(SoA): thoughts
// All the usual disclaimers
Was everything alright? They looked like it. Asma did try to focus on the good things. Jax was back, Jessica was back and both were alive. She should have stopped there, period. But Asma's mind had always been overthinking. Perhaps it came from the years of abuse at the hand of a possessive little dead shit. Perhaps it was losing her only brother to gang-related issues and mixing just a tiny bit with danger when she tried to rescue Jax by going to the Niners by herself, had the woman's anxiety going off the charts. She wasn't calm. How could she be when she noticed the subtle changes in her family?
Jax came back home, traumatized. She could see it, she went through trauma, she was traumatized as well. PTSD they called that. She was suffering from it ever since Oscar first laid his hands on her. She was able to manage it, but certain songs, some sounds, some words put together triggered her and she had seen Jax blackout once or twice during family gatherings. Did he even address the issue? how could she talk to him without hurting his feelings? she wanted to help and was determined to sit down with him and have that conversation. "What did they do to you, Jax? what did they make you feel?" after all, she saw him, back when Jessica wasn't around anymore and couldn't see him. Asma visited him until he went to the nursery..; so she knew...
Jessica came back a little bit shady. She understood why the brunette couldn't speak. The business was as business was... she couldn't put everyone int he confidence.. she never put Asma in the confidence and for good reasons. Asma couldn't blame her but she couldn't stop worrying about her. Jessica was a little bit of a firecracker when it came to making decisions. she was able to put herself in very tricky situations that would benefit everyone in the end but had to be carefully planned and calculated. Danger followed her like her own shadow and this whole situation felt dangerous... perhaps, once again, it was the presence of this Jon Wick that also didn't appease the young woman.
Jon was... Jon felt...she felt shivers go down her spine whenever he was around because she knew that he wasn't here to joke. He was certainly a professional and he was certainly extremely good at what he did. The man wasn't talkative and she knew they started on the wrong foot because of her constant questioning. He wouldn't kiss and tell and she would never know if her hunch was actually true or just her head messing around with her. He wasn't dangerous for her though, nor for the people of the group. So she knew he was an ally. he was here to protect. he was here to protect Jessica while pretending he wasn't going to protect them.. wait, no.. he clearly stated he was there for protection and was hired by Jessica... was Asma thinking way too much? as her thoughts quickly began to get scrambled, Asma looked past her window and sighed deeply. Nothing made sense... nothing but at least she could still ink. Maybe she could be able to bond with the mysterious Mr; Wick through a conversation about tattoos... Maybe...
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