone else than Cersei and was willing to give it a shot ?.. no.. ; foolishness. He loved Cersei, with all his might.. that kiss meant nothing. She meant...something that wasn't romantic.

She stumbled as she walked towards the window of her room. A few rays of sunshine pierced through the glass and lightened with a dim light the room. It just had one bed, a table, and a chair and it was enough for the princess to proceed with the basic needs. Good samaritans, loyal subjects to the new queen saved her life and took her to this place, so she had to go see if they were doing alright and if they needed anything. Children, women, and elderlies were her priority. Bäahal personally ensured that the kids had something to eat and that the elderlies wouldn't starve to death, but it didn't take long before supplies ran out. The Targaryen tried her best to save face and keep her calm but she couldn't hold it any longer. The sting of Gregory's betrayal had her become even more suspicious of the people around her. She gradually decided to keep people from visiting her room. She refused to eat what she had not seen or made herself and ate less and less so the kids could have more.

Maybe she was too stubborn. Bäahal Targaryen, the stubborn Targaryen as some started to call her. She was proud, and that fire that ran in her veins was revived because of that man. Jaime Lannister. The only man she wanted to touch. The only man she wanted to hold in her arms.. the only man she fell in love with. She felt ridiculous but grateful to have had the chance to let him know how she truly felt. Maybe it was meant to be unrequited but at least, she had loved someone. At least, her heartbeat harder and faster for someone else. At least she even had dreams about a better life for the two of them. Her love was genuine, pure, and that love made her leave King's Landing so she could find him. The princess wanted to find Jaime. The need to ensure his safety and help him heal was too strong to confine her between the walls of the Castle. She needed to find him dead or alive and if Fate had willed him to die, then she would have found him and buried him properly. She was willing to go to the end of the world if that helped her find him. But where was he now? Her heart broke when she found him all those months ago. He was nothing but the shell of the man she used to know. It was fair enough, after all, he had lost Cersei. He had lost his will to live and yet kept on living. And once again, Fate wanted them together. Taking his rejection in the face had to be the hardest thing the princess had to endure. She had to sit and listen to that man tell her that she deserved another man, a younger and better man than he was. While she understood that he didn't think very much of himself, it still felt as if he was rejecting her love because he couldn't fall in love with her.. somehow, this was also true. Jaime was forever Cersei's... forever hers...

What did it matter anyway, the siege would soon end. She heard the noises of the troops readying for the last charge. She knew it was only a matter of time before they attacked and no matter how strong and skilled the princess was, she couldn't defeat an army. There, in that little town, the journey of Bäahal was about to end. She already decided she would die on the spot, fight like a dragon until one of them killed her. She refused to let them take advantage of her, rape her like so many men did during the war. She refused to have yet another man possess her body, the one she fought so hard to regain control of. She refused to let a man she didn't want to ruin her before she died. Either her fever would take her away, either the sword would be her doom but never a man... ever. She leaned her forehead against the window and felt tears roll down her cheeks. Bäahal was exhausted and desperate; she wanted everything to be over and soon. But even in moments like these, all she could think of was Jaime.

« Jaime... please...I want to see your face again. Is it too much to ask? To see your face again ? » she whispered to herself before she fell on the ground. The sword she held prevented her from falling completely so she was kneeling on the floor, but standing up again would prove to be the most difficult thing she would have to do.

Jaime... Her heart warmed up at the thought of him, of the moment she saw him wear a nice outfit that was too large for him to wear. He had paid attention to his hair and tried to trim his beard enough to look decent to the princess. He even invited her for lunch.. oh.. that was the day she said she was in love with him; that was the day he broke her heart...that was such a sad day... such a beautiful day. A soft smile crept on her lips as she remembered the brief taste of his lips she stole when they met again. It wasn't a true kiss and eventually, that would be something she would never experience, but it was the happiest moments she ever had with someone who wasn't her family or best friend. Still.. her heart was breaking out because she thought she would be dying here alone.... alone.


DOYA: the thomas

Doya : « The Thomas »

A/N : Here I am, explaining why Sarah and Joshua are so important to Oya and why she's freaking out because of Joshua's potential death.


