Quote of the day "Not everything has to become a mission. Not everything has to carry the weight of people's expectations. When you write, you first do it for yourself and perhaps, some people would get along with the story. Perhaps, some people would identify with your characters. Sometimes it's good to have glitter for the sake of glitter with no higher purpose. Have fun!" <--- Brought to you by my dear dear friend Myriam M. who is a French writer.
I was lamenting about how long it's taken me to finish the first draft (which isn't finished yet.) and how I felt like a fraud. She told me that storytelling was my calling, that I was able to write thousands and thousands of pages worth of alternate universes, fanfictions, original stories, and poems and I felt the best when I was doing it. (Thank you by the way M.)
She told me that I shouldn't be worried about the way people would welcome my book, nor change the topics I actually talk about (war, self-acceptance, mental illness, politics/ conspiracies on another planet than Earth). She told me that I shouldn't make it more than it is. it doesn't have to be a game-changer. It doesn't have to be a masterpiece. It doesn't have to please the majority. It only has to please me and be the story I want to write. It only has to be something I can be proud of. It has to be something I had fun writing.
And she's right. I have noticed that in this business (but also in life in general), people put too much pressure on their shoulders and aren't able to enjoy either their work or whatever they enjoy because they feel the need to make it bigger than it is and to seek unanimous approval. (which is impossible and it's okay.) Please, have fun. please, enjoy your craft and any other leisure activity you're doing. Sometimes, glitter is just glitter and we have the right to enjoy it.

*I honestly can't wait to finish the book (Editing will start this year. If all goes well, It should start around June/ July.) and be able to talk more about it 

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