"Queen of my heart,
You are amazingly dependable, reliable and you fill my life with unspeakable joy.
This is why I love you with undying love."
Hope was. Hope was the little comfort in the heart of any sentient being that clung most when Life was dire.
Hope was a source of strength, the very one that made soldiers stand back up and run towards a certain death so they could protect those they cared about or the one that made a mother risk it all to feed her children.
Hope was a source of inspiration. For those who invented, trailblazed and endured a thousand tortures in order to shape a better world.
Hope was the desire to achieve a goal, free of morals, free of societal norms. Hope was what motivated people to pursue their dreams or stay away from their vices. Hope was a motivation.
Elpis was many things. She was Power. She was Passion. She was Dedication and Sacrifice. She was the World.
And the World was her.
Or more accurately, the World was HERS.
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