Sarah had not been sleeping well ever since Joshua's friend Jordan called her. All her life, she had been expecting for her phone to ring and tell her that her baby brother died doing his job. It was the same guttural fear that clung to her guts ever since she discovered that her father was a hunter. She dropped her phone, told her husband and kids she had to leave on a quick trip to see Joshua because he was very sick but the never-ending stream of tears betrayed her fear. All she remembered from the conversation she had with Jordan was that Joshua was fighting for his life, but there was little to no chance he would make it. She flew to Phoenix, waited with Jordan for the surgeon to come back only to hear that Joshua had been mangled so badly that they didn't expect him to survive the night. That was when she called Oya. As instinctively as it was for her to breathe, telling her sister that their brother was about to die felt natural. After all, Oya was family wasn't she?

Everything went fast in the blonde's head as she spoke to the ebony hunter. Flashes from distant memories forced their way into her brain. She could see their late mother's smile as she held Joshua in her arms and showed him to his older sister. How tired their mother looked that day, so tired but so happy to have been able to hold her son in her arms. She passed away a week after she delivered Joshua, « medical complications » said the doctors with guilt in their voices. Henri Thomas, a single father of two children decided it would be best if they were aware of the underworld. He taught them everything he knew, trained them from a very young age how to protect themselves and turned them, when they were teenagers, into perfectly capable hunters. Sarah had always refused to follow the path of the Hunter; She had always refused to become one and live a miserable life like her father. Despite his beautiful speeches, Henri was lonely. His wife was dead, his kids were growing up and she refused to have the same destiny like her father. So when Oya arrived in their lives, Sarah had already made up her mind about Hunter's life.

It didn't prevent the three of them to get along very well. Sarah mothered both of them, and while she met her husband and settled for the normal human life she couldn't truly be oblivious of the supernatural world. So she kept training, she kept getting prepared just in case. Henri died and Oya was nowhere to be found. Truth be told, Sarah and Joshua didn't search for her either, after all, they had lives to lead, right? Right? So why did it hurt when she received the first call in ages from her « childhood sister »? why did it hurt to know that Oya had been in the US and not once did she think she could reach out to them? Why didn't she come to the funeral of their father? Sarah had resented Oya for her absence, but she also realized that only Oya understood her. No matter how hard she tried to fit in, her very nature surfaced when in danger. She had to tell the truth to her family, opening the eyes of her babies and her dear husband to the reality of this world. She had to welcome this dangerous lifestyle again in her life and admit to herself that she regretted her choice to reject the hunter's life. The memory of her argument with Oya came back too, the tears, the anger, the angst, the sorrow. Sarah missed her father, she missed him a lot and she wanted him to be proud of her. It took a big argument to have her realize that he was actually proud of the path she chose, she made the life she wanted for herself, regardless of the actual dangers looming over her existence. He was proud and she didn't hate hunters as she thought she did.

For Joshua, it had been different; He had always loved Oya and felt similarities between the two of them. Knowing she was in the US made him happy because he knew that someone else than his sister, someone he considered family was back and in the business. He became very prolific as a hunter, just like his father and for the countless lives he saved, he built himself a solid reputation of an excellent hunter.. so why... why didn't he notice the monster that attacked him? Why did he let it mangle him to the point of his face being unrecognizable? Why didn't he defeat the creature like the others he did defeat? He didn't have an answer to this question. He wouldn't have an answer to this question. His soul was in purgatory, in between the world of the living and the world of the dead. All he knew was that he was living over and over again the moment he met Jessica, his fiancée but in this specific loop, she was dying over and over, leaving him crippled with anguish over her dead corpse. He couldn't hear his sister's voice calling him, asking him to come back to her. He couldn't hear the sad voice of doctors who didn't know if he was alive or dead and were hoping he would make it. All he knew was that Jessica was dead.

