Monday, October 2, 2023

A vintage's touch: " I am not weak."

"I am not weak. I refuse to let you call me that. I am not weak! I am a survivor! I survived the abuse at the orphanage I grew up in. I survived the abuse at the hands of my first husband. I survived the loss of my first child. I survived the gangsters my late husband owed money to thanks to the Peaky Blinders. I survived the loss of Grace, of John... and I know I will survive many more losses... I am not weak!

I still got back up on my feet. I still managed to move forward and try to live. I still managed to love, to forgive, to care for others. I still managed to keep my heart and the warmth it had inside. I'm a survivor. I am a mother to both my late child and Charlie. I am a lover.. a partner, maybe a wife to Tommy Shelby. I am a friend, a sister, a confident, and a healer. I am a nurse and I make sure that the orphans growing up at the Institute don't experience what I did growing up.

I am not weak... and I dare you to call me that again!"

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