"A pagan god. It was nothing but a pagan god with an uncanny determination. He wreaked havoc wherever he went. He nearly killed Oya -and would have succeeded if Castiel didn't have some power left to teleport to her-. He nearly drove the world to an edge and he forced Team Free Will to strike an alliance with uncanny allies. A pagan god did it. he managed to empower Rowena and give an edge to Crowley, everything that Oya feared came true. Everything that Dean, Sam, and Castiel had anticipated, came true. They were betrayed but they were alive. Pluto was killed by Dean, and the world was safe. The battle left some scars on their bodies, Dean suffered a shoulder injury, Oya had some new scars on her arms and legs, and Sam and Castiel also had to nurse some injuries but they were alive. Nobody died. Nobody died."
"You loved me with my scars, silent reminders of my recklessness. You loved me when I was heartbroken and still seeking Death. I was an open wound when we met, yet you still found something to love in me. It's been years now, and I have never been happier since I became your partner. You have loved me in ways nobody ever had before. You have loved me in ways I never thought I could be loved and for this, I am forever grateful.
I have loved you from the moment I realized we were kindred spirits. We've known loss, we've known disappointment. We both have been deceived by words and empty promises. We both have been deluded into living lives that weren't meant for us to live. We both found something unexpected in each other: complete understanding. A life without compromises. the potential to live our lives as we intended to, without sacrificing any part of ourselves.
We found love and we found foundations. We found a family and we found a future. we found ourselves. And for this I am grateful."
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