Sarah did not count the days that went between the moment she called Oya and the moment Oya told her she had just arrived in town. Relief overwhelmed the blonde who ran her hand through her messy locks. Oya was here and with her there would have some resolution. As far as she remembered, Oya always found a creative way to save them. She always found a way to protect them. It might seem ridiculous at this point when there was nothing left but despair, and yet, Sarah felt relieved. She knew that no matter what, Oya would find out WHO or WHAT attacked her brother and she would get rid of it She would avenge him if she couldn't save him and it was enough to soothe the aching soul of the blonde. What else could she do, if not wish for her brother's soul to find peace? She was hoping Joshua would either wake up or die but not remain in a coma. She was hoping Oya would do what she was unable to do: make them pay for what they did to the Thomas family. Oya came, after all, she came.


The Lion and the Dragon :

The Lion and the Dragon :

// All the usual disclaimers. Bäahal belongs to me and the rest to GRR MARTIN.


She experienced betrayal several times in her lifetime. She watched her mother being betrayed by trusted friends and sold back to Astapor. She experienced it when her mother was betrayed by an unsullied who knew she was to escape with Bäahal to free land. Life had never been tender with the newly crowned princess of the seven kingdoms. She started to be more positive as soon as she was set free from Mereen and even accepted the idea of being more trusting of people. She gained a sister, a nephew, and friends. She learned to trust others and it made her feel better, hopeful even. Why would she be betrayed? Why would she when she found anchors to this life?


She did not see it coming. She trusted her guards, the two young men who were trusted by her very own sister to watch after her. She traveled with them for months, She confided in them and shared meals, fights and sometimes even baths. So, when the two of them ambushed her in a little town ruled by a single lord, she did not see it coming. The whole town was against the princess, and she felt it in the forced smiles and the forced warm welcome she received. She killed one of them and escaped the manor she stayed at for the night. She found refuge in a small hill where the ruins of a former castle and spent the night there.


Hope had left the princess. How could she defend herself and hold a siege when on her own? In moments like these, memories of the glorious days when Viserion was still alive invaded her mind. Viserion died, her companion was murdered and all she could do was defend herself until her last breath. She knew the other knight would gather troops and would try and find her. He knew she wouldn't have been able to leave the town and her odd features would be easy to spot on. She knew it was only a matter of time before they found her and prayed to the seven gods that when they do, she would have enough strength to defeat them all... but it was foolish to expect to survive a small army's attack... it was even foolish to expect she would survive the siege.. but she still prepared for it.... she still wanted to survive.

Chronicles of the Primeval Gods : Life and Death of Ayasha : The Stubborn

Chronicles of the Primeval Gods: Life and Death of Ayasha: The Stubborn

A/N : Ayasha absolutely freaks out over Ishtar's new behavior and the loss of control she had over him.


The Goddess of Knowledge was sitting by the Fountain of Truth. Her hair neatly tied on an elaborate bun and her green orbs watching the water. It had the power to find anyone, anywhere with high accuracy and yet, she still couldn't find her sister. He knew the Sin had used old powerful and forgotten magic to shield her presence to the Fountain. Therefore, she couldn't find her. Not being able to see Elpis and see how she was doing actually terrified the golden goddess. She tried to access the knowledge she had on Elpis and what she found didn't soothe her soul. Elpis was known as being gullible and naive -something that couldn't be anymore since they betrayed her and, she remembered-. Elpis was known to influence humans and gods alike with Hope and Despair. Ishtar knew her better than anyone else since the two of them went on battlefields together. He saw how her mere presence induced hope in the hearts of soldiers who stood back up and fought until Death swept them from this plane of existence. Ishtar felt that the same energy flows through his veins as if Elpis encouraged him to do his best. How could he not take into consideration that whatever plan she had in mind, it involved her using her ability against them? They would not be able to resist her influence and if it wasn't Hope she was going to induce in their hearts, it would be Despair and Despair proved to be the downfall of empires... the destroyer of strong wills, the annihilation of life.

