Wednesday, May 12, 2021

COPG : Life and Death of Ayasha : In Vain


COPG : Life and Death of Ayasha: In Vain

A/N : Of course, Ayasha is absolutely devastated by everything that has been happening. She doesn't really know what's going to happen soon. She had drawn her cards and yet nothing positive is happening. So she's been closely watching the human vessel of her sister. Well, a former human vessel.


Ayasha was looking at the fountain, in hopes that maybe her sister and the Sin would have made a mistake, but it seemed that they were not likely to make mistakes. Why would they when the Sin's magic could shield them perfectly? Ayasha was growing desperate, mostly because she no longer had the controls he hoped to have on Ishtar who forced her to reveal her secrets to him. Yes, she was power-hungry. Yes! She wanted to get rid of the rest of the pantheon so she would have been the only one and yes! She manipulated him into killing their father and replacing him and cursing Elpis since he couldn't murder her. Since she had admitted to the truth, Ishtar had been distant, as if he didn't want to talk to her but she knew he was plotting, probably plotting against her. This made the goddess writhe in anguish and anger as she was now cornered. Think, Ayasha, Think.

Her eyes averted from the fountain to the beautiful landscape. After all this war, the one good thing that didn't change was the landscape. As soon as Ishtar and Ayasha established their supremacy, the other gods followed and they restored the once destroyed palace and garden. This used to bring her peace, back when Khaos was alive and Gaea pretended to care for her progeny. The reality wasn't as good as the lies fed to them by their parents. Ayasha wanted to kill her mother, but she knew she didn't have the amount of power necessary to do such a thing. She also knew that her sibling didn't control the full power of the All-Father so both of them would never be able to destroy Gaea. But could Elpis? Ayasha did study the places destroyed in the wake of her sister and her lover. She noticed the insane amount of energy used to create chaos, pure chaos. She could feel her sister's power and noticed that it actually was far stronger than 2000 years ago. Perhaps, with the rage that was boiling inside her, would Elpis take over their mother and become the new-All-Mother. However, if she did, it would come with a cost, and once she wasn't willing to pay.

She furrowed her brows and bit her thumb. Where was she now? Her brother tolerated her presence, he even allowed her back in his bedroom so they could fuck but she no longer had control over him... yet. Ayasha was cunning and she had a silver tongue, she would make sure to find a way to get into her brother's mind again but it would require some time and some more skills. Elpis was still hard to detect, if not undetectable. So what was left of her? She anticipated Elpis' desire to grow stronger, so they were inevitably on Earth, but Gaea still refused to make a move towards her daughter, in fear of awakening her true power too soon and lose her for good. Elpis was growing stronger and Ayasha was cowering in a corner which she hated. They had lost the dagger of fate but would forge god-killing weapons. Sure, they wouldn't know how to destroy a sin -not yet-, but Ayasha was actively looking for parchments or whatever piece of information she could get from the Greek pantheon. Maybe if she found Hades or Hades' hide-out, she would be able to know how the sins were made and what it could take to unmake them. She had to be careful because not everyone was an ally among the remaining of the Greek pantheon, but she was hoping to talk her way out of the issues.

But if nothing worked? If there was nothing left for her but to wait for a potential death? Ayasha loved life way too much to sacrifice herself. She still had the vessel, Asma Jensen, who was roaming free and who befriended the goddess without knowing she was one. She still wanted to cause mayhem between the sin and her sister and what better than to threaten -or kill- the human who started it all? Ayasha felt that she still had a solution, no matter the issue presenting itself to her. She was already looking for a way to unmake Pride, leave his energy without a body so he wouldn't be able to interfere with them. She was forging a weapon capable of taking out her enraged sister and she was at the same time willing and on top of it all, she was working her way back into her brother's heart. Perhaps she miscalculated and he would prove to be a good ally, a partner, an emperor for her empress. She wanted to believe that with truth, their relationship could blossom for the better but she wasn't sure. There was a lot at risk and not a lot of answers, which never had a good look. So yes, the blonde goddess was staring at the fountain of Truth, looking for anything, anything that could help her out of her situation. In vain. For now.


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