Thursday, February 23, 2023

Klasma: Headcanon: Power

Headcanons: Power

Nëela is a powerful Witch. She benefits from the curse cast upon her by her supreme. She also benefits from the extended life she got to learn new spells and gain power. She usually would use her powers to heal others and brew potions but Nëela can become hostile rather quickly.  She has been in fights, most of which were lethal.  Nëela has been able to use her powers to various extents and knows several ways to submit or defeat her enemies.  She might not like taking lives, but she finds a peculiar joy in dispatching her enemies and projecting onto them her anger and despair.  Nêela has been covered in their blood more than once and had sometimes been so drunk in power that she found satisfaction in her revenge. She is extremely dangerous and feared among supernatural creatures who are aware of her existence. 

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