Ayasha remembered when Elpis threw a destructive temper tantrum. She went on her own to the Sumerian Pantheon and destroyed them all by herself. The golden goddess remembered seeing her little sister covered with blood, holding in her hands the heart of her enemy and relishing in the havoc she wreaked. Elpis was destructive, she was stupidly powerful and they only had a glimpse of that untapped power. Goosebumps covered her arms as she imagined just how pissed off and revengeful her pink-haired sister was. What they did to her went beyond any redemption, they betrayed her and tried to kill her. She was cursed for 2000 years, forced to reincarnate into human beings, forgotten by all, including her lover. How could she not want retribution for this crime? Shivers went down the spine of the goddess who growled at the feeling of fear creeping into her heart. Why was she scared of someone she knew so well? Why couldn't she think of ways to eliminate Elpis once and for all? When it came to her little sister, her emotions were taking the best of her. Or was she distracted because Ishtar's behavior was different? Ayasha couldn't tell, but she could feel she was restless.

Ishtar acted as if he knew she was trying to manipulate him. She was well aware of what Leviathan told him but didn't think that those words would resonate still. Leviathan was an opportunist. He wanted power and he hated the fact he never had any control over Ayasha. From the very beginning he was suspicious of his sister and her ever-growing desire to be on top of everyone else. Maybe they understood each other so well because they were the same, maybe he was just able to see through her schemes but very soon, he knew she was ambitious and wanted power just as he wanted it. He noticed her skills at manipulating those around her and make sure they never realized the extent of her ambition.

Ayasha proved that knowledge was power, and nobody needed to have a tremendous strength like Ishtar or Leviathan had, or control over elements to actually be dangerous. She knew of their strength and weaknesses. She knew their habits and dreams and desires. She knew everything and because she did, she was able to manipulate Fate in her favor. Leviathan despised that ability but acknowledged how dangerous his sister actually was. Despite their arguments, both Ishtar and Leviathan respected each other and while both knew the primeval god of the oceans wanted to destabilize the harmony between his siblings, Ishtar knew he wasn't lying. Leviathan didn't lie. Ayasha was manipulating him.

She knew that her surviving brother was taking his distance from her. He needed time to reflect on what Leviathan told him and see for himself if it was the truth or not. Ayasha knew he would not let her get close to him again, until his suspicion left him, so she had to convince him otherwise, but could she? Could she take some control back when her sister was at their doors? Ishtar didn't want to listen, he underestimated Elpis once again and the sin she called a companion. He believed that because he gained extra power from being the new All-Father he could get rid of these two, but he was mistaken. All-father or not, Sins were given the power to destroy gods and Pride would absolutely be able to destroy Ishtar if the latter didn't pay attention.

« You are a fool, brother, if you think you can defeat our enemies without a little bit of preparation. » She furrowed her brows and clenched her fists. « I would not be defeated by our sister and I won't let it happen. She will come to our doors. She knows her way inside. I will change our realm, make sure that the usual shortcuts are destroyed and that the only way to the realm is by the front door. » She stroked her chin. « This way, Elpis would have no choice but to announce herself and make herself vulnerable. »

She then used the fountain of truth to look at the known weaknesses of her own sister. Primeval gods were supposed to be invincible, but each and every one of them had a weakness. Ishtar, as the God of War was vulnerable to empathy and compassion. Once he felt those emotions, it became very difficult for him to be driven by blood lust. His own compassion for his sister led him to curse her instead of killing her. Elis weakness would be a doubt ; She had to doubt her own worth, her own love, and that of the Sin « had » for her. Doubt would, for sure, neutralize her sister but how could Ayasha make it happen? As her mind was wandering off, the goddess was interrupted by a minor god of Wind who knelt before her.

« Speak now and speak well. I hope you didn't interrupt me with triviality. »

« No, my queen. I came here to report on our sister. »

« Elpis ? What did you find about her ? »

« We found her former host, still alive and thriving in this new world. We thought that eventually, you could use this information against Elpis. »

« Asma is alive ? » -She didn't care about humans and therefore didn't notice Pride didn't kill Asma Jensen. This information lit her face and Ayasha's grin grew larger in size and more terrifying by the minute.

Asma was alive!


