// A little bit of Ada and a little bit of Mary, perhaps with dashes of Finn.
Finn had tried all morning to enter Ada's living room, but was barred from entering by his sister. Mary had been giving her a medical examination of her body in order to make sure that everything was alright. Ada had been exhausted lately and had been bleeding a little bit, which concerned her about a potential internal bleeding. Finn couldn't enter, which made him a little upset because he wanted to hear her sing and tease her about his brother. He had to wait outside and decided to spend time with karl. Ada, who was laying on the couch, propped herself on her elbows, blew some air into her hair to set her eye free.
"Mary?" -Mary lifted her head and planted her green eyes on Ada's blue eyes.- "When was the last time you had fucked?" -The question made Mary blush and she chewed at her bottom lip.- "Come on. you can answer me. "
"Why do you wanna know? Is it because I'm looking at your vagina, eh?" -That made Ada laugh and she grinned at the young woman-
"Come on. Don't be a prude. I just want to know if you get your plumbing done." -Mary chuckled and straigthened on the couch. She stood up and walked to the bar counter where a basin of warm water was waiting for her.- "I'm serious Mary. it's important to have sex. it's good for your mood."
"Ada! Thank you for your concern but I am fine." -She said, washing her hands in the basin while Ada pulled her panties back on and sat on the couch. She pulled a cigarette from her bag and lit it.- "you're fine by the way. I didn't see any internal injuries."
"Thank you, Mary. It was nice to come and take a look at me. That's very kind of you."
"Don't mention it. T'was my pleasure to come and help." -Mary dried her hands on the towel that was sitting near the table.- "And to answer your question, the last time I fucked a man was...." -She bit her tongue and cleared her throat. She couldn't say it.
The last time she had sex was with Tommy. Right after the death of John, Tommy and Mary comforted each other and ended up sleeping together. It meant nothing at the moment but a way to grieve together for the man they both loved but it was the last time she had sex. Before that, well, before that, the last sex she ever had was with her last landlord. Long before the Peaky Blinders took her in and protected her from the London Gangsters, and long before she went to live with Tommy, she fucked her landlords in order to not pay the rent with money. It wasn't always great, and some didn't want to let her take charge of the act, but at least it was quite fast. She liked sex, but it never lasted long enough for her to enjoy it fully and she always ended up frustrated. It took her a while, since she settled at Tommy's countryside house, to get used not to have her bed warmed by the presence of men. She managed and for a couple years, she managed to stand solitude.
But then Grace died. Then John died. Then She and Tommy had sex and that awoke her appetite. Ada knew it happened, mostly because she noticed the change in Mary's behaviour. She noticed the change in the way she dressed herself, the fact she was trying to seduce Tommy, the fact she was absolutely seducing Tommy but he didn't want to act on it -for reasons of his own- and it was so painfully obvious that Ada took it upon herself to actually address the situation to his brother. He pretended he didn't hear her, didn't even want to mention Mary's name and tried to keep her out of his business, but she could see the gleam in his eye, the stress on his face he was unable to hide, and it downed on Ada that her older brother actually cared a great deal about Mary. And yes, that also meant that he wanted to have sex with her but refused to do so, again, for reasons that were only his own.
"You can say it. We know you and Tommy fucked each other brains out." -She teased her, blowing some smoke in front of her.- "The only question I have to ask you is... have you done it again?" -Mary shook her head and put both hands on the counter- "And why?"
"Because!! I don't know. Go ask Tommy about it." -She said, turning on her heels and looking at Ada with a blushing face.- "I haven't had sex with him since then."
"But a pretty girl like you must have plenty opportunities for this, right?" -She shrugged- "Come on, you can tell me what's going on, right?"
"I don't sleep with other people. I don't want to. I don't have the need for--"
"Oh come on. Don't act all prude on me. You need it, we need it! if that makes us sluts then we're super sluts and you know it!" -Ada blew some smoke and chuckled at her own words. Mary was blushing so hard that it made Ada laugh. it was all just banter, a way to embarrass the young woman and poke fun at her while actually having a nice girls talk.- "You love sex! Did you forget the conversations we had about it? If you love it, then how can you deal without it, Saint Mary?"
"Don't start, Ada! Don't call me that. I'm not a saint." -Mary fetched herself a glass of gin and walked towards the couch.-
She sat on it, and yanked her head back so she could look at the ceiling. Ada smiled at her and turned a little bit so she could have a good look at the young woman. As a matter of fact. Ada was probably the last to meet Mary. She had heard about the young woman from Polly -who quickly took a liking in her- and from her brother who mentioned her casually. There was nothing, at first, that could have made Ada think that Tommy might care for Mary more than just a Peaky Blinder's friend, but he was animated when he spoke about her singing. He was animated when he told her what his son had to say about his day with Mary. And she noticed the smile on his face each and everytime someone mentioned the woman. It was subtle, barely visible, but Ada knew her brother and that didn't escape her keen eye. It took her a while before she actually met Mary and judged by herself, but when it happened, she put her to test. She wanted to make sure that she was a genuinely kind person who wouldn't hurt her brother. she wanted to make sure that Tommy wouldn't find himself in a bad relationship with someone who could screw them up like Grace did (despite redeeming herself later).
