Thursday, October 5, 2023

Doya: The truth.



"He realized I was living in half-truths. I could never resolve to fully expose myself to him or anyone else for that matter because the truth was filthy, ugly, heartbreaking. They would see the resilience, but not the suffering...not the full extent of it. They would see the determination but not the fear that clung to it. They would see what they wanted to see, but never fully what there actually was. He saw it, the truth, my truth. He saw past the smoke, past the half-smiles, past the clenching fingers and tight jaw. He saw the real me and never once, did he blink. Never once, did he stutter. Never once, did he run away. Ah...I asked Sarah how come I didn't see this one coming, but truth be told, I'm glad I didn't. I'm glad it just happened. He just happened."

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