Saturday, February 8, 2020

Chronicles of the Primeval gods: Life and Death of Ayasha and Ishtar :

Chronicles of the Primeval gods: Life and Death of Ayasha and Ishtar :

A/N : Long time no see. I'm so very excited about this new chapter. Finally, the sin is done with his siblings and can focus on the primeval gods. Finally, Elpis is going to be avenged.


Pandemonium :

Ayasha rushed into the throne room, her blonde hair disheveled, her breathing labored as if she'd just seen a ghost. Her golden tunic was merely held together by a thin fabric belt, her hair was messily braided and fell onto her chest and the scandalous cleavage that barely covered her breasts. Under any other circumstances, Ishtar would have thought she was attractive, but her face forced him to reconsider the situation. She was worried. She walked briskly to the throne, her forefinger pointed at her older brother, the new All-Father and while her throat was still thick with the screams she refused to let out, her eyes were filled with ire.

 The whole body was shaking from the contained emotions, but her eyes spoke for her. She was distraught. The threat she thought was contained many moons ago surfaced again. The Sin came back victorious from his fight with its siblings and became the undisputed king of the Underworld. She heard of the war of the sins and received another visit from a black butterfly. It announced the death and she wasn't sure of which one it was. She threw the dead carcass of the animal on the floor before the feet of her brother and kept her pointed finger at him.

Ishtar was still sitting on his throne, emotionless. Over the weeks, since his sister was reborn and sheltered in the Underworld, the new All-Father had been rebuilding his kingdom. He realized that he had to restore the glory of the primeval gods, those who remained alive and loyal to him had to feel a semblance of normalcy and power in order to keep ranks. He built up the glorious realm that once stood proudly above the Earth, in the Astral plane. It didn't take his mind away from his real concern. His beloved sister. He revisited the memories of his failed attempt at killing her, berated himself for his weakness for her. -his love held his hand back in the days and if impending doom was lurking, it was his fault.-

Ishtar still felt confident he could destroy the Sin. He was still an All-Father and he used his power to try and siphon the energy of the remaining pantheons. Some humans still worshipped multiple gods, the Indians, for example, were a great source of energy, but not just them. Many souls were animists, praying to elements and deities they couldn't name. Of course, those were the primeval gods, owning several names and growing in strength. Pride meant nothing. He set his blue hues onto the golden goddess of knowledge and snarled at her facial expression and the suppressed anger she was showing him.

« Speak, sister or I will force you to speak to me. »

« I was visited once again by a black butterfly. Someone is going to die again and it could be you or me and I very much don't want to die. »

« Did you come here to lecture me about not killing Elpis when I had a chance? »

« I wouldn't dare. » She sneered before she crossed her arms above her chest. « However, I can't sense her and this is a problem. She knows our realm, she could lead the Sin to our gates and we would be lost. »

« Why are you so afraid of the Sin? Do you honestly think that he could defeat me? I am the primeval god of War. I AM THE ORIGINAL! I invented it! I perfected it! I toyed with it for millennia. He can't come up with a better plan. He can't overcome me. I was /born/ prepared. »

The blonde shook her head and protested. Since when did her brother become so difficult to manipulate? He didn't want to listen to her, he didn't seem to be even receptive to her manipulation. Her rage increased and she snarled even harder.

« Then you are a /fool/ if you think that Elpis won't surprise you when she comes to our gates too. She is the elder goddess of Hope /and/ Despair. Don't you think that she would have a negative influence on our siblings? Don't you think she can't influence us? Do you honestly think that we can defeat her /and/ the sin at the same time? » She yelled at him, unable to refrain her anger any longer.