Mary was new, Mary seemed genuine and perhaps a little too fragile. That was before she got to know her better, before she realized that Mary was a survivor. She sat in silence, listening to Mary's tales of the Orphanage, the abuse, the torture, the whip scars on her back she showed on more than one occasion during a night out trying outfits. Ada learned about her resilience and the trauma of losing her child, at just 15 years old. Anything could have made her jaded, anything should have made her jaded, yet she was looking at life with a positive mindset. yet, she was caring for others. yet, she didn't want nor try to hurt others and that was a character strength. That was something good. that was something different, perhaps everything Linda wished she was. perhaps everything Lizzie hoped she could be. Perhaps everything her brother needed. Perhaps everything the whole family needed. Someone who was given the chance to truly embrace herself, to allow her tears to be shed, her anger to be released and her love to be expressed. Ada saw her like a sister, the sister she never had. someone younger than her who could actually understand her.
"Then you can answer me truthfully. I can't believe that nobody had tried to have sex with you, or date. Is there someone who wants to become a rival to my brother?" -She asked, lifting a brow while she drew some smoke and blew it away from Mary.
"Your brother is on a league of his own. Besides, why would he have a rival? That would mean Tom and I would be together. we're not. we're not! so there's no "rivalry" possible. However, if you want me to tell you the truth, Ada. I do have admirers. People I don't really care about but I am polite with. I do have them. Some men want to own me, others want to fuck me and I think maybe one or two tried to marry me." -She chuckled and took a sip of whiskey.- "I don't want any of them. I don't care.."
"You care about my brother's cock, don't you?" -Mary gently threw a pillow at Ada who chuckled and blocked it with a slap of her hand- "What?"
"Ada! Stop talking like this! I am not...I care about Tommy and Charles. I care about them a great deal."
"And you would want to have sex with him again, don't you? Come on! you're young! you can't possibly live like a hermit and not enjoy that gorgeous body of yours and the fun of having a great lover. I say... I say that if Tommy doesn't want to fuck you, then you should find someone else."
"What?... You want me to go find someone to just..." -Ada nodded and drew smoke in.- "Come on, Ada. I can't do that, not now. I have to know if Tommy wants me because if he doesn't, then I won't be pining for him. If he doesn't want me, then I would find me a man who would fuck my brains out, to put it like you did." -She grinned and took another sip of her whiskey.- "What is the question you really wanted to ask me, Ada?"
"Well...I just wanted to know if Tommy had reasons to be worried. He might not say it, I know him and I swear he would panic if someone else was around you. If someone was close enough to snatch you away. You bring him calm. You bring him warmth. You bring him things he never thought he could have again and he is too stubborn and stupid to notice just how much of a treasure you are. If he isn't careful, he might lose you to another man who would dare try to woo you and would succeed in doing so. I just wanted to know if Tommy was not losing you, that's all."
"He...." -Ada was very blunt and her words forced Mary to consider her next words. Ada seemed way too confident when it came to her brother'rs intention. She was trying to tell Mary that Tommy wasn't indifferent to her but it couldn't click in the woman's head. it couldn't click that Tommy might have an interest in her and it didn't click that instead of being the one who should be afraid, according to Ada, it was her brother.- "He doesn't even have me. How can he lose what he doesn't have?" -Her tone was bitter and she took her glass to her lips to empty in one big gulp, the rest of her drink.- "He doesn't even want me. Trust me Ada. He doesn't want me. It's okay. It's okay. Just as I told you. I won't be pining for him to make a move towards me forever. Once I'm sure he doesn't want anything to do with me, then I will let other men court me, love me, fuck me... I'll have that great romp you so desperately want me to have." -She put the glass on her lap and straigthened on the chair.
"Mary. I don't know what others might think, or say, but to me, you are a Shelby. You are my sister and I care a great deal about you. I care enough to give you a piece of advice. Let loose. Dress up. Look fuckable. He has to see that you could catch someone else's eye and you might just go. And you deserve to have a man who wants you, loves you, protects you. You are /my/ sister and I also want your happiness. Tommy is difficult, he's really difficult and despite all of his claims, he isn't fully dead. He's still there. My brother is still there."
"He is...Maybe not with me, but I know he is. I saw him with Grace. I know how alive he could be. She died, and he suffered from it, but he isn't dead." -She took a deep breath and ran her hand over her curly hair. She bit her bottom lip and crossed her legs.- "Will we have Finn wait eternally for us to be done?"
"Finn? Well. He can wait a little longer now, can he?" -Ada smiled and shifted on the sofa so she could look in front of her. "He really likes you. He keeps being goofy around you, but he certainly loves you a lot."
"We're closer in age. He's like a little brother to me. Do you remember when I was still singing at the bar and he kept trying to imitate me but really badly and on purpose?" -She chuckled and shook her head.- "'He...He is a sweet boy. I know he's eager to become a Peaky Blinder, well he is now, but he is still very sweet."
"And stupider! He takes inconsiderate risks. He'll come to see you so you could patch him up and he will look at you with puppy eyes so you don't snitch on him." -She crossed her arms and leaned into the sofa- "So, if he wants to drag you into his shit, he would have to wait. I want to spend some time with you and we will have it."
Mary didn't insist. She was way too happy with just sitting there and talking to Ada for a while. They didn't see each other that much and aside from Polly and the orphanage nurses -with whom she didn't have deep conversations-, Mary needed some feminine company. They decided to talk about Mary's past, her singing career that never took off, her desire to return to singing at some point and also Ada's evolution as a businesswoman and what it entailed. They talked. They laughed. They bonded.
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