Saturday, March 26, 2022

GoT: regular "A fighter"

A/N: I miss them. I miss regular GoT as well but here is a little glimpse of the princess' thoughts.


The Red Keep was strangely quiet at night. Bäahal enjoyed the quasi-silence that had settled in the empty hallways of the castle. She took a liking to walk for a couple hours at night, visiting places she already knew like the Throne room or the War room. Those long walks allowed for the princess to think her life through and enjoy the silence of the place to reflect on the most recent decisions she had to make or would have to make in the near future. the princess had accepted that she would have to hide in the Red Keep and make sure that very few people saw her alive, in order to keep the rumors of her supposed Death still running. She accepted that she would have to let Jaime leave the Red Keep to investigate a Lord she suspected was responsible for her attack. She had accepted that there was a chance, Daenerys didn't accept her union to the knight and even if she did, plenty of people would not. Loving Jaime was not a walk-in garden. It wasn't going to be easy. The Lannisters (especially Jaime), had the bad habit of making enemies out of everyone and the whole seven kingdoms had someone vindictive enough to try and kill the Knight and those around him. Anyone, Jaime included, told her that it would be risky for her to enter an official relationship... let alone have his children. But she was stubborn. She persisted. She loved him. 

She also liked going downstairs, where she could find what once was considered the remains of the last great dragon.  There she could mourn for a while her fallen dragon. She could remember the moments spent together and the bond these two shared. He did choose her and the two of them bonded in a way no other could do. She would talk to the gigantic skull about the life she managed to live without him. She would talk about the death of the Night King and the Victory of his mother on Cersei. She would talk about her growing feelings for Jaime Lannister and the fact she became an Ambassador for Daenerys once she was crowned a queen. She opened her heart about the joy she felt upon finding Jaime alive months later and the heartbreak he gave him when he rejected her feelings for him. She spoke of the betrayal of those she considered her friends and the siege that followed which nearly took her life. She spoke of Jaime confessing his love to her and their first night sleeping next to each other. She spoke of the heartbreak and fear of having her sister reject her union to the knight and her pleas to the gods. Vyserion knew everything, despite not being alive anymore. It soothed the princess' heart to talk to her best friend, to let him know that she was doing alright, and to let him know that her life didn't stop at his death. If anything, it helped her life even more. Yes, he did!

Oh, by the seven gods! that was quite a life. Bäahal realized that she'd been through a lot in her life. From the circumstances of her birth to the death of her mother. From the years as a slave and the abuse at the hands of her masters, to become Princess of the Seven Kingdoms. From an orphan without a family left, to someone who had a nephew and a sister still alive. She had lost a lot but managed to maintain a soft heart. She had lost a lot... yet she was alive, more than ever. She fought so hard to survive and protect those she loved. She learned to take on responsibilities she had no idea of and managed to do it with grace, poise, and success (relative success). With the whirlwind that had been her life lately, the princess had no time to think of her mother, until that quiet night. Would she be proud of her? Bäahal chose to think so. Her mother Sunni, always told her daughter that there was pride in fighting for one's life. It might be a losing fight, but the heart would be at peace knowing it had tried everything in its power to be set free. That was why she didn't beg for pardon when she was caught trying to smuggle her daughter out of slavery. That was why she told her daughter that she was at peace and content because she had tried everything to get her out of this miserable life. That was why, she wasn't ashamed of her scars or branding, because she knew that she fought hard against those who tortured her.  Bäahal did the same. Bäahal was a fighter. She realized as she spoke to the skull, that she always fought for her life and today was no different than before.

Today she was free. Today she was a princess. Today she was an accomplished warrior who not only participated but also won two major wars but who also was the champion of the people she defended during the siege. Today, she was finally in love with another man, trusting him enough to give him her heart to protect. She would -If the gods were favoring her- know what it was like to make love to a man. She would know what true pleasure was and how love was transformative. Today, she was a kind woman, despite all the traumatic experiences she's been through, despite the anger, the pain, the loss, Bäahal was able to keep a kind and loving heart. She was able to try and perpetuate her mother's teachings. In a way, Today was proof that her mind had not been broken by those who tried to tear it apart. Her masters lost in more than one way. Her masters didn't snuff the light inside her, instead, it burned brighter. Her mother... Oh... Her mother would probably encourage her. She would be proud of her choices, regardless of how controversial those might be. She would have approved of Jaime because she would judge him on the content of his heart and his heart was... His heart was the heart of a man who was ready and willing to do anything for those he loved. 


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