« ENOUGH! » He stood up and quickly walked to her. His hand squeezed her neck and started to squeeze hard. Ayasha's features were still defiant as she didn't want to lose an inch of control over her brother. Was it hubris? Was it the truth? She put her hands on Ishtar's hands and furrowed her brows. « I do not want to hear one more word from your mouth. You keep questioning me as if I didn't plan anything. You keep talking, over and over again. You keep talking and I keep thinking that all you want is to control me. So from now on : SHUT YOUR MOUTH! » He yelled close to her face. She shrugged and closed her eyes. For the first time, the goddess fo knowledge realized the true potential of her brother. He let his aura spread across the room and it was so powerful and so heavy that it would have brought her to her knees if she was standing up. « Leave me be, Ayasha. Leave this room and the next time you come back, make sure you have a better mindset. »

He released her throat and Ayasha coughed for air. She blinked and rubbed the bruised throat and hurriedly left the room. He was foolish, she thought because he didn't know the dangers that lied ahead. Her sister would soon appear again, and perhaps at full strength.. if not, with a strength that went beyond anything she expected.


Targaryens letters: 1 & 2

Targaryens letters:

// A/N: All the usual disclaimers: GOT doesn't belong to Me, Bäahal belongs to me. After she left King's Landing, she would write letters to her sister in order to keep her in the loop of things. 


Dear Dany.

I thought long and hard about what to say ever since I left king's landing but I couldn't find my words. I couldn't face my emotions so I left with nothing but a hug and a promise to come back later. When I left that day, I had to say I felt both relieved and sad. I didn't want to leave your side but I had to. As you know Ruling isn't for me, advising isn't for me either. I couldn't sit and watch you from afar. It didn't sound like me. It wasn't me. It still isn't.

I had to go out there, push myself to my limits so I could know who I was.... who I am. I need to know who I am. For far too long I had been the product of my father's heinous crime. I had been a slave, a dancer, an assassin.... and most recently I have been a sister and even a warrior but... who is Bäahal? Who am I? I have no idea, Daenerys. I don't know and not knowing is driving me crazy because I can't project myself to the future.

I left for another reason. One that you knew from the very beginning given how poorly concealed my emotions were. I care for Lod Jaime. I care for him and I can't let him be on his own. He's just lost the love of his life.... he's hated by many, he must feel lonely. Eventually, should I learn someone killed him, I want to give him a proper burial. I can't explain why I am doing it but I have to. So I will find him, even if it takes me years I have to find him. And myself in the process. I hope you will forgive me, Dany. I hope you won't believe I am abandoning you. I hope this letter finds you.

With love.


Dear Dany,

It's been a couple weeks now since I Left King's landing. I should have said something earlier but couldn't find the strength to write a letter. I feel the need to apologize to you. I miss you and I know you probably feel the very same for me right now. I will come back, I promise you that, I will be back. Being far away first seemed like a very bad idea. I was missing you badly, I was wondering if my decision to leave was sound and right. I was afraid I made a mistake and somehow I guess I was afraid to find myself. Then it became clearer and clearer as I visited new places. People never had the visit of the

a sovereign before until I came and I think, no I'm sure, it's helping people. it's helping you. I want nothing but to help you reign as peacefully as possible and have you sit on the throne with our kin, Jon. I know you haven't officially claimed anything regarding your relationship with Jon but it's clear that you care for him. it's clear that you love him. I see the way you look at him and the way he looks at you and I see...I see beauty.

oh sister........... it is a very lonely journey. one I am not sure I will be able to do by myself. I am filled with doubt, sister and fear but as any true Targaryen, I have to move forward, so I will.

let me know how you're doing.

I love you

Doya : Until the end of the line.

Doya : Until the end of the line.

A/N : It's been a little while. Let's move a little bit of the story to the beginning of the new case we wanted them to work on.


Oya couldn't sleep that night. They had just arrived at phoenix and the ebony hunter wasn't able to close her eyes and rest. A couple days ago, the man she considered her brother was severely attacked and in a coma. She still remembered the call she received from Sarah Thomas, asking for her help. The sobs, the screams, the anger filtered in the voice of the woman she considered a sister still echoed in her mind and a terrible feeling was holding onto her guts. Joshua could die at any moment, hell, he could be dead by now and the thought was unbearable. She couldn't sleep because it felt as if she'd lost her family once again. Her eyes, now swollen from the tears she cried, were burning. As she shifted on the bed, Dean kindly sat on the bed. He couldn't sleep as well, not in a moment like this, not when she needed him the most.

« Oya... »

« I can't sleep, Dean. I just can't. We've been driving for days, but here I am crying still. » She said, sitting on the bed as well.

« Do you think he's dead ? » he bluntly asked. It wasn't that he wanted to be mean, but Dean wanted her to express herself, at least, enough to let go of what was tormenting her. It was off-putting, she couldn't say otherwise, but at least, it was something she could hold onto. The question made her shiver and she nodded quietly.

« He is...Sarah spoke of revenge, she spoke like someone who lost someone already. They were my family, the one who welcomed me for a brief moment in their lives so I could train and become a better hunter. Their dad was my dad's best friend. We were family... so, when Sarah called and cried over the phone, I felt her fear... her pain. He's dead. » She said, sobbing again.

«Oya... » He put his hand on her shoulder and pulled her against his taller and stronger frame. Her face rubbed against his hard chiseled chest and she closed her burning eyes, unable to stop crying. Her arms slowly wrapped around his chest and she leaned harder against him. « I'm sorry. »

She nodded. Of course, he did. Dean literally lost his brother to Lucifer, not once, but at least three times already. He had to witness his brother turn into a cold-hearted maniac. He had to chase after him, try and find ways to set his soul free from Hell. He had to endure the pain of losing his only friend, his little brother, despite his promise to always watch after him. He could understand the way the petite hunter felt at that moment. He let his hand run up her neck and then her hair.

« We'd find what attacked him and we'll destroy it. » He sounded determined. She could feel his support in his words and it made the hunter feel relieved. She wasn't alone in this mess and while they weren't sure Joshua was actually dead, thinking he was helped her. « Listen, O, what if Joshua's not dead? »

« I'd rather think he's dead, D. At least I am prepared for the worst news. If I have one sliver of hope about him being alive, and he turns up dead, I won't stand back up. I won't be able to. So please, let me believe he's dead. Let the rage and anger fuel me rather than Hope. » She pleaded, her eyes now looking at him.

« Okay... Let's do it your way. Just know that I'm here. I won't leave your side. » He said, planting a kiss on her forehead, and then on her nose. She smiled faintly at him and cupped his cheek.

« You never left my side, D. You've always been here with me. » She set her puffy red eyes unto his emerald ones and gave him a faint smile. He stroked her scalp and leaned his forehead against hers.

« I won't leave. » He repeated again before he pressed his lips to hers. The petite hunter wrapped her arms around his neck and helped herself so she could straddle him.

« If I lose josh.. hell if I even lose Sarah,... I don't know what I will do. I guess I guess... I need you to understand that you are my family too. I tied my life to yours. I laced our destinies together, I accept you... as a whole. I accept your stubbornness... I accept how short-lived our lives are, as long as I get to live them with you. So... Dean...Dean, please... don't ever leave me. »

She was extremely vulnerable at this moment, doubt crept into her mind and the uncertainty of tomorrow was crushing her soul. She knew they were living on borrowed time but still wanted to make it the best life they could have. Dean smirked at her, with that very famous attractive smirk of his and gently stroked her cheek. Her words were everything. She didn't need to say more but she already said everything. Dean knew she cared for him, more than just through the ugly aprons she brought him home. He knew already, that she had entwined their fates and made room for herself into his heart and soul. She was there and because she was there, he had to care for her. He let his hand run into her hair and then kissed her lips again, with more passion and intent. She was exhausted, so he knew it wouldn't go further than kisses and cuddles but she needed those signs of affection and he was willing to give them to her.

« You're my family too, Oya. Do you understand? » She felt his hand cup her cheek and stroke it with his thumb and it made her lean into his touch.

« I do... » She repeated and pressed her lips to his once more. « Now and Always... you hear me? » He chuckled and nodded while she pressed another kiss and leaned against his chest. « Thank you, Dickhead... » Her voice was sleepy, but he knew she wouldn't sleep for a while. So he remained calm and didn't move.

« You're welcome Bitch... » He said with affection It was their little nicknames, something that helped them tease each other and show each other that things were alright... things were alright.

And things would